Women are no different than men, what do you have so say about that one, huh?
No difference between Male and Female Brains
It was that day OP discovered lies
>one neuroscientist
Explain the difference in Standard Deviation of IQ scores between men and women?
Imagine actually believing that
Yeah, sure, male brains are bigger physically, but no differences whatsoever right?
Oh Honey...
The science is right here, clear as crystal. Women are no different then men and none of your sexist mockery can change any of it.
The future is female and it's beautiful.
>ONE neuroscientist
>vs the whole community with data backing it
before i even start looking around, the name is either jewish, its a roastie woman, or some goofy cuck
>Eliot also said that everyone, regardless of sex, can be competitive or aggressive, but males and females might have different ways of expressing those traits based on social norms.
This retard implies that it is all about nurture.
Lise Eliot
case fucking closed
A while back there was a study that claimed gay men's brains were more like women's, so I guess that's all out the window until the next """scientific""" study comes out.
Yet liberal media also says this.
Fuck these psuedo scientists.
>the name is either jewish, its a roastie woman, or some goofy cuck
All three
>Men have bigger heads
>Bigger brains, thus
On the other hand
>Women have smaller heads
>Smaller brains,thus
Why is it so hard to understand?
To deny ones own observation for the sake of an ideaology.
But you and this *one* scientist amongst the debate are hoplessly self-blinded.
>Women and men equal mentally
>men superior physically
Doesn't this just prove men are superior overall.
> there's no difference between men and women
> we need women in boardrooms because diversity makes them work better
Pick one liberals
So it is their souls that are corrupt.
> 1 scientist
The men are cis and the women are trans of course there's no difference
Trannies BTFO
Of course not, brain doesn't produce test or estrogen
Blah blah blah, you can say whatever you want trying to discredit this renowned scientist, but nothing you say can compete against the final word of science.
Your patriarchy extinction anxiety is showing, you should cover it up before anyone sees!
I can't take it anymore. I'm getting off pol, and I'm going to go read Mein Kampf.
Why the fuck are women so universally crazy then
Are you trying to say "Btfo"?
Because it's not "Back the fuck out"
It's "Blown the fuck out"
Pathetic bait
> us flag
your brain is retracted, if you are of us ethnic group. think about that, dummy
uh, no. you are retarded.
>oh honey
Wew lad youre a faggot
>final word of science
Oh you poor fool. You dont even know the meaning of the word. Public education has done you an injustice
I used to work with MRI scans and i had a little game where I would try and guess the sex of the person by the brain I saw.
If I saw a brain that looked male (they tended to be rounder, larger, and less compacted looking, I was usually right.
If I saw a brain that looked female --tighter, compacted, like the toes crammed at the end of a ladies shoe-- sometimes I got it wrong.
My conclusions where that male brains often look different.
So trans people are just crazy then
You tried, OP, and that’s what really matter.
US "people" are like pets.
So cute, it's a female!
It’s blown the fuck out you fucking newfaggot
it's a shitty boring read, trust me
>back the fuck out
Shariablue paying well pal?
fuck off retard
>ad hominem
MeN aRE BeTTerR THAn WoMEnN In EvERRy KiNd oFF WaYy bUTt I cCanT PRoVe iTT!!!21!!
Oh? Except in the differences particularly in brain size between men and women that were known in the '60's but have been academically suppressed in order to advocate the rise of feminism? Nice bait op
>Nigger-tier meme
Into le trash it goes
That meme already died on twitter first quarter '18 dude, it's not even relevant on twitter, fucking twitter, anymore.
I already read most of it. It's fucking great, you fag.
i didn't say better,
you said they were no different,
i linked to an undergraduate journal article (yes, even undergrads have done work on this) modeling the DIFFERENCES between male and female brains.
you are a dumb faggot who can't read.
so why do they say that trannies have the opposite sexes brain? Wouldn't that directly contradict the idea that male and female brains aren't different?
If they aren't different then why do trans-people think that they are the opposite sex?
no difference but men are more violent and toxic so we need to help poor women who are also equal or something
pretty obvious (((they))) can't meme huh
Because everyone is a tranny
Reading Mein Kampf is the ultimate red pill to what an insane retard Hitler was.
