Today a Portuguese guy approached me and gently asked me if I had a lighter to lighten up his cigarette. I absolutely told him "yes" and I even smoked one with him, we talked for a long quarter and we had given each other our phone numbers. I didn't know you were that nice, Portubros. Have a nice day :D
Today a Portuguese guy approached me and gently asked me if I had a lighter to lighten up his cigarette...
Other urls found in this thread:
You two banged didn't you
OP smoked his cigarette if you know what I mean
ok bro :D
I met an English guy who was vacationing here in Colorado and he was great. I loved having him and he's welcome back anytime. You English are great people.
Confirmed that iberians have small peepees
But that's forbidden
I once fucked the ever loving shit out of a super hot Irish chick while I was in trade school. Great gal, not a complete degenerate... sucked a mean dick.
I would definitely fuck an Irish thot again
portugal seems like a pretty cool guy
>sucked a mean dick
>not degenerate
Oh the ironing
No >:(
Pls explain, I'm very short
Jordi el Niño Polla
No >:(
Gut :)
Today a Mexican guy approached me and gently asked me if I had a lighter to lighten up his cigarette. I absolutely told him "sí" and I even smoked one with him, we talked for a long quarter and we had given each other our phone numbers. I didn't know you were that nice, Mexibros. Have a nice day :D
Why are iberians so gay
what a wholesome thread, we need more happiness in this board
You live right next to his fucking country. Not once have you thought of going to visit his country? Fucking Europeans.
>not degenerate lol
If a woman is a pro at sucking cock it means she is a complete and total whore, sorry. Feels good but at the same time disgusts me, like ‘uh where did u learn to do that’?
I think that's normal in southern Europe desu
ty american user, i was thinking of visiting america one day. which states would be good for this bong who is pretty clueless about america?
at least from where i'm from, going to wales or scotland is usually more like a holiday/vacation than just a simple trip.
What did he mean by this?
Washington state, legal weed and beer that's actually good.
weed is legal for tourists?
MD can be pretty great to visit but dont live here, t.MDFag
>white nationalist cultural exchange weed and pussy
Visit Jackson, Mississippi. It's basically America in a nutshell.
technically you need a Washington residence, but the dispensaries will usually let you in anyway. Just don't try to take it back with you. Beer recommendation would be Mac and Jack, or Men's Room Red.
ty burger anons
also are the portions really bigger than the UK? and would people actually notice my accent? a lot of my bong friends said americans thought they were royalty and/or australian.
that gif is from what?
Portions have blown out if control since maybe the 80s, it's a damn good question other than gluttony and greed. My pet theory is it's a remnant from the depression and lots of GI Generation types started overcompensating for it.
My grandpa literally ate corn flour in water with peas for 5 years and he ate steak dinner every day for the rest of his life because he said he'd never go hungry again.
Checks out
where did they go? in Seattle we know an English accent from an Australian one
>Jackson, Mississippi
lmao, maybe if user wants to die. That being said driving through the ghetto can be a fun time. It's like being at the zoo, only you're also in the cage.
I like you, Spain.
>British/American tourists ask for directions
>give wrong directions(in English because those lazy bums never care about the local language)
>Spanish tourists ask for directions(happens rarely because they can actually read maps and street signs unlike retarded anglos)
>answer truthfully to help some Iberian brothers out (do so in Portuguese, they always get the gist of it)
florida i think. >
lmao guess i will check demographics of each city before i visit.
Love to you, iberibros
Habibi, why do you whitey Belgians always have to be so faggy. Follow the Quran and you wouldn't be like this.
For how long are you going to keep the masons separate each other since we are the same?
neck yourself retard, we are brothers, but 2 nations
>Posts Jewess
i need some pt qts
(((SIS))) detected
and spanish
>Implying that they are not the same
traitor detected
based boi CDS-PP Jotinha detected
our peoples shall not intermingle
keep the brown men in their rectangle
Why don't Portubros use the blue flag? It's aesthetic as fuck
Because it's the colours of Freemasonic Kings, imported from the UK
Maybe if you had that flag you could make the Pink Map a reality
We had that flag in the pink map times, nigger
nothin personnel
B-but I like my portubros as what they are, brothers
Brotthers belong in the same family. They are of the same blood
I speak Spanish, can I get by with it in Portugal?
yes, everyone can get by it in Portugal. The country is for everyone
Portuguese is drunken spanish
Nice try ((achmed )) and noice pictures of gypsies you have there.
I meant now. There's no Anglo to stop you making Angola e Nossa again
*Guido speaks*
Sapientia in the air guys.
I never fail to get my (You)s from portoniggers
back to lebbit
The Portuguese have the lowest IQ in Europe, I think. Rivaling with the Balkans
it never fails you got assblasted pseudo catalan kike
Really, I love spanish but portuguese is the ugliest romance language, brazilian accent is anche ear rape
Not surprised at all. The average João is pretty fucking stupid.
look where is spain and the balkans.
Hey, that is your taste. Eagles and flies cannot fancy the same things.
You mean Romanian.
How can the spaniards be below the americans?
Man, those castellanos are retarded.
yes, it is indeed included in my map collection, and evidenced in this single portonigger which will feed me (You)s until I'm sated
ITT: gays
How can Italy be so low?
>are you trying to cheer us up?
based spaniard
They are. Just look at our country. We didn't even need jews to ruin it. It fell due to inferior portuguese genetics. Then natural selection made its job
cheer us up from what?
Be careful, these nationalistic retards will shout you down for telling the truth.
How leddit can this place get
He is from SIS or something like that. The portuuese masonry now wants to elevate its prestige, but they are the lowest in europe. African-tier level.
Portugal is really a disgrace of a country.
Uruguay, dah...
Did they lose? Is the lusitanian dream over?
Pffft, HAHAHAHAH, said the Catalan who sucks socialist dick for breakfast.
Who invited you Giorgios?
try again, I'm a catalan nationalist and patriot
Reminder that Barcelona is the national team of Israel. There are strong connections of ISraeli forces, namely mossad, in catalonian "independence"
They will call you a brazilian or a nigger for it. Never mention the inferiority of the portuguese. Its their weakness.
>Is the lusitanian dream over?
So did they win? I am only learning this now.
>Europeans still smoke in 2018
and Europeans are supposedly smarter than us. enjoy smelling awful all the time, having awful teeth and then dying at 45 from lung cancer