Do you think women should be banned or discouraged from formally participating in the workforce?

Do you think women should be banned or discouraged from formally participating in the workforce?

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Next question.

Only prostitution and carework.

Prostitution could qualify as carework. Semantics.

In a word, no.

I just think the world, primarily the progressive west, needs to define what are the rules of the workplace.
Because as sexual abuse scandals in hollywood have shown, we do not know how to act.

Fuck you, loser. My sister is infinitely better than your fat tard ass, bitchass nigger

I never said they should be and don't think they should be, though.

Here comes the white knight brigade.

Honestly fags like you are the worst. The only thing you have to be proud of in your pathetic life is being a guy

There are girls infinitely better than you. You're a fucking waste

Is there actually a benefit to allowing women in the workforce? It just seems to lower wages like crazy and decreases the value of labor by 50%.

I don't know maybe making it so I don't have to depend on my stupid peers? Maybe so my intelligence and ambition isn't a waste? Why should I give up everything to make sure you have double?

Fake anarchist as usual.

They are so sweet cute gentle and precious of course the blck & brown mongruls want them it’s our job to protect our women

As a business owner, why would I want less efficient workers, therefore lowering my profit? Forced inclusion of women is enforced by the state, retard.

Yeah, and I can fuck your sister, but you cant!

what is more dangerous? one unemployed white man or 1 million employed women? which of those can bring down society?

I'm not magically less efficient because of my vagina. If the tide turns and I'm assumed to be incompetent I will constantly show off my skills just to prove the world wrong.

Ha ha I'm dangerous to society. It's so fun.

Yeah, but can you stop a man from beating and raping you?

100% yes

Interfemale politics kills businesses because they will do anything to fuck over other women, even to their own detriment.

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No, but all measures to increase their marketability and mandatory quotas should be eliminated.

Why do we (as white men) need to protect "sweet cute and gentle and precious women". They are other men's daughters. Other men. Not mine.
The only reason I care about my fellow neighbour or man, is because we are all relatively the same, participating in the rat race trying to imrpove our lot in life. When you have no culture, however, how do you pivot to the argument of protectionist ideals? We are shit in this country, there is nothing to protect.

I want kekistan. My country isn't even my own any more and is the fastest demographic shifting country in the world. Those "cute nad precious" women are now nasty thots, I do not want to breed with them. I don't care if the white race continues, because the cultural standard will degenerate to the point where we get walked over by the jews and every other "minority".

No women should do more than sit on their fucking asses at home all day. I don't get traditionalist on this point

>my vagina
Opinion disregarded.

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Yea you are

Yes. We should also take away their right to vote and own property.

tits or gtfo

With a gun, taser, or pepper spray.

>I will never get a women like this
why even live?

Of black men see a white man of woman arguing with a black woman in public they automatically jump to her defense verbally and physically white men should automatically be the same way but yes it’s way trickier because of the large amount of coal burner race traitors out there white women who will turn on white men defending them . It’s all so tiresome there is no more unloyal woman than the white woman they are like puppies who will follow any master

So if I work hard to buy a home I should be made homeless just because you're triggered. This makes me glad all if you had selfish parents that screwed you over. If you'd screw me over more than even they would why should I feel empathy for you?


I wanna cum in every single one of them.

Am I degenerate Jow Forums?

no amount of larping will ever make women part of the workforce.

your dad said the same thing

speaking of your dad, how is the old imam these days?

no but it is degenerate if they want your mutilated bbc to cum in them.
>the absolute state of the alt-white in america

Nope I think women should be made to work, conscripted to the forces, forced to participate in society. As soon as you do that, the awkward fuckers will be protesting and demanding to be wives and mother's again.

History has proven time and again that women cannot be trusted with rights that have traditionally been reserved for men. You are fickle creatures who are ruled by their constantly changing emotions. These are the exact opposite of the qualities needed to build and maintain advanced societies.

I'll look forward to dressing well and cute and LARPing as a man at the same time. People who have mommy issues will be soooooo triggered.

But I'm not a nigger.

So women should go homeless or be forced to marry abusers because of the society meme right?

Women simply need to know their place. And deep down, you know it to be true. Ever since the women's liberation movement, every measure of women's happiness in western countries has shown a DROP in happiness. Women were happier when they were in the kitchen, because that's where they belong. Deal with it, you stupid cunt.


Money, security, freedom, and personal safety are more important than your feels over reals happiness meme. Get over it. You're just the mirror image of people who say women should have careers for "fulfillment".

