the final battle
Black vs White
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Cormier is like honorary white tho
Not white
Isn't Miocic like younger, heavier and taller?
>Let me live vicariously through the achievements of another man because I am too pathetic to accomplish anything of noteworthy on my own.
yeah, but so was Conor vs Floyd
this only applies to people who watch team sports.
Why can’t it be anything more than enjoying the sport?
Yeah cormier is one cool mulattoe. He's a good guy. Stipe is cool as shit as well. Both these guys are good people.
yes, he's a total beast.
You're a pleb.
Why do you think "WE HAD A BIRACIAL PRESIDENT REEE" is an argument for coal burners when they are face to face with the conclusion that no white guy wants to be around her little mutts?
That's why. Do you think gooks wetting on white man do so on an individual level or because of what they are taught of the group as a whole?
You're a fucking pleb, kys, lose your right to vote. Help your society like it truly needs it. Be our an hero.
Connor is a better fighter than Floyd tho
cant wait
the difference being that one was a trained boxer and the other wasn't, here the field of ability is even, that of physical feats not so much
Boxing is a nigger sport though.
It requires speed more than strength and agility.
Thats why in MMA you see more white guys doing good than boxing.
For a MMA fighter he did well against a boxer.
But you must look at it even deeper, slav is fighting to save white race because anglo failed.
>bullying Cormier
plz stop
He gets enough bullshit just as a result of being in Jones' radius.
A lot of white guys get into boxing and move over to MMA. Boxing is great, but MMA offers more room to develop your own style as you pick and choose from dozens of different techniques to suit your own strengths. I think that appeals to white men a lot more, since it becomes a kind of tactical endeavor, as much as it is about execution.
And as we saw with Mayweather/Pacqiau, boxing has slowly been transformed into a kind of technical snoozefest. It's like what happened with Robot Wars when people discovered the wedge was simply the best robot. Sure, they won, but it made everything so boring.
>I don't want to admit that the driving force behind all human accomplishment is competition because I have a tiny wee wee and like to dress up as an anime character with a butt plug tail
That’s every single once of these little faggot racist broke asses on Jow Forums.
DC is a great guy and a good dad. I hope he wins
>Cormier is like honorary white tho
He's not even a "real nigga"
Yes. Cormier is 39, 5'10" and he'll fight around 230 lbs. Stipe is 35, 6'4", and he'll be like 245 on fight night
What a retarded comparison
>yeah, but so was Conor vs Floyd
Well put
>download (4)
>I don't want to admit that the driving force behind all human accomplishment is competition
Where did that user say that? In fact, I think he is championing that competition by saying you shouldn't live through another man, but achieve your own greatness from your own competitive drive.
Not really, he would've won if so.
They weren’t fighting. They were boxing
Nah that's Miocic and Cormier. It's not a race war it's a UFC match you fucking baiter.
T'was in another sport though, something Connoe foolishly threw his balls first into.
Unironically this, don't be such a sado screamign that every other UFC match where there is a white bloke vs a black bloke ITS RACE WAR. Y'all dont say shit when it's an asian or arab involved. WHAT U GUIS KEKS UR SUMMIN?
But how do you expect these little faggots that jack off to anime to feel good about themselves otherwise?
Sure thing Jamele.
If you want to make that argument, you could say MMA isn't fighting either. There's a lot of illegal moves that really will never be allowed in a sport. You can't gouge, you can't bite. No small joint manipulation.
If you've ever seen Gangs of New York, there's this one chick Hell-Cat Maggie who used to file her teeth and nails to be like razors so she could eviscerate people. A lot of grappling and clinch fighting would be monumentally different if you could bite people. You could literally tear people apart with your teeth if you were willing.
In fact, I'd say in a no rules fight, striking would probably remain the most unchanged of the different styles.
Boxing is still a form of fighting, and announcers refer to them as fighters.
Pulling for Miocic because Ohio needs at least one person to do something good (t. buckeye), but I like Cormier too.
brah I've jacked off to Anime before too. I've also had my share of pussy. I guess what I'm saying is why lower yourself? Be above that and don't even participate in that way of thinking and debasing.
Boxers aren’t fighters
You still there pussy?
Rule of Thumb: If the match is hyped big time, bet on the darker opponent. If the match is kept quiet, the white guy has a chance to win. What is going on is the Jewish control over entertainment demands that victory support a race mixing agenda as often as it can. They have to break even the slightest bit of white solidarity because white people will unite and destroy the (((Globalist))) plans, if they have pride. That's why Dana white said white pride is evil and brown pride is good. If you confront him on the Jewish control over his sport, he will probably have a heart attack. The Plebs are not supposed to ask such questions. He was promised they would never ask such questions.
They are though. Dunno why Connor band wagoners act so dumb.
dude is a cokehead and PED user, just being on coke gives you a huge advantage now PEDs?
>They are though
They aren’t
Throat and neck striking is the kill switch that is most glaringly absent from sport fighting. When the fatal strikes are allowed, the longer reach has the advantage.
They are.
more like white VS white
cormier looks like dorner and is a solid dude. white.
>If the match is hyped big time, bet on the darker opponent. If the match is kept quiet, the white guy has a chance to win.
memes, Miocic already ragdolled Ngannou
Boxing is rigged, fixed like mayweathers career.
Bread n circuses for the masses.
It's called bread and games and by definition it is for the masses.
Also sports fall under that definition.
But you really ought to be a basement dwelling no-life if you think like this.
cormier is just so likeable, great life story also.
total nog
cormier would easily beat floyd in boxing
So you agree
It's an awesome match, but DC has no chance.
>Derick Lewis
Blacks are the main contenders for the HW title right now. It might not be long until we see the first black HW UFC champ.
You got the Paul brothers.
Im not sure about that, DC is very specific, he is a short wrestler.
Stipe destroys short and tall strikers, but he hasnt faced a short wrestler and DCs wrestling is out of this world and he is very good against strikers, look up Gustafson (JJ aside).
...but Stipe is also a good wrestler and far better striker. Has an advantage, but its not a clear call.
hey stipe great fight mate how you feel?
ahh...thanks mate.
Daniel how was that?
*sobs* J-J-Jones
No, I was correcting the reply. Phone posting is kinda hard.
just because you're not participating doesn't mean you can't enjoy and even learn from the trials of competiton; the faggots that sperg about watching sports live in a fantasy land of one make-believe or the other, sports is at least based in reality
Croatian vs Nigger
Potato Nigger vs Nigger
Where are the white people in these fights?
We also have a heroin epidemic, which, to me, is a step up from those absolute retards.
They're being ousted from their homelands atm.
The real race battle was decided by Stipe vs Ngannou. DC is as whitewashed as they come and the definition of a coon or bitch nigga in monkey-speech.
You already know how much shitskins and libshits would have loved it if the African immigrant had beaten the salt-of-the-earth, mid-western white guy.
How is this any different?
>The real race battle was decided by Stipe vs Ngannou
Yeah, DC is like a Republican black guy. Chocolate rambo.
Ngannou was straight up bix nooding around, up with his own ego and slavemaster Dana, tipical nog sportsman. Not even pol was giving Stipe a chance with Ngannou.