I know it sounds romantic, destroying the left and the democrats (literally) but I assure you this war would not be fast or minimal. This war would be intimate and brutal, much American blood would be spilt, we would lose family, friends, countrymen, even ourselves. This would weaken our nation for years and the world would take advantage of our situation. We need a revolution, not a civil war. Think about the reality of how the situation would be. In the long run. It would help, possibly, but short term we would be crippled, it would be the perfect time for China or Russia to invade their neighