>stupid conservatard, you can't fight tanks and bombers with your ar-15
Forget, for a moment, that a bunch of illiterate shepherds, peasants and goat fuckers armed with rusty AK-47s ran both the United States and the Soviet Union ragged in Afghanistan, because Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo isn't about gun owners versus the government.
No, no, no you stupid fucking retards. Its us, versus YOU. And we have the guns.
This is 'mutt thin', its a thing now. The last real skinny person in the US was eaten two years ago and we have just moved the name to the next thinnest.
Joseph Russell
I could probably touch my hands around her waist she's not obese
Jayden Nelson
I'm a mexican intellectual and I say this guy is wrong
Jack Jenkins
>No, no, no you stupid fucking retards. Its us, versus YOU. And we have the guns. When it's time for the race war, most whites will join forces. The only whites that won't will be the civnats. The lefties will become nazbol.
And you shouldn't underestimate leftists. Many of them are very intelligent. They're the ones who are going to be organizing drone strikes against your rag-tag group of knuckle-dragging redneck gun-toters. Their ability to command and coordinate will be a great asset for us.
Grayson Bailey
*would be organizing
Evan King
>i love bois, my name is Mehmet more news at eleven
Jaxson Hall
nobody is fighting anyone, people ahve guns for entertainment or protection go see a psychiatrist for schizophrenia and delusions
Jason Foster
The leftists and their Mexican colonist sympathisers will fire the first shots in this war.
Brayden Edwards
Stop pushing for Civil war.
The left is decinegrating by their own accord.
The right just need to stick to reason and rationality.
We all work for truth. Some are just more ignorant than others.
Zachary Smith
>decinegrating Disintegrating*
Ryder Thompson
that woman is certainly not obese, her stomach is flat. her ass is disproportionally large, however.
and that women, while fit, is certainly not a "boi". She does suffer from several unfeminine characteristics, like an underwhelming lower body, and a too-strong jawline
I would fuck them both, they are both good looking women
Hudson Ross
>criminally underrated
Lincoln Reed
>her stomach is flat.
So? Serena Williams is obese, and her stomach is partially flat. She weights in at 205lbs at 5’’9.
The left is the jews, jew shills and those in the thrall of the jews.
Connor Peterson
are*, my bad.
James Lewis
Know why whites in South Africa lost? Because of traitors.
Jackson Anderson
she's a breeder. thanks for the pic op
Brandon James
>what is muscle
Jacob Flores
that's assuming rules of engagement stay the same. wars now are purely political. you have to appease your voter base back at home, as well.
>oh no obama killed 45 innocents at weddings democrats are murderers we must evaluate our strategy for the continuance of this conflict to maintain order to use millions of dollars in man power and ordinance to kill three rebels with no collateral damage
throw in the hippie voiced "military industrial complex maaaaannnn" and all that nonsense government contract theft and you just have politics
that shit isn't even war. if any first world with a standing army wanted to commit genocide to capture one osama bin laden character or even a larger isis group it would be completed in a week.
Jordan Thompson
>what is Vietnam >what is Iraq >what is Afghanistan >ppl w guns can't defeat US military
She isn’t a world class athelte. She has played 3 matches in 1 tournament in the last 6 months. Call me when she actually gets back to tennis.
Isaiah Moore
What does the US military do?
It starts wars, or gets involved in wars, in far-away lands which are ZERO threat to it. This to keep the CEOs of the high-tech weapons companies happy.
And it stands ready to crush any home rebellion, shitting all over the second amendment.
The West would genuinely, unironically be safer with military budgets that are 1/10th of what they currently are. Or rather, military budgets should basically be defensive and R&D-based, because obviously military research has done a lot for technology.
Logan Cruz
She is literally the optimum female shape across the board. Maybe needs larger tits that's it.
Brandon Reed
She is not fucking obese lel. Her proportions are completely unattractive, but that's besides the point.
Chase Turner
She is obese by medical standards at a BMI of 30.3.