What women in the workforce accomplishes:

1. Lowers wages
2. Increases consumer spending
3. Makes women harder to get
4. Reduces birthrates

The only positives:
5. Gives them something to strive for or attain beyond motherhood (but lets be honest most of them are just working to find someone to fuck and hitch with at work)

There's no benefit to women working except for Wall Street types banking off the lower labor costs. In the long run it's destructive to society as it lowers births below replacement levels (as do contraceptives and abortions).

Likewise the female right to vote is destructive because women don't make rational decisions, but emotional ones based on kneejerk reactions (instinct). They have no tribal loyalty so when they vote, they don't care how badly it fucks the nation/civilization, so long as they get what they want (more male vs male competition e.g. mass immigration, and fewer/no responsibilities for women)

Do not reply to this individual, she is a early bird of the tumblr raid scheduled on the 4th. I've also seen a tumblrite posting with a brit IP. Do not reply to their threads (they are pretty easy to figure out).

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Why should I accept having no wage just so you can have double and be stingy with the money? You act like it benefits us both but you get all the benefits and I get everything taken away. You lose nothing. So spare me that guilt about wages.

Engaging people who are wrong is what this website is about

It's a RAID, dipshit. There is no point to engage with them if they are just here to shit up the site.

I also find it telling that you used the phrase "society meme." Spend some time in sub-Saharan Africa, you stupid cunt. After your third or fourth "cultural enrichment" by the locals, you may finally begin to understand the benefits.

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Gibs linkies pls

Without question

>that confused look on last girl

You fulfill your traditional role as a woman. You don't go hungry so long as you're with a guy or your family. The way it has always been before we gave women the right to vote/work.

Now you are independent and it is literally ripping society apart, because you act only in your selfish best interests and give the finger to the wider society around you like an overgrown out of control child.

Female emancipation would've been acceptable if women themselves hadn't ruined it. Voting for leftist policies, mass immigration, lowering wages, increasing the hypergamy of society and creating instability and conflict amongst men are all having mass destructive effects on our civilization, which is simply beyond you to understand. How do we solve the problem with below replacement level birthrates? It only takes 2-3 generations and whites will be virtually extinct and easily conquered by the 4 billion africans or 3 billion chinese, while we sit pretty with "female rights" and a population of 500 million.

You're a woman, so you don't understand what it actually means to struggle for survival. At the very worst of it, if you can't provide for yourself, if your tribe is dead, you can just spread your legs. Men don't have that luxury.

Female rights are on the way out, it doesn't matter what you say or think. If white civilization doesn't do it, then whoever conquers us will. You won't get any rights under islamic law, you won't have any rights in anarchic jungle ape "society". The best you could possibly hope fore is your own tribe restricting you to protect you, and like a petulant child whining about bedtime you'll fight it the entire way.

the fuck you will cunt, fuck your retarded entitlement feelings of capabieness you retarded cunt.

>>Muh vagina
yeah thats the problem, your entire biology and brain chemistry suggests DO NOT LET OUT OF HOUSE

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dumb newfag, you don't understand what this place is


Should I add a leaf to suspected tumblrites? They aren't welcome here, nigger.

you wouldnt shoot it straight and hit anything, taser would miss too, some men are trained to resist pepper spray. Now gtfo you stupid retarded little cunt who thinks she wouldnt lose her shit if ever truly put into such a situation. Probably start negotiating about how much of his nigger dick he could be putting up your smelly tyrone loving ass.

All the while youll say it was white men's fault for not helping you beat off the coon

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Good job user. The more faggots know about this, the better.

No, maybe only hired if they are the best suitable candidate but definitely not forced by 50% women quotas and other bullshit policies some companies have

Because of women entering the workforce the supply of labor has been doubled, and thus the wages have been halved. This may not affect you as an atomized degenerate whore but if you ever decide to start a family both parents will be forced to work just to bring the child up with a decent standard of living. This is worse for the child and society in general, since this will also have rippling affects.

You're choice to larp as a man is selfish and repugnant. Companies don't want to hire women. They're emotional, unreliable and overall far less efficient than men. The only reason women form a considerable part of the workforce is due to diversity quotas and nothing more. This means that companies are forced to hire neurotic less efficient half broken tools who serve to do nothing more than start petty drama in the office. Every group that introduces a woman into the mix introduces drama and emotionalism. This is simply the truth. Not only this, but with the advent of metoo the workplace just got a whole lot shittier, because when you mix men and women, THEY HAVE SEX. The workplace is a place for work, not for fraternizing.

