Fascism and Pedophilia on the rise in the US :)
Journalists, Intellectuals, Professors...
you are the first to die!
So it begins
I don’t see a problem with this
going to have to say that a tshirt has never accurately summed up my views as such this one
I'm a professor/intellectual and I support that shirt.
At least OP doesn't gaslight - she's straightup klan.
>Journalists, Intellectuals, Professors
These are just code for jews, right? If not, it shoud be. They should go first.
What if five people being shot dead is fake news?
You will when your media is controlled only by the state you dumb amerinigger
Fake news. They were shot and then died, they were not shot and were instantly dead.
I didn't say I have a problem with that.
I just know that many Austrians are counting the months before they go to the US to fuck your girl.
I know, I know, if you are rich you can do it today. But holy fuck, even poorfags like me can become king of pink pussy soon :))
shot dead because a guy who stalked a girl was reported on by them and failed at suing them for defamation.
Fake news.
Also the cops failed to act when alerted to this man, his behavior, and his threatening posts on social media where he announced his future victims.
>They should go first
Nobody cares about jews or blacks. You moron. All that matters is money now.
aww. are the journos, then 'champions of the first amendment' angry when other people use that right that they pretend to protect
I meant to reply to you with that.
And for those bluepilled fags who think "oh, he's just lying".
Some representative, aka. your leaders, called his children "fucktoys"... yeeeeah, baby. Suck it in, the truth hurts you.. hahaha. Not me, fucktoys
> deceive population with propaganda
> cover up important matters with sensationalism
> destabilise country with rhetoric
> support coup elected government
> act surprised when people start to notice
Journalism is a tool of the State.
Makings of a fun swing and an interview. People always see the negative.
Fake nooz
> Journalists covering thousands of stolen children
Kill Journalists
> Here we come, USA, USA :D :D
Honestly journalists are lucky that they haven’t been getting lit up en masse. Too many people are hip to their tricks and deception. It’s a good thing for them we are all so sane, calm and measured.
>Fake news reporters
>you are the first to die!
It's better to tie them to lamp posts and beat them with cables, so they slowly die from sepsis, than just hanging them.
nowing how democrats treat milo, he probably jokingly said he wouldnt mind if they died and fake news are taking it out of context
Heritage not hate...
Our msn is already controlled by the state, retard. Allow me to explain the nuance. We're happy when (usually) large funded press outlets, which are state media, get ruined.
Not with independent reporting.
>he probably jokingly said he wouldnt mind if they died and fake news are taking it out of context
Why would not Milo wish western journalists the worst, given how they have treated him?
The anti-white cult that is western journalism are main reason why the West are being destroyed, so we own it to future generations to make an example to what happens to a group that tries to genocide us and ruin the lives of the ones that protest, so nobody dares to do it again in the nearest hundred of years.
Very nice
milop wouldnt wish it upon them because he knows that theyd hate becoming irrelevant more, also they would look like a victim then and would GAIN relevancy if they got gunned down
It's better to meme that our hate was responsible, as the media will run with it, and then we might not only get copycats, the media will take it too far, and then even more white people will end up hating journalists with a passion.
>also they would look like a victim then and would GAIN relevancy if they got gunned down
Nobody but journalists like journalists now, so the message will only be that the journalist have finally pissed of enough people, so they get what they deserve.
German journalists have for instance hid pic related from the public, and that is reason enough for Germans to wish them dead.
Idk if its funny or sad that I knew what pic was despite not being able to read it
fuck journalists. Dishonest fucks. They facilitate and cover up for pedos with their sideways media.
still, in america if they got hunted for their lies theyd jsut say "they are killing us because we are speaking the truth!" and there would be enough idiots who would believe them
Doing this to a society is sadistic and sick, and then not reporting on it because it would cause racism, disqualifies you from the right to be seen and treated as a human.
Well put Bjorn
don't be retard
not so fast
you cant take a left ideology (fascism & pedo) and say its right wing
>"they are killing us because we are speaking the truth!"
You don't really think that? Normalfaggots think that there is no smoke without a fire, so screaming for the harshest punishment as possible, makes the normalfaggots think they are guilty and deserving.
well i hope the reporters who did it get imprisoned for live under the new government, i doubt merkel will be Kanzler for much longer
you are aware how black supremacist theories go right? just as example how stupid people can be
what does the libshit press like to say? freedom of speech isn't freedom of consequence
Journalism is not a respected sacred profession. It is full of sociopathic Manchurian candidate drones and actors and pathological liars. They ALL need to hang and I don’t care if some spic gunned down a bunch of them, that doesn’t change the fact that journalists will pay. As the jews love to say, freedom of the press does not mean freedom from consequence.
>Journalists, Intellectuals, Professors...
You mean the ones pushing the Frankfurt School teachings the hardest are the first ones to die? Whoa
our media is controlled by a single political party
Nothing happened, faggot.
The only thing they want to get rid of reportes is because they report on incest and pedophilia.
