>So far this year, the Shanghai stock index is down 14 percent, the CSI300 has fallen 12.4 percent while China’s H-share index listed in Hong Kong is down 4.8 percent. Shanghai stocks have declined 8.1 percent this month……The Shanghai stock index is below its 50-day moving average and below its 200-day moving average


>An index tracking major developers on the mainland slumped 4.4 percent following a near 5 percent drop the previous session


>Real estate is the driver of the Chinese economy. By some estimates, it accounts (directly and indirectly) for as much as 30 per cent of gross domestic product


>Chinese real estate is 35% higher per square foot compared to America despite Americans having a 700% HIGHER INCOME


>In big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, yields are hovering around 1.5 per cent (compared to an average of about 3 per cent in the US and 4 per cent in Canada). ……Worse, developers are heavily weighted down with debt, much of it short-term. Many are paying out 7 to 8 per cent bond yields, with debt-to-equity ratios of around 380 per cent


Real estate is already collapsing in Toronto, Vancouver, Melbourne, Sydney...notorious Chinese cities. The contagion starts in the periphery and will eventually spread to China itself. 30% of their GDP is in real estate, this is like America 2006 but an order of magnitude worse!

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Other urls found in this thread:

this was bound to happen as the chinese have to make the same amount of jobs the US does in a month that the US makes in a year. You can't keep that up forever.

they have a massive population, it won't take long for starvation to set in and then revolution
was this Donald's endgame with the tariffs?

Very good news. China is an enemy of the free world.

Does this mean, on the whole, they’ll liquidate their US real estate holdings or add more?


Oh I'm laughing

They will probably get margin call'd and be forced to sell at a loss because they need the cash

Good, fuck chinks


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when stock prices in shenzen are as in 2015

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this increases my chance of getting a chink gf

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>implying China won't stay communist forever

They're in a position of fuck you. They will not ever change that position.

>everytime someone says china is collapsing

>china communist

brainlet detected

Let the bodies hit the floor then.

I own some Alibaba and Baidu and they've just been absolute laggards. I think the Hong Kong index is 20 percent off it's highs so quite bad as well

>massive population of chink refugees flood to the west
>everyone can get a chinese woman now just by giving her bread
>roasties actually have to compete
>Jow Forums goons can fulfill their life long dreams of fucking a chink while the good men get good women
>Jow Forums also now has an incentive to leave the basement and contribute to society
>mfw chinese economy collapsing saves western society

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>oh wow sure ist last week literally nothing in here

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"Leave the Chinese to me"

-Donald J Trump

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>Chinese is collapsing!
I have been hearing this literally LITERALLY every fucking year since probably 2007. It's not gonna happen, just fucking get off already.

The chinesereal estate bubble popped a few years ago actually. It wasnt that bad

Uhhh, do you see that last line?

That's a really bad looking graph, dude. It's going to cross another support line. Once it drops below that 2016 dip, it's FREE FALLIN

>It's not gonna happen
They're going to need to pull a rabbit out of their ass to keep the real estate bubble going.

>china will collapse

It's your country leaf that's going to collapse with EU. Soon Trump and Putin will hold a summit and you're done.

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That does look pretty bad.

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A bunch of commie bug people? Fuck that. Close the border and sqeeze the expats too.

Fuck yeah, I want to see them sell everything and starve to death.

This, fpbp
Expect to start hearing about more social unrest coming out of China. They were fine with one party rule as long as things kept getting continually better. Once they're not, all bets are off.

Q predicting this will be good for bitcoin

You are fucking retarded if you think the refugees won't be 90%+ male

how is real estate so high in china when it's so big and they pack people into small apartments? is it just a case of having that many chinks who need a home?

Central bank meme money flooding the economy and driving up asset prices, same thing here in the west

china has always had "one party rule". they don't care about democracy. what happens is that when one dynasty stops delivering, some other chink starts a rebellion and millions of other chinks die

The West is desperate. After some centuries of greatness they no longer are the center of the world. The anons at this thread will live to see how they stop being the center of attention, how the focus moves elsewhere, how success and prosperity belong to others.

