>Most powerful man in France and rules the nation with an iron baguette >lives in a nation full of Alizeés and Marion Cotillards >for some reason is married to a female Bogdanoff twin who is 20 years older than him, who molested him in high school >flips out on a 15 year old kid who probably has a hotter gf than him
What is wrong with this guy? Is there some rule that if you're a leftist you have to have an ugly wife?
He is literally a puppet. His wife has been manipulating him for years. She abused him when he was a teenager and has been controlling him ever since.
Camden Bailey
How the fuck is Macron a leftist
Cameron Smith
He is a homosexual. His wife is simply for public image.
Nicholas Foster
Are you new? Why haven't you figured it out yet? All those top politicians have a contract with literally Satan. They do as Satan wants and He gives them all they want and desire in this life.
Matthew Mitchell
>lives in a nation full of Alizeés
From what I've read and observed the angel Alizée is unique, I can't find a pic of a Corsican or mainland French woman who looks anything close to her.
William Gray
I just read that his wife's family are wealthy chocolate makers, you think they were politically connected before this?
Any evidence for this besides his wife's age?
Are you Gay?
I highly doubt that my friend. If he sold his soul in exchange for a 65 yr old drama teacher he got fucked on that deal.
Alexander Martinez
Alizé est un vent tropical dominant.
Josiah Watson
She's a tree sprite. She's in fine shape and has a lasting smile. A man could do much worse.
Grayson Morgan
Why? He is a former banker and the living embodiment of neo liberalism
Jace Rodriguez
i visited the Ardèche region in france. i went from hating frogs to now realising that they have a fantastic country worth fighting for. godspeed frog anons, hope it goes good.
Jaxon Richardson
France is very beautiful. But you've also got a beautiful country. Not as beautiful as Scotland, but still very beautiful.
.t Francophile
Nicholas Martinez
Alizeé est la nom d'une chanteuse française, pas du vent. Si c'est la nom du vent, ce n'est pas connu que les français. Le monde s'en fiche de ça.
You have to be retarded not to think that those bankers are liberal. They want world communism.
Adam Miller
J'ai vu dire, c'est ne connu qu'aux français. My French is shit.
Nicholas Diaz
France is alright. If only they'd quit accepting ragheads and nignogs as French.
Liberte, egalite, fraternite -- not even once.
Carter Cook
Christopher Reyes
>nation full of Alizeés and Marion Cotillards Literally. There are model tier women showering with their windows open on every street corner. As an American, it’s pretty awesome.
Asher Garcia
Puis'qu'il s'agit d'un nom feminin, je suis tout à fait d'accord avec avec le nom d'une chanteuse française. La version masculin, par contre, est un vent dominant au sud de l'equateur que tout le monde savent sauf que toi.
Luis Sullivan
ty user, i am hoping to visit krakow and warsaw one day. it looks like it has that old-europe aesthetic, which is fantastic (plus its cheap for a bong)
Thomas Garcia
Speak English you mongrel.
Austin Mitchell
>douching women everywhere
Cameron Myers
Liam Hill
>They want world communism. Which is why Macron has abolished the wealth tax, slashed corporate taxes and has pledged to reduce income taxes to 25% by the end of his presidency, right? I know you're American, but can you at least TRY to figure out what communism means?