>Auntie Maxine
I cringed so hard I herniated a disc in my neck.
1 for every iq point
you should call her
good christ
No one likes her, even in her own party. She's literally retarded. She's just from a district populated by enough brainless and apathetic liberals that she is somehow repeatedly elected.
I'm sick of everyone talking about my fucking generation. No one I know who's a millennial gives a shit about politics, I've never once heard people openly discussing this shit, and I'm talking about normie fags too. No one really cares in the real world, it's all manufactured via propaganda
lol she's the rep from Compton.
>11 people
>Blue Wave
>no one I know who is a millennial gives a shot about politics
Maybe that’s one of the biggest problems with millennial, they don’t give a shit because they’re too worried about being called a racist or bigot if they have any deeply held belief. They’re fine with their country turning to shit and they’re too scared to openly discuss what the real (((problem))) is. That’s why millennial will be remembered as “the worst generation”
Ok boomer, why dont you fix the problems then? Fucking retards talk about how everyone else is to blame but themselves.
>muh boomer meme!
That’s just sad. Another reason to make fun of retarded millenials.
checked, but millenials just are the new boomers
>not allowed to shitpost now
Someones panties are twisted
dumb french
Yeah, you definitely seem triggered
Liberal cuck in the streets.
Trump supporter in the sheets..
That millennial looks like shit.
Liberals have lives. They're not shut-ins who only care about politics.
And I’m the district attorney of Osage county.
Blue wave!
At the beach.
>June 6th
hi Rex Duncan get off Jow Forums