I need suggestions for redpilled movies. Dump 'em
Jow Forums approved movies
Here (You) go , mein Neger
Videodrome is pretty red pilled
empire of dust
Do you guys know where I can find the Zeitgeist films? Also, are they any good?
blade runner
shows how we are all just dust in the wind.
People of Light.
I recommend original "Starship troopers".
Even if the idea was to mock space-nazis, aesthetic is strong with it. It is much better that British army recruitments videos.
take the yakub pill
wtf jews confirmed for white now ???
Netflix has this one, very good, called "look who's back"
Also, "visoneers " really good, people start exploding because of stress, good dark comedy
and "super" which is basically Jow Forums becomes a superhero with a hot girl and removes degens.
back to the cave devil
I'm saving this. I've only seen 7 of those films.
> (OP)
No "das boot", boy I'm dissapointed!
The Network
Master and Commander: Far Side Of The World
we used to make ood recruitment videos
Fantastic movie
Good classic Wayne movie that shows the true nature of the apaches and heroics of the white US calvary.
Half of us can't live without sunscreen.
The other half can't live without cocoa butter.
What's your point?
what the fuck is supposed to be redpilled about Brazil? It's just a generic long as fuck dystopian movie that makes you feel like shit, if you want to redpill someone on surveillance, bureaucracy and the like there are much faster ways to go about it
Also this classic, zulu.
Btw this is still the definitive source on WN movies, even if it's 10 years old
Watch "Looks Who's Back."
Siege at Jagotville.
Irish lads repel waves of negros lead by a sneaky Frenchman.
Lmao, my sociology professor told us this movie is an allegory for the proletariat awakening their class consciousness against the bourgeois.
this possible the main movie to be seen.
this explain why third world is what it is...
>this can be extend to most of brazil
fucking lol
The apocalypse now movie posted is just so nice to look at
John Wick movies are pretty good
i thought it was about jews
To be fair his best friend is black and one of the propaganda messages is "Marry and Reproduce" which definitely isn't something the kikes want for us.
The book is mega red-pilled
It indeed makes more sense from the point of view of most people being worker bees, the issue is that Marxist analysis is jewish, as one would expect. That doesn't mean industrial society doesn't have its fair share of problems though. Even a lot of people aware of the JQ continue being wageslaves, contributing to the system, etc.
One of my all time favorites
2 more
DAS BOOT (try the series, not the film. Or the 4 hour film)
The greatest story never told
Truman show also.
>can't live without cocoa butter.
Nope. Yuppies.
you can find them on the fucking internet. First one is ok. the rest are shit. Theyre like an introduction to redpills. Pretty much reddit tier
>shows how we are all just dust in the wind.
>someone tries to make a satirical and mocking movie version a book that is a massive fascism redpill
>movie ends up being viewed as propaganda for fascism
I'm convinced fascism can't be displayed in a bad light without complete dehumanisation
House of Rothschild
The man who would be king.
Barry Lyndon
a dark song
LOL half of these movies is made by the jews themselves. How is this redpilled? Those are only regular movies and documentary with a little or none politic in it. This has nothing to do with Jow Forums
it's saturday. mandatory day of no jewing. jews are white until sundown, after which they resume undermining.
>IT Conquered the World - 1956
I just watched this old Rodger Corman 1950s sci-fi on youtube a few weeks ago and it blew my mind
The plot of this film is the NWO program. And I'm sure word it being capitalized in the title is just a (((cohen-cidence))) IT=Information Tech
This is an old film, Naked Prey, about a white man in Africa, getting hunted by the natives. The first fifteen minutes show him getting captured and his fellow whites getting murdered savagely by the tribe. He then escapes and the hunt is on. It's based off real events.
This film will NEVER be remade today, ever.
there are like 3 redpills on that list
fight club
clockwork orange
the last temptation of christ
children of men
Death Wish/Death Wish 2.
there is always truth mixed in. those with eyes to see can separate what is true and what is false
Any Roman Empire movies lads? Not Gladitor though, love it but seen it so many times.
Be still ya little cunt.
2 series:
I, Claudius
Syriana is fucking great. The screenwriter really went out of his way to research his shit thoroughly even if the film does take some creative liberties.
t. guy that has worked in most of the positions portrayed in that film
Forget a very important one based on true facts :
POL approved shows
I'll start:
inside job with Matt Damon, Barney Frank, and George Soros?
Blue pilled as fuck.
The Big Short is much better
Cheers bro.
They be tiny tits. Bubby want angel tits.
>Elite Squad
and Sicario
I watch this with my gf, it's a cute show.
The Angry Birds movie is subtle but I think Jow Forums approved.
"They Live" doesn't really teach you anything, it's more of an entertainment thing. People try to make it about jews but the cuck creator said on Twitter it wasn't about them.
Thanks I've been looking for this Chink's movie for a long time, people only ever link the one clip.
It's an analogy
Jack is the working man who keeps things running
Victoria represents the Press/Mass media, she is the gate keeper and disseminates information to Jack
Morgan Freeman represents patriots, they are called invaders the same way vets are called terrorists
If you’re looking for something fun pic related is really good. It has a very ethnostate/nationalist vibe. Just be warned, if you have had a loving grandma in your life it might bring a tear to your eye at some parts.
In the Mouth of Madness
planning to visit Romania next month BTW
>people who lost their true way and stagnated, just waiting for the end to come
>young radical who brings the old ways back and a new age of prosperity
its kino
underrated movie
>the cuck creator said on Twitter it wasn't about them.
It is about them, the cuck creator just didn't realize it. "They Live" is one of the most redpilled movies of all time. It also has the best fight scene of all time.
Any traditional western. They encourage upstanding moral values, reinforce masculine roles and looking down on degenerates.
Solid choice user. Madly underrated.
>best fight scene of all time
True. Metaphor for the race war. When Whitey and the niggers realize they're on the same team is when SHTF
>It is about them, the cuck creator just didn't realize it
I know. People say shit like that to save face.
>best fight scene of all time
Damn right.
Can you recommend any good ones for starters? I have no idea about any of those.
This looks like disinfo, how can you trust anything former Israeli intelligence says
>you know what it is, don't you boy?
Come and see is literally the shittiest film I have ever seen.
The Searchers = GOAT
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Winchester '73
The Man From Laramie
The Far Country
Red River - Classic Western, but the entire plot is a metaphor for faggotry. I threw this one in just redpill you on how (((they))) use our culture to subvert us with degenercy. Montgomery Cliff = (((faggot)))
>The Wave
Why does Jow Forums always list literal antifa movies on their le edgy red pill xDDD list