Why are leftists so obsessed with decreasing the value of labor for the average citizen?

Why are leftists so obsessed with decreasing the value of labor for the average citizen?

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Because they are obsessed with "authentic" ethnic food

They're hoping that an ever growing unemployed will rise up against Capitalism and seize the means of production

They're basically dogs who are happy to put themselves through grueling tasks for a pittance of food. Literal animals

But I just got a job.

And then hand it over to the government since if any of them were competent enough to effectively run those corporations, they wouldn't have been unemployed. Essentially hand over all the power to a small oligarchy at the top and we enter a new feudalistic age

They don't understand just how many people there are in the world that would happily take their job for a tenth of the wages. They don't know all the ways in which they themselves benefit from national barriers, however unfair those barrier may appear.

Because living at home with 80k in students debts with a degree in feminist ethnic philosophy with no chance of employment shows a higher morale ground that any normie with a job.

How about stopping paying low wage immigrants under the table, which will increase wage and may help getting a few people off welfare?

Black and immigrants: a great source of left voting source!

Because they don't realize they're playing right into the hands of the corporate elite in the US.
They think they're the party that is resisting against the corporate government system and the republicans are the ones that are corporate puppets , but the democrats are actually the ones that are beholden the most to the corporate government system.
So they fight and protest against corporations expect they're being funded and doing exactly what the corporations want them to do to eradicate any small entry level business as potential future threats.
I E - McDonald's backing the $15/hr minimum wage laws in NYC

> that’s kinda racist
Not all illgeals are Mexicans that eat taco. Some are chinks.

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This. Leftists don't want to pay their student loans

This board is too young to remember that Republicans used to be pro immigration because that was the pro-business stance for keeping labor costs low and plentiful.

Democrats used to be against immigration because they are pro labor Union and wanted to look out for workers.

Now the roles have completely swapped. Go fucking figure.

Because they are useful idiots.

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>Why are leftists so obsessed with decreasing the value of labor for the average citizen?

You nailed it. They're repeating a corporatist line, something you hear from the extreme free market think tanks like Cato institute.

They'll do this while also claiming to be pro-union and other nonsense. The first fucking thing you learn if you're organizing a labour movement is to fight being undercut, we've spent 100 years drawing up rules to prevent the monied masters from buttfucking you to save a nickel.
This includes being fired, forced to train your replacement and undercut by the unqualified. It's the fucking point of the labour movement.

In similar news, how come all the anti-EU, anti-globalist people were lefties 20-30 years ago, correctly claiming this open borders bullshit was a death knell for the native workers and that everyone would be forced to take a salary cut because Pajeet would work for peanuts? Who reprogrammed them? Sometimes it's the same fucking people from 20 years ago now spouting globalist memes.

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Because the people making these signs are champagne socialists who have never worked a day in their lives.

>Now the roles have completely swapped.
Nothing has been swapped. Republicans are fine with immigration. ILLEGAL immigration is the fucking problem.

>Democrats used to be against immigration because they are pro labor Union and wanted to look out for workers.
This is not true. Though your point about republicans is correct. Dems pushed for the 1960s immigration reform to diversify america, even though they promised it wouldnt change the ethnic makeup of America.

tacos are fucking gross dude

Because they are stupid... Duh

It's mixed. Half the right (the dumb half) has been brain washed by the racists extremists over the past few decades that all Mexicans are stealing your jerbs.

Smart Republicans know the economy needs influx of cheap labor to keep costs low.

is there a gif?

That's not a bad rhyme tbf senpai

It's funny to me how these people think culture = food. Too much "No reservations" and food channel, not enough hanging themselves while jacking off.

We're already in one. You cannot own land outright. Our ownership in land is Fee Simple, not allodial. We we're turned in the 30's.

This. They give you the screaming shits on top of that


Cheapest bait I have seen

They're secretly being run by accelerationists. The footsoldiers have no fucking idea what they're campaigning for, but the accelerationists in charge do - rapidly accelerate neoliberalim capitalism till it becomes unbearable, collapse, socialism.

Look it up. The Ccru was a British cult in the 90's whose members brainwashed American, British and European political operatives who then took over the "left".