Every month there are news about how the Chinese economy is overheated, how it is all driven by an excess of infrastructure investing, how there is a hosting bubble which is exploding now now now, how there is a mass of debt which will sink China into the darkness for decades. Every month there are a few of these, and it had been going like that for years - more than a decade already.

And they never become true, but the Westerner believes them because he is scared that he no longer enjoys being the center of the world and having a life of leisure while being a neet.

And China is still a Communist country, with no expectations of change, ever.

And yet they sell so many things to the whole world.

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jesus christ

and the multicultural progressive retards want to bring this hit to the west

It's because Chinese history is all kinds of fucked up.

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Absolutely brutal history.

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Which is why chinks are so soulless.

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Top Kek. I wonder if they thought he was joking?

Good news for US, bad news for Europe. We depend a whole lot on trade with China.


Does that me we get to seize all the land they fucking swindled from us and you leafs?

i have been saying this will happen for about 8 years

what isnt mentioned in the OP is what caused the bubble to grow so fast and also what will make the collapse worse

1-the chinese government lends out via shadowbanking proxies, with next to no controls and no reserves

2-the large companies in china build or buy worthless empty buildings that wont stand for even 20 years, but inflate their prices/value on their assets book, so they can borrow money against them (often through the unregulated shadow banks mentioned above)

so if their economy struggles enough for people to start defaulting on loans, they will not have the assets to sell to cover the loans. they will try to sell their uninhabitable ghost building for cheap which will drop the value of ALL real estate. Since most companies are using inflated real estate assets as such an important part of their finances, a steep drop in the market will ANNIHILATE everything

they are intentionally inflating real estate prices so that they can borrow against it

thats why they continue to build ghost cities that nobody will ever live in. they just spend X money building a cardboard house, then everyone agrees to value it at a gorillion dollars, so they can take a X*N loan

so as soon as people default on loans, they will have to try to sell those assets and will drive the market down and fuck up everyones finances

So it's a good time to be in the market for a condo?

its a good time to have a lot of liquid cash, wait for their real estate prices to drop 80%+ and then buy everything all up

They will unironicly blame the west/whitey when thier cheating and scheming backfires on the
Inb4 learned behavior

There's nothing funnier than the high IQ chink meme.

I am redpilled on this

After the 2008 economic crash manufacturing in China slumped almost immediately and there were riots due to unemployment(not covered in western media), in response the central bank of China began lending to create the housing bubble. It's a giant make work programme to suppress unemployment and dissent, the official reason they say is to house peasants moving to the cities, but they have overbuilt by 100 million units and the peasants cannot even afford to live in most Chinese cities due to the massive increase in costs. Since the 2008 crisis China has added an absurd amount of debt. Now they are as indebted as western countries and also have the same poor demographics.

Attached: 20170119_china6.jpg (963x504, 85K)

Buy some land and build a farm. Best to be able to have your own food then living next to niggers who will eat you when the gibs run out

The entire world appears to be a debt based ponzi scheme with central banks and governments colluding to keep the debt generation system running out of terror of a massive collapse. It's a scary pyramid scheme.

How do I short Canada and China?

yeah i got wise to it around 2010 when people were really jerking off over chinese growth. their strategy works in a short term because it makes growth faster but the fall is gonna be disastrous

i believe you that they say they overbuilt by 100 million units, but a lot of those are not designed for anyone to live in. it is more valuable to have them sit empty and maintain the facade of high prices than to rent/sell them

thats why the free market hasnt fixed their housing prices, if the buildings were real and not part of an accounting scheme, then the price would drop until poor people could afford them.

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> West is in decline

Who do gaf? If we're lucky maybe the jews will all run to Asia where the action is and we will sit in peace in little pubs having a beer with our friends and family and enjoying life.

See the ghost towns they keep building.

I don't really know much about any of this. How badly do you think the outcome will be from all this? will this trade war with the US only make the situation worse?

Free world does not exist.


