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It's cool though, she's french


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Bing bong!

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Australian banter used to mean something m8
Now look at you

And the Finalizer...

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Fuck that is one important ice agent
Even has the presidents direct contact anytime he wants

No for real though, too many idiots think the fucking poem is our actual immigration policy, it might be time to get rid of at least that part.

Exactly, get the guillotine.

>mfw according to this comic there is only one enlisted person in the entirety of the united states army and his job consists only of waiting for a very specific rocket to be launched so he can shoot it down.
>and he happens to be mentally ill

Let's not forget who wrote it, filthy goy

Attached: Χωρίς τίτλο.png (1159x605, 155K)

Tear down the statue honestly

Give it back to France. THEY love welcoming in millions of unwashed barbarians

>Spics are our brothers and sisters

>comparing the Statue of Liberty to Hillary Clinton
>some retarded liberal actually thought this was clever


The exact opposite of this is more common...


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You dont deverve that get

It's over, White America!

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>A guy
Wouldn't anti-nuclear defense systems be automated instead of relying on a single person?

>A statue of a European woman, based on a European god, made by a European man in celebration of the uprising by Europeans in America.
>This means we should let all the uneducated brown people into our country.


This thread is flooding with gets

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The Statue of Liberty was never a symbol of immigration.

Some kike wrote a poem about the unwashed masses and just ascribed it to the statue many years later.

A rocket from a nation that Trump expertly maneuvered into denuclearization talks, and who, after decades of saber-rattling, has finally bent the knee to American power and opened itself up to become a modernized nation.

The Left likes to pretend we're the ones plugging our ears and pretending not to notice important things. But they all just collectively pretended that successful North Korean peace talks aren't something worthy of note.

>Haha sometimes Trump just makes things up!

Yeah, we don't care about that. He's a braggadocios goofball who doesn't seem to know about, let alone care about, modern leftist sensibilities on 'proper' behavior. We know. And what we're saying is we don't care. The left can continue to harp on meaningless misspellings and stupid, tone-deaf statements that Trump makes. The rest of us are going to enjoy a skyrocketing economy, great jobs market, increased border security, and finally putting our foot down to the international community that's been shitting all over us for decades now.

>Jesus defense
>Seattle Times
Yeah, I'm sure this faggot is a real firm believer. The smuggies are real.

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You want Liberty? Enter the country legally and pass the citizenship test. These slide threads are getting old.

>Open the gates for the Mexicans

UAE: Singer on trial for insulting Islam — for pointing at a mosque with her left hand

We shouldn’t allow GID (general Islamic dominance) to spiral out of control in our country. Allowing GID to grow would be foolish since (a) Islam is anti-West and (b) Islam has absolutely nothing to do with our country’s founding. There is no need for us to perpetuate our own demise. We are currently the ones in control and we should keep it that way.

Pic related.

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Knock it off!

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And the best one right here!

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I don't get it, did some liberal ironically draw this to make republicans look scary, violent and bad, but end up making them look badass?

It really is amazing how much utter disdain these people have for people not like them. If you live outside of an urban area, these people HATE you and your kind.

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C'mon Horsey is cheating

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Yeah trump is sure putin's agent. That's why we've got economic crisis right now because of trump's bullshit. Well played putin.

Actually OP you're fag.

Isn't there an edit with Merkel?

They are hateful like everyone else, they just chaneled it aainst their own

They had to hire him for the diversity quota

Learn to swastika

I'm not reading that

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And they're shocked that poor whites don't vote Democrat...

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Are they forgetting the option that they're free to practice their religion and wouldn't have this opportunity as a minority in almost every nation on Earth?

i support this sentiment. The republican party is garbage. Just garbage that doesnt smell as bad as the democrats. I'd happily see myself as a barbarian burning down the decadent gop and terrorizing it's corrupt elite. If that means we get to rebuild it as something good.

I don't get it? The Left's war against free speech in the past five years would surely mean the mob there should be wearing Hillary shirts or the like? Has the cartoonist confused the Statue of Liberty with Lady Justice or something? Or... what? Is this about the High Court appointments? It's all very unclear.

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The left can't meme, the thread.

Why do kikes and their evil puppets always look like they're physically decaying like this? I mean, who did Palpatine better folks?

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why is Horsey so fucking insane? in what universe does he live? he always creeped me the fuck out

>No stupid goy! How dare you want to have more children so you won't become a minority!

>making satire this bad
It is kind of amazing

Okay, that one's better. This is a Ben Garrison one explaining Trump's appeal, right?

Would you allow this man near your kids?

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Awwww, what's not to love about a bunch of racist, xenophobic cousin fuckers?

I've got some leftist garbage to dump.

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Oh shit... this is mind blowing. Can I change my vote to Hillary?

Don’t worry, a conservative stacked Supreme Court and Trumps agenda are pushing for it.
If Ginsberg dies, this nations immigration will finally be fixed.

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Where's that 'oh you're a christian?' smuggie when you need it?

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Who the fuck would read that?

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Lel and they say the left can't meme

i swear, if russia collapses after putin dies, liberals will enslave you for vengeance and claim they have destroyed white nationalism or something, they are fucking honing in

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Nope, horsey drew this, dude is so disconnected from reality that he thinks this stuff makes us look bad

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>Statue of Liberty
Literally Isis, whore of Babylon
Built for sandniggers
Rejected by sandniggers
(((American Symbol)))

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>cousin fuckers
It's always the inbred meme insult you fuckers use. Nevermind that blacks are far more inbred that white southerners due to the fact no one knows who's anyone's father.

((((((((((Karl Popper))))))))))

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>Lacking THIS badly in self-awareness

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But that's precisely what democrats are doing to America since the 60s... that pic triggers me.

Horsey should draw porn. Hnnng

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>It's always the inbred meme insult you fuckers use.
Because it's true and we know it hurts you. I can't wait to give all your land to mexicans.

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seriously why would you want saudis in your country ?

Statue of Liberty is a pure symbol of the white west. The Jew inscription that was added after the fact is the source of contention you illiterate nigger.

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Wow, if only that one was true. It's strange, they always call Trump a racist, yet his massive corporate empire of hotels and leisure resorts never once dsicriminated. Meanwhile mid-fucking-election Clinton goes and joins a whites-only country club!

Then again, the Left does seem to accuse their enemies of their own crimes, so, whatever. Shame about this Horsey guy's politics, some of these are nicely drawn.

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Literally shaking

these are the guys that want a civil war with us

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Are leftists retarded?
I remember a study that brain damage makes you liberal.

Have a (You), kike. ....Oh, wait.

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