>No difference between Male and Female Brains
it has been known for a long time. of course the pol facts have to care about their feelings so they will call it fake n00s
I said they were no different, but your literally saying that men have bigger brains and are thus better because they have bigger brains. THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING. I NEVER SAID MEN WERE BETTER THAN WOMEN. YOU SAID THAT
Maybe your the one who can't fucking read, take first grade again, numbnuts
t. never read Mein Kampf
There is also a scientific study showing that men have 15% more grey matter than women (and women have 15% more white matter). Hmmmmmmmmmmm
>there's a lot of overlap so there is NO difference
why do they lie about shit that is going to be common knowledge in 20 to 30 years once genetic science breaks out into the mainstream discourse
they can't keep delaying the truth, in fact it's causing more harm than they think because people are going to learn that they've been lied to on purpose
Take your schizoid meds mi hombre
>people still give shitposters (You)s
what a fucking bigot
>tfw Jow Forums was right again
So transgender is imaginary then? Good deal.
I can see a dick and ovaries in that infrared brain scan. Is it just me?
Also, that's fake news.
Ford Translation is fairly straight forward, no annotations and purely presented.
But at the same time they admit that most of the brain is still a mystery and far from being completely understood. How can they say that the brains of X and Y are the same with confidence that there aren't differences in the unknown? Saying that women and men or blacks and whites have the same brains is retarded, and while the same reason prevents it from being proven, we have empirical proof to hint at the existence of differences. It's about time we drop the propaganda and accept that some people have base specs superior to others, and that these form a pattern based on race and gender.
Came here just to reminds everyone to sage this kind of obvious bait threads
"but one neuroscientist says"
Ok, everybody, we're done. One guy said it.
That's all we need. Forget everything else.
We're done here.
i thought trannies justified themselves as not mentally ill by saying they had female brains instead of male
So this means you can't be born with a make body with a female brain and vice versa
>so trannies aren't real if this is true!
>but Jow Forums has the opposite stance, brains ARE different
>but Jow Forums also claims trannies aren't real anyway
One thot said it. Even better. Women CAN and WILL be beaten back into the kitchen by men. That's what all the extra upper body muscle mass is for.
Trannies are real they're just mentally defective. The problem isn't solved by cutting their dicks off, let's at least TRY testosterone for the boys and proestrogen for the girls, and see what happens.
>As a Jewish surname, it is probably an Americanized form of one or more like-sounding Ashkenazic names.
I'm shocked.
It's a news link from 2 days ago.
> men and women have different brains
> male trannies claim to have female brains
has it occurred to you that they could be... lying
Real Propaganda-tors in charge of Jow Forums have different beliefs to the ones you've stated.
It already has been tried though, but it turns out using either type of hormone is insufficient at treating OCD, which is what trannies have.
I wonder if all these "Scientist" ever met a women longer than one hour.
And say that there is totally no difference?
Like hormones do like totally nothing in the way you think and act?
Women have smaller brains. Wouldn’t the presence of no other differences imply something bad?
>Galileo is just one guy, the earth is flat guys
Do you know how retarded you sound? How about you read the article and find flaws in the study instead?
No, the actual problem is that trannies are perverts who want to be women for sexual reasons. Giving them T makes them even hornier so it makes it worse.
funny how pol cant cope with the fact that women have the same brain as men. youre just a bunch of partisan who care about their feelings first just like leftists. the only difference is just that your feelings are at other places
Shame, that argument about trans people kicked the bucket.
tfw womanlet
Idiots. You can't SEE thoughts, therefore you cannot see the difference between men and women. We absolutely have different priorities and speaking as a woman we're conceiving as fuck. Show me how you can read that in a brain. They can't see it so they assume everything is the same.
IQ is a complicated phenomena with hundreds/thousands of genes that can effect it
but, yeah, brain size is probably the easiest variable to measure that directly connects with IQ
>No, the actual problem is that trannies are perverts who want to be women for sexual reasons. Giving them T makes them even hornier so it makes it worse.
>No difference between Male and Female Brains
so we can all agree that the entire transgenders have the brain of the opposite sex argument for sex change is bullshit? okay thank you very much.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You’re not supposed to put two and two together goy.
i see plenty of thots and they don't look very masculine
t. drank too much of the Jow Forums kool-aid