Finally, just read a book on the basics of female vs male psychology. Read some anthropology, some evolutionary psychology and biology so you can understand that men and women are different. Men are better than women at producing value and inter tribal politics, and just because some cunts want to run around pretending they have a dick society suffers, family suffers, children suffer and everything falls apart. So shut the fuck up, if you're white find a man to impregnate you, and make him a goddamn sandwich you useless bitch.

Btw I know that you're not from here and are probably just some tumblr shill, but I really felt like telling you what a useless cunt you are. Hopefully some of it got through.

Yes, I'm a tumblrite because I think you're a dumbfuck.

Maybe next you can whine to the mods and demand they ban everyone speaking wrongthink or having a discussion until the only thing on the board is what you already agree with like the censor-happy leftist you are

Your behaviour makes a mockery of the flag you wear. You're a walking joke.

Well, first explain how women can be banned.

Mandatory post

Feminism just pushes (((their))) agenda while actually dragging women down and devaluing society as a whole. Women are less free by obtaining voting rights and right to work

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Government regulation of any kind aside from basic requirements as to who can work where is a block to the free market.

Literally all it would requires is removal of affirmative action/diversity quotas.

It's not necessary to actually make a law restricting women from work, all that is required is putting them on an equal footing with men, instead of ahead with forced diversity quotas, and the rest will sort itself out naturally.

If women really were as capable as men are, this wouldn't be an issue. They damned well fucking know they aren't and they need forced diversity to get hired.

No, we just need to end antidiscrimination law and all government-funded programs to push women into education and into the workforce, and otherwise all government-backed efforts to make women's wages equal to men's wages.

The problem is that there's an extreme bias in the system, which enables women to earn as much money as men despite not being able to do nearly as useful work.

It's not even close to being beneficial for women to have it this way. If we had an honest system, they could be leading relaxed, free lives, able to spend time on their families and communities, with all the family's income needs met by the husband, instead of wasting their lives doing busywork jobs and feeling like marriage is beyond their reach because there are no men around that satisfy their instinctive expectations of a superior provider, and that having children looks hopeless and miserable because they'd have to struggle to care for them while also being afraid to fall behind in their career that they depend on.

Worse than that, the entire economy is twisted into a crippled wreck by the need to pretend that women are equally useful to men, to make up jobs for them all. People can't be hired according to real need and paid according to real usefulness.

Yes. Birth rates are important.

Your sister is incompetent and a slut.

Really? Like stingy and abusive men don't exist? Some husbands have given their wives actual HIV. I don't cause ant of these problems so no guilt from me. No my rights aren't on the way out. I'll do whatever I want.

Also the thing is people have been saying all my life freedom needs to be restricted for the greater good. Bush's Patriot Act was just that and so is the government spying on us and zero tolerance. I see through this good of society argument because society is ultimately just a nebulous concept where I'm supposed to restrict myself for a bunch of strangers who could care less about me if I died.

Literally repeating Freedom is Slavery and expecting me to like it just like in 1984.

Sorry I'm more logical than most men I've met. I also don't want drama in the workplace and want to just get the job done but you're so triggered by it. You could decide to unionize and organize for better paid labor but nope. You decide not to. Also you don't need to live in a McMansion and have a BMW. I come from a union family so I didn't have to go to daycare or have babysitters or student loan debt. My parents had far more time to teach me things and we went more places than my peers because of the union.

Because of the unions. Everyone in my immediate family but me is or was a union worker so they don't have the butt hurt you do.

Holy shit, just write down all of that on one post, you dumb cunt. Posts can have 2000 characters, not just 200 or what ever is the limit on twatter.

>I'll do whatever I want.
No you won't lol

You are only able to do what men LET you do.

You're a woman, you don't understand sacrifice. You will NEVER die or kill for your cause and you sure as fuck won't do it and win against men. Men have granted you rights, and men will take them away. All you can do is sit there and sputter.

You don't know what's good for you. Let a kid choose what to eat for dinner and he'll eat candy. Adult women behave the exact same way. Men gave you freedom because of egalitarian ideals and economic interests, and it's becoming increasingly clear that it was a mistake. You can't control yourselves and you can't make good decisions for the society or tribe.

So back to being what women are supposed to be, and no more larping around as men.

You don't have a choice in the matter because you're unable, incapable, and unwilling to fight and die for it. You'll have to do that, not just against white men who already granted you everything you asked for, but invaders who want to take everything you have and whom you just flagrantly open the doors of our civilization for.