Look at those states and their representatives.
God, soon every girl will be fresh flesh.
One leader even called his children "fucktoys".
And we should not get started on Roy Moore.. haha, they looove that guy :) and me too :))
Don't worry. We are fighting the same war!!!
This will be stopped!
>stolen children
god I hate eurojews
Why does Jow Forums hate journalists?
New here, trying to learn more.
Such a wave of newfags. Seriously though, leave now or be stuck here forever.
And have you not been paying attention for the last decade?
Don't post till you've been here for like 6 months at least.
When contacted for comment, Hyde asked the reporter if he was Jewish and then boasted that $5,000 was nothing to him. ... “Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That’s a quote,”
I didn't realize he made that much money, kek
they push multiculturism with islam, which is one of those cultures/religions/ideologies that erradicate every other culture/religion/ideology
Our media is already state controlled, you memefaggot
>well i hope the reporters who did it get imprisoned for live
I think street justice is better, as it sends a message to future generations that just because you did not take part directly, don't mean that you are safe. A court of law will only give out sentences to the ones that really are guilty, but street justice will be satisfied with them being a part of the group that did this, even if they themselves did not take an active part.
There is also others that are guilty, but we can punish them all, so the best thing is to pick a group that is guilty, and then give them all of the blame, and let the rest go free.
Yeah! Cuz Dem dead niggaz we're fake AF
>you are aware how black supremacist theories go right?
Yes. Whitey is evil and created by Jacub, and the niggers think that it real.
PS It's niggers, not blacks on Jow Forums
>we need to understand it
>they realize it's the truth wrapped in memes
oh sorry forgot but im in germany, i might get imprisoned for that. but also Jacub made white people SUPERIOR to niggers, so that they could enslave them
when trump calls the msm the enemy of the people, he's not making an assertion he's making an observation.
If violence begins victimizing journalists, in an unarguably connected way to current events, it is their behavior which will be the impetus not anyone's "rhetoric".
womp womp
>he probably jokingly said he wouldnt mind if they died
He sent it to them in a private message response after they pestered him for an interview or some shit. Then they decided to publish the private messages. Somehow that makes it his fault.
The Left CAN'T meme.
Fuck you
>some sperg wears an edgy shirt.
>cnn: we are all gonna dieeee!!!
The absolute state of the msm
>Why does Jow Forums hate journalists?
They not only ALL support White genocide, they try to deplatform and ruin the lives of the ones that protest it.
They also hide inconvenient shit about the non-whites they work to replace us with, like pic related.
signal harder, faggot. i'm rock hard already
Standard jew procedure
They find new ways to alienate groups of their supporters every day
They create destructive narratives by selective reporting and selective omission which lead to the populace supporting destructive policies based on the information Jew “journalists” feed to them.
I can get behind that shirt.
Fake news and nothing of value lost
maybe if they sincerely believed their lives were in danger they'll have enough urgency to change their behavior.
But doncha know about the jews getting gorrilioned six times by evil Aryan monsters
Every journalist in the current news industry should be shot dead. You don't cover the facts or inform people now, you are a mouthpiece for the government. Obama reinstating state-funded propaganda confirms this.
Oy vey, now I have to retake mandatory shoa class
I dont think they actually believe that. They just want to manipulate normie feelings
Yes we are on the rise you cunt.
Soon you will see.
When the lying mouth of your TV is unplugged you will be just another headless chicken.
>im in germany, i might get imprisoned for that
Yet another thing that can be blamed on journalists, as they have shilled for these laws, while they have tried to ruin the lives of the ones that protested.
One question, journalists are not a protected group, so it's still permissible to do everything in your power to get others to hate them?
Trump isn't a fascist but he should be
There are no journalists
There are only subsidised criminals posing themselves as journalists which is a crime against humanity.
Fuck off nigger kike, shill.
Lolz who cares. Reporters are scum
new word of the day:
from the latin
diurnarius - diary-keeper
caedis - murder
>they pestered him for an interview or some shit
They had already written the article, so the whornalists only needed a few quotes that could be remove from all context, so they could paint Milo as an even bigger monster.
This is anyway how the Merdia does it with other pro-whites, where they talk to you for a couple of hours, only to pick one or two sentences out of context, that can be used to spice up the shitpiece they had already written.
jew vassals
lurk for a year before posting, by then you'll be a National Socialist
millions of us are ok with this. enough is enough.
hivemind (kinda)
I think the Western Merdia is like a cult, where you are fired if you don't show how much you willing to lie to Whitey on a regular basis.
Our media is controlled by a single political system*
gabby gifford was shot by one of her voters
he kept getting stuff in the mail from her and he thought she was spying on him because hes crazy then he went to one of her rallies and shot her
I will celebrate every time that a journalist is killed. Fucking subversive traitors.
So how can we blame that on journalists?
Journalists are the low hanging fruit, the entire Left Intelligentsia needs to be dealt with