Jamal, Abdul and DeNishqa think they're promoting multiculutralism because it's morally correct. Nick Land knows that he's doing it to bring about transhumanism and the Body without Organs.

they want the minimum wage to rise yet at the same time they want to take in millions of unskilled worker ready to worker for even worst condition than they are
if you dont want to be payed 10$ an hour Jamal and Mubita will do it for less

>We need illegal immigrants to do jobs for slave wages

I think we're entering the last phase of the left. They either take contorl of society while the right sits idle on Jow Forums,or, they continue to fall flat on their faces here in the west, while the leftist dictatorships around the world continue to prove themselves retarded/untenable. Meanwhile, here in the west the left will continue to play their game of "we wuz egaliterean" in the media/university, but less and less will believe them. Eventually they turn into a bunch of iconclastic faggots with far-fetched fedora arguments -- which is precisely what they've always been. However, when this is made plain and clear, ordinary people won't want to associate with them/it. It will just whither away. No more leftist music/post-modern art/movies/feminism/gayness/etc. It just goes away in the end.

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>rapidly accelerate neoliberalim capitalism till it becomes unbearable, collapse, socialism.
That's if they win

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Where is that flag from? Can't see it I'm not on pc but on Iphag



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Niggers can't read

Aren't we the ones arguing for higher wages? Do you get paid in Trump "Certified Hard Worker" Tokens?

Women can't possibly understand how much is 20 billions. The yearly interest of 20 billions at 1% is 20 millions

Isn't that a rock concert in Russia?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Mamas getting deported
And so are you

I like that their strategy is still to viciously attack Americans and then expect their victims to vote for them.

1% of 20 billion is 200 million

Powerful... I forgot that it takes hordes of uneducated Mexicans who breed like roaches to put shit into a tortilla

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>Leftist: We demand to be paid $15 per hour!!!
>Leftist: We demand open borders!!! We need the labor force of the 3r world to do the jobs Americans are too lazy to do!!!
How is the answer not to massacre Leftist on a daily basis?

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They are braindead. Indoctrinated and conditioned by their masters. "We need immigrants for the economy" - in a capitalist economy, basically saying "dude, immigrants are good for capitalism" and in the next breath condemning these capitalists.

muh poor indios
also borders are racist, we must live up to our values

That whole "you're just mad you can't compete with immigrants" line is bullshit and retarded.

No, I can't compete against a guy from India who grew up in a cardboard box and is used to making $7/week. He shits himself at the chance to take a $60k job in the US for 30-40k.

How can you compete with third worlders who are used to low standards/costs of living? We don't live in favalas.

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the best tacos are made by legal immigrants

Most leftists in the US fall into two categories:

1. Wealthy trust-fund kids who have no understanding (or any NEED to understand) basic economics, and who look down upon people WITHOUT inherited wealth (even if they never admit this)

2. Minorities or outright poor people who live off of gibs and therefore aren't affected by the wage economy

Wrong - we need to halt most immigration, legal and illegal.

>why are you voting against your economic interests, stupid poor white people
>don't you know its in your economic interest to perpetually import an underclass of brown serfs to overbloat the labor supply, drive down wages, drive up prices and be given preferential treatment in every poorly funded public service

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>Not all illgeals are Mexicans that eat taco. Some are chinks.
I'll bet the illegal chinks eats tacos, too. Disgustingly inauthentic!

>This board is too young to remember that Republicans used to be pro immigration because that was the pro-business stance for keeping labor costs low and plentiful.
>Democrats used to be against immigration because they are pro labor Union and wanted to look out for workers.
>Now the roles have completely swapped.
Not really, since most elected Republicans are still neoliberal idiots, just since Clinton and his DLC took over the DNC in the 90s, the Democrats have become neoliberals, too. Dennis Kucinich was probably the last Dem politician who wasn't total shit (and he had a smoking hot redhead wife) and look into what the Dem establishment did to him.

Leftist are calling for a living wage for all people.

Leftist also do not believe the people are born naturally hating others and that the government teaches us this through "nationalism"

Leftists (at least principled ones) realize that hispanic people are being exploited for their labor by neo-liberal business owners.

The point is that we want a world where everyone has a way up the ladder. If you're against this you have little morals, there is no way around this and expect to be publicly shamed for the rest of your life and receive to no respect form decent people.

