Barack Obama said "If we don't do something about this President, I will." at DNC fundraiser last night. Seems he really believes he’s a legend! Doesn’t he realize Trump destroyed everything he did?
Barack Obama said "If we don't do something about this President, I will." at DNC fundraiser
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He won't do shit because no one in the armed forces wants to do anything for him anymore. Before they had to act out of duty and I'd love to see the army have their revenge on Obama, the IMC and the Black Nobility
lol what? is he gonna push the DNC into a conflict by threatening to go Chairman Mao on them?
he's going to run for office again because democrats are worthless lmao
What technically can B.O. even do?
Still full of hubris and undeserved self regard, I see. Just like every other black guy who has ever been lofted up high by white people and given a taste of undeserved success that should have gone to a white man. From illiterate slaves to massive egomaniacs in just a few generations they are going to have a hard fall if whites ever decide to stop carrying them on their backs due to our deep pity for them for being born Negros.
I just saw several tweets about it.
>implying a Pence presidency from '21-'32 after Trump is Clinton'd is necessarily a bad thing
it would be gay mulatto's worst nightmare
Think about it.
>Obama steps up and declares the Trump administration is false.
>That he is prepared to take an unprecedented third term for the love of his country
>He asks all proud SJWs to unite, swarm the whitehouse, and appoint him as President.
>All the media supports this
>All the banks support this
>Immediately fifth column types throughout the government cause mass administrative and logistical sabotage
>Government and military thrown into upheaval.
>Meanwhile hordes of Negroes, Hispanics, Mexicans and Arabs are all armed by the likes of George Soros and told it's open season on anyone racist/fascist/Nazi (ie. White people).
The borders are thrown open under force of arms and every able bodied man who comes across the border is given an AK47 or AR15 and told he can get a piece of the pie if he does his bit for 'Universal Human Rights' by stamping out racism.
>Literal millions pour in from around the world to take part.
>The White House and Washington are seized and Obama reinstated as President if only in name.
>Trump is killed.
>Leaderless and divided, both morally and ideologically, the remaining whites are gradually culled. Forced into smaller and smaller enclaves until there is no hope of overcoming the sheer weight of numbers of an entire third world, armed and bloodthirsty. Driven constantly and consumed by (((propaganda))). Even if they were somehow to prevail, they could just be nuked. A small price to pay to rid the Chosen of the threat of whites.
It's not impossible.
Now I'm wondering what he thinks he can do. The only thing I can think of is that he would tell his party to start the violet revolution, and he thinks they love him enough to follow that order.
Any kind of dirt he has on Trump he would have already released by now.
Maybe he will have his secret military/assassin group start killing Republican politicians, including Trump.
I wish he would start some shit.
nothing. He didn't say it. OP posted no actual source but nu pol doesn't care about that.
Flap his gums: reveal state secrets, undermine the current administration, elicit sabotage by government insiders loyal to him.
Tell me more... I'm salivating
It's obama. If it was a photoshop the unedited version would have been posted a long time ago.
LOL plz try this, the day of the rope would be upon us. The libs, race mixers, gays who par take in this so called rebellion would be made an example of so fast.
Then post the source, you piece of shit.
City boy dreams...
It's bunk
Literally who?
I heard he sucks a mean dick.
How is that link supposed to prove its fake? If the picture is photo shopped just post the original and we can all put this behind us
shills on suicide watch
There is no other original. It was some photoshop by a creepy wican.
It also doesn't fit the timeline of events that are easily confirmed.
Call Jayz and tell him to call Kayne and tell him to cut it out.
Call the head of ABCs wife and tell her to tell him to fire Rosanne.
Do a speaking tour to trash people who ask his wife to sign a roll of duct tape during "Becoming Michelle Obama" book signings.
autistic delusions
I always post this... but.
I think banana takeover was always in the plan. Cspan edited out the very end. But on trump’s inauguration, all the way at end of cspan coverage. Obama flys of in green helicopter. Cspan camera guy says to cop... “ I guess it’s not going down today”... overthrowing was always the plan. Hillary was probably trying to steal obama’s Thunder. Both lost.
I never understood that picture? Who the fuck is this? Why is he dressed as the devil? Give me a context please.
Post the unedited picture
and see
He was staging a coup.
It didnt stop just because Trump became president its still happening.
This is fucking creepy, I'm glad he's out.
I’m ready to fight... I’m sort of bored
Obama was a cia plant with made up credentials in manchurian candidate level fraud on the US. They are still deep state and working to maintain control in a struggle between the shadow oligarchs that actually control the US.
We have an unspoken tradition in this country where the new president doesn't prosecute the previous president in exchange the previous president doesn't undermine the new president. If Obama wants this tradition ended, he'd better be prepared to face the consequence of things he did in office that were of questionable legality.
Get a tattoo of the picture and this text
"I am sure a fuzzy photoshopped image of a nobody implies a global connected cabal of world leaders that traffics children. "
k......keep me posted
cool evidence dude. wow you really win this round lol! wtf i love obama now
>thinking the deep state isn’t already destroyed beyond repair.
It would be like a puppy attacking a pitbull. Obama is done.
oh lord jesus mother mary holy matrimony fucking shit
i cannot fucking decide if i should jack off to this
if liberals actually attempted this I would love this so so much
please try it
please i beg you guys
i beg beg beg fucking beg you fucking cucks
i beg you
fuck man please
try this
see how it turns out
do you know how fucking awesome this would be
we'd have open season on every liberal fuck in America
we'd invade and burn down commifornia so quick your heads would spin
we would annihilate your dreams
fuck me try this
>still cant "debunk" a single piece of evidence
What's the story with this pic? It's been floating around and no one seems to know its origin or the circumstances under which it was taken. Can any anons shed light on this? Its creepy af by the way.
It is impossible. Military would fall apart instantly. They won't kill their own family.
Hey man I'm not endorsing this. It's just shit like this is why smart people take steps.
That's my point. Without a coherent military the population would be fractured. Then saturated in 'refugees' until isolated and smothered.
thanks for this link. thats the good stuff
This. He defunded the armed forces and filled it to the brim with illegals, trannies, dykes and other trash
Yea tons of good stuff in here
Pizzagate is real. The nigger Kenyan faggot should go into hiding.
I also offer:
>Obama gets a personal audience with Trump.
>When they go in for the handshake, Obama grabs Trump in a Bear hug.
>"Allahu Akbar!"
>Detonates vest.
>Declared a martyr simultaneously by the Left and Radical Islam.
>The new Democratic Theocracy united by media support rises to save humanity from white supremacy.
>Meanwhile, Israel watches a countdown in white population toward that threshold where they throw the switch on the Samson Option or genovirus or whatever.
He's already murdered one legitimate leader and bragged about how good he is at killing people. I think he needs to be hauled in for a psych exam and forcibly drugged into a stupor until he renounces his urge to murder.
Post proof, poof.
Rest in Peace.
Oh cool, nice source on that quote OP. Great post. Upboated
It would be war. Not just any war but the final race war. Nukes are not off the table. Expect mass casualties in the billions. Very few places would survive.
He didn't actually say that, however he did say Dems have to be careful when it comes to the midterms, because Obama thought he would win the 2010 & 2014 mid terms & lost by historic numbers