Alexander Williams
>stupid conservatard, you can't fight tanks and bombers with your ar-15 I hate this meme. Wars aren't simply won with drones and gadgets; armies need ground troops, and firearms counters that.
Ryder Cook
True, they need pass a low to allow people have atomic weapos.
Ryder Parker
>And you shouldn't underestimate leftists. Many of them are very intelligent. They're the ones who are going to be organizing drone strikes against your rag-tag group of knuckle-dragging redneck gun-toters. Their ability to command and coordinate will be a great asset for us. You guys are a bunch of mental furballs who had a fuckin nervous breakdown over an election loss. You guys would have a psychotic break upon first contact with the enemy
Austin Stewart
>Can't fight tanks with ARs Tell that to whatever flavour of sand people the Yanks are fighting at the moment. They might not be winning but they aren't losing
Gabriel Peterson
>This woman is obese and do some freaking sport. I would bend her over dogey style and beat her uterus with my dick .
Sebastian Morris
And so is every bodybuilder ever, your point?
Ethan Sanders
if you were alone with her in a room and she wanted you, you would not?
Alexander Carter
And you shouldn't underestimate leftists. Many of them are very intelligent. They're the ones who would be organizing drone strikes against your rag-tag group of knuckle-dragging redneck gun-toters. Being intelligent doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be a good commander. Plus, not many leftists have been in the military, let alone a combat MOS. That says a lot.
>And you shouldn't underestimate leftists. Many of them are very intelligent. They're the ones who would be organizing drone strikes against your rag-tag group of knuckle-dragging redneck gun-toters. Being intelligent doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be a good commander. Plus, not many leftists have been in the military, let alone a combat MOS. That says a lot.
**forgot the greentext
Luis Reyes
This is literal ideal breeding shape. This woman could pound out child after child after I finish pounding her out.
Die Luste von hinten zieht, na ja?
Hudson White
Call-to-violence manipulation thread. Don’t buy into this bullshit. Sage these threads. There’s a coordinated effort to prop this place up as the fall guy for domestic terrorist actions being planned by the left.
>stupid patriot, you can't fight the British Empire with your musket
Alexander Brooks
They let niggers in the parlament for "muh respect". There's nothing else to explain. At least that's the short version.
The long version may have led to why they now claim "South Africa was ours bruddas!" when there were NO ONE in South Africa until the british empire came there. And whites let niggers outnumber them so that's why they are now making themselves Zimbabwe 2.
Grayson Brown
Hey now, the supreme Court ruled those corporations count as people so they can dump Mony into politics... People have feelings you know...
Jayden Hill
Bodybuilders are men. That’s my point.
Jaxon Bell
I look forward to the tanks fighting dildo waving trannies battles.
Aint no one who can,drive a tank gonna be doing it for the tranny and illegal demanding free surgery and education for themselves.
she's breeder, great hips for pushing out a lot of children
Kayden Parker
Keep in mind most people don't understand how a civil war would work. 2nd amendment refers to the state militia, to defend the state. Which is under the command of the state governor.
A group of rednecks with guns taking over bird sanctuaries are not legal militia. Otherwise we'd have to recognize Chicago as being over run by militia rather than gangs
Blake Butler
>There are no females with muscle
Come on Hans, just concede that some women can have a flat stomach and still be overweight or obese on the bmi scale and this all goes away
I used to think this then I immediately realized the army is based off of volunteers
Nicholas Rodriguez
u gay
Jaxson Miller
>Obese >Has Thigh gap
Brayden Morgan
We should organise a militia and go after these "they" people
Anthony Smith
>And you shouldn't underestimate leftists. Many of them are very intelligent. They're the ones who are going to be organizing drone strikes against your rag-tag group of knuckle-dragging redneck gun-toters. HAHAHAHA
Ian Davis
I was tempted to agree with you and shit on obese amerimutts, but OP's girl is objectively 9/10. >large but firm and round breasts >flat stomach >perfect hip to waist ratio >visible thigh gap