>President Trump want WWlll
>Jow Forums still supports him

>suddenly Canada and US housing market is flooded with available housing, at significantly lower prices

Summer 2018

exactly the opposite of that you mean. europe would be slightly fucked, we'll be absolutely fucked.

you've forgotten your proxy, truest ally

US got absolutely fucked when chinks entered WTO in 2001.

if we quarantine asia/mexico, US will experience another golden age as it had when it did not trade with asia/mexico.

The end of your shitty criminal safe haven won't lead to WW3 nor the apocalypse. You're going to be forced to die or leave to the originally slated Jewish homeland in Siberia.

>emerging market indices are volatile

No shit

So is this natures way of fixing the over population of Chinks

But the US is going to loose it all in a TRADE WAR

>t. faggots

Yeah no, there economy will be in a dumpster by the end of the year even without them. They will be begging for renegotiating.

strap in boys!

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They're an enemy of everyone. Free world is a buzzword

>with China as the enemy
Haven't you been reading the thread? Those barking faggots like to show off and bluff, but can't actually do any of it, just like their military. It's all a facade.
Reminds me of NK actually, except that people actually take China seriously just because they have a much greater landmass than NK.

If it passes them 2015/16 shoulders it's game over

>Bull, double top dead cat bounce, long sleeping bear, double top dead cat bounce
Boy, they're in trouble.

>Bursting the bubble in America beginning a chain reaction that will hit the whole West. Bringing us back to pre war Germany in the 30s.
It's just 12 years until we're there again

bump for interest

Says increasingly nervous American for the hundredth time this year

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>inflate their prices/value on their assets book
This. It's called mark-to-market accounting. It's literally what Enron did except on a sovereign scale.

this is news? when people tried to pull money out of china, they fucking froze their stock market completely back in 2014. then the government injected like 2 trillion to keep the market going/positive and only a select number of people were allowed to move their money out of the chinese market.

My analysis indicates that their money line is strong and indicative of good fortune.

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please be true

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The dragon year is the year of good luck and prosperity. Nothing can go wrong

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How is this not EXACTLY like what the west is doing with Quantitative Easing? We have toxic MBS fucking everywhere with derivatives piled a mile high on top of that. After 2008 they slow walked the foreclosure to NOT lower housing prices, and not crash our entire system.

We are every bit as fucked as China, in nearly the exact same way.

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What. The. Fuck. Am I looking at?

Cannibalism. What else would that be? Some people are so naive these days, I swear...

Chinese cuisine

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Cannibalism still happens

>america sends industry, wealth, jobs to asia
>no domestic jobs
>recession 9.0
>rust belt happens
>hyperinflation rising cost of food, oil, products, houses
>businesses import 3rd world slavelabor to offset rising cost
>cost of housing, oil, food surges even more
>homeless, suicide, opioid epidemic

QE is a direct result of free trade and open border migration.

the Rust Belt and decline of American industry started in the 1970s as a direct result of American policy of transferring jobs, industry, wealth to Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, China, India...)

NAFTA and transfer of industry to Asia is the reason for suicide/homeless epidemic, open borders, mass migration, hyperinflated housing bubbles, subprime mortgage bubbles, Great Recession, Quantitative Easing, and all our economic, social, and military problems

as a result of globalism (NAFTA, transferring industry to China, mass migration, h1bs, open borders, free trade) the US economy has been in a depression for the last 20 years, creating the opioid and suicide epidemics. Median wage gains have been stagnant for decades. The U.S. labour force participation rate remains at multi-decade lows. Even our own light-hearted Big Mac deflator suggests that the U.S. economy is in a depression.

There, too, by a variety of measures—ranging from petroleum consumption to consumer goods production to the Cass Freight Index—the U.S. economy appears to have not grown much, if at all, since the turn of the millennium.

what happens to the money that I already have?
does the value go up?
where can i get more info about nesara

Q predicted
we're all gonna make it

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you do realize y'all are getting fucked too, but this time so hard that it's a btfoment forever

does this mean frogs are in danger?
what other animals eat insects?

The money you have gets converted into the new notes and you'll have time to take in any cash to convert it. All currencies are gonna be on an equal playing field after NESARA.
>where can i get more info about nesara
That's a tough one.

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And people thought the future was China.

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