You have no fucking idea what you're doing or how self-destructive your beliefs and behaviour are.

Simple and to the point. I like it.

What are you going to do? Arrest me when I start my own business? Also living on one income or someone else working part time is possible if someone has a union job. You can also take lots of vacations and time off. My experience says so.

I laugh at all this sky is falling bullshit. Let me look outside. Calm homes and a forest behind them. Seems like the paranoid media is right lol.

You actually are less efficient. Skank.

I wonder how many of you guys also post on threads complaining about feminists being hysterical

Proper lols here desu

Someone's triggered and upset lol.

>What are averages
I'm not talking about you as an individual, I'm stating the empirical fact that women in the workplace has an overall negative net outcome for a society. You say that you're more logical than most men, but you've spent the whole thread sperging out like a typical emotional woman. If you;re the pinnacle of female logic, you've just proven my point.
Holy shit are you telling me that your boomer parents had a decent amount of money and didn't have to work all that hard? Do you actually suffer from a mental disability or are you just really, really young.

What I'm saying is I never had to go to daycare and my parents especially my mother had lots of time to spend on teaching me things. It was important to my family I not be watched by strangers.

We never had to go into medical debt either. If people unionized they wouldn't have to make the excuse to take my rights away. But instead of coming together to help the working class you want to disenfranchise half of it.

>Arrest me when I start my own business?
Your business will fail. You're a woman with an inflated sense of self-importance and ability. Without a man you won't get anywhere. You're trying to compete against millions of years of evolution that required men to fight and DIE for survival. For women to be a male equal that needs to happen to them to. Are you ready to die for your beliefs?

Men have evolved to make hard decisions, to fight, to create. Everything you see around you is the product of MEN. Everything that makes your little world go round is there because of MEN. Men keep you from being raped by foreigners. Men keep your taps running and give you electricity. Men mine the oil you need to drive your car and run the entire infrastructure our economy relies upon.

Men make society work. Women just spread their legs and latch onto male success. You can try to compete with men, but you aren't an equal, you are an inferior in all male domains. Allowing you to compete with men is like allowing a child to compete with adults.

By all means try it. You won't succeed without a man doing your work for you.

>I laugh at all this sky is falling bullshit. Let me look outside. Calm homes and a forest behind them. Seems like the paranoid media is right lol.
And this is why women shouldn't be making any kind of leadership decisions. You have no idea what survival entails. The very moment SHTF you are going to run crying to the nearest man for safety and support because deep down you fucking know you can't compete with men or do what men do. You could be dying of thirst and you wouldn't dig a well to save yourself, you'd wait for a man to do it for you.

Stop pretending to be a man. You are a woman. You have endless opportunities enabled by men and you spit on them and waste everything given to you like an entitled spoiled child. You have no idea the sacrifices men make for your sake.

Anyone who says, "heh you mad?", is 90% likely to be mad themselves. Given the fact you bothered staying here when you know that you are not welcome, and made 17 posts attempting to argue, this is likely.

Female right to work already disenfranchised half the working class.

i would love that.

who in their right mind wants to work

a career is one thing but peasantry is quite another

If allowing me to try won't work why are you so scared and shaking in your boots at the thought of me having freedom? Also your views are pseudoscience. I also don't owe evolution.

Women too stupid to realize they've been conned by media and propaganda. Even a lot of men fall for it.

Female working rights only helped increase disparity of wealth in our nations, while destroying birth rates and families.

You decided not to unionize. You decided to send jobs to China, you decided to import people on visas for low wages. You should suffer for it if you decide to go for lower wages instead of negotiation. You're for at will employment and right to work. My parents rightfully taught me all those things were scams.

It doesn't disenfranchise the women out there supporting their families and sick husband's. It doesn't disenfranchise the female breadwinners. Men die or get sick.

No it should just be made apparent that for 99.9% of them it's a bad life choice.
Also convincing couples to give up most luxuries they enjoy today for the sake of a happier life in the future is a hard sell

I'm not opting to have nothing in the name of helping the working class. Either make it better for all of us or I'm not cooperating.

Your an angry roastie ain't yah?

One million employed women obviously.
Women feeling the need to compete with men is already a societal failing

There are two genders and one of them is meant for a career and the other is meant for motherhood. Otherwise biology would have us reproduce by asexual budding.


Womans only jobs should be cum disposal. That is all

Men here are angry at my rights because they had families that could never spend time with them and they expect me to pay the price somehow.