No, there was a robust blue collar labor wing of the Democrat party the died in the early 90s with Clinton, I know because my parents were part of it. Their biggest complaint against Reagan was that he let all the illegal scabs in to break up all the good unions. My grandfather was smart enough to vote for Perot in 92, too bad more people weren't, he was fucking on point about NAFTA and a bunch of other things, too bad he chose a senile admiral for his running mate.

This so much this. If people just understood basic political history we wouldn't even have to debate about this shit!

>Arguing for higher wage for burger flippers whilst arguing for more imported low skill labor.
Wew that logic, tho.

Immigrants don't have to actually take a job from an American, they can sit around getting aid from NGOs, but their mere presence here as potential labor impacts the labor market and wage levels and their consumption increases aggregate demand thereby raising the price of goods, services and housing.
Leftists just can't into economics.
PS if you were laid off because the presence of the immigrant and his potential to labor lowered your value to your employer, then, yeah, the Mexican dun terk yer jerb. Chain of causation is a thing and there are no innocent players in this game.

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Wow, I guess ingesting sperm really makes you smarter

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>The point is that we want a world where everyone has a way up the ladder. If you're against this you have little morals, there is no way around this and expect to be publicly shamed for the rest of your life and receive to no respect form decent people.
if you seriously think this is implicit with opposing liberal values or opposing mass nonwhite immigration you are fundamentally broken

>Aren't we the ones arguing for higher wages?
Talk is cheap, the policies you support de facto lowers the price labor can command on the market and increases the prices of goods, services and housing by adding surplus consumers into the market who do not add any productive value. Mass immigration is only "good" economically for the elite and possibly the bourgeoisie, because it lowers the price of labor while raising the price of everything else, increasing the profits of the employer/owner classes at the expense of the rest of the nation.

Then get rid of affirmative action and employ based on merit

>Leftist are calling for a living wage for all people.

No, you aren't. Labor is a commodity. By flooding the labor market, you SUPPRESS wages. This is not debatable.

>Leftist are calling for unrealistic bullshit while in actuality are supporting candidates and policies which furthers the opposite of what they want except the whole death to whites thing

Stockdale wasn't senile. Sounds like you fell for the media's narrative. He was actually a Stanford-affiliated author who wrote about Epictetus and Greek stoicism based on his time as a prisoner of war.

Roses are red
I'm too lazy to raise my children, clean my house, or learn to make tacos
Instead of doing anything for myself
I'll just hire Consuela and Paco

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UMMM then it’s obv not talking about u sweety :)

>would happily take their job for a tenth of the wages

What's the point of emigrating to an unknown land, where you're treated like shit, threaten at all times, worry that you might lose everything you may or may not accomplished at any given time just do you can earn the same exact amount that you would in your home land?

This myth that immigrants take less than natives is fucking idiotic, most immigrants end up earning more than the native Cucks who'll rely on welfare at the first sign of distress.
Many of those immigrants will end up employing your bitch white ass and hopefully treat you like slaves.

That's the reason liberals want immigrants cuss other than pushing buttons for some cnc machine you Cucks are literally useless otherwise

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>Gets degree in Women's Studies
>Mid-way through program it's decreed transphobic and becomes "Womx Studies"
>What do with Womx Studies degree?
>Value of my labor is zero
>I know
>Make everybody else's labor worth zero, too

>possibly the bourgeoisie
They're still too dependent on government services for immigration to be good for them. They are gonna be the main target of crime and suffer from understaffed PDs. The average upper middle class family is still reliant om public schooling and general healthcare. They are still vulnerable to crime. They are often small enterpreneurs who will be undercut by the slaver big corps.
In fact, immigration isn't really good for the corps either, who are basically destroying their own customer bases long term by essentially depriving them of disposable income.
Of course if you're a big time CEO whose work is evaluated on current profits rather than future prospects, you aren't gonna give the slightest bit of a shit about that either, you'll be retired or working elsewhere at that point anyway.

You can state it a million different ways but basically leftists want to suffer and want everyone else to suffer with them too.
It's very strongly rooted in Jewish culture. This is how Jews always end up in their "gain power, get victimized" situations. Jews only feel normal when they're suffering.

Because they're brainwashed into thinking people without college degrees should work for nothing.

Keep paying taxes to support us white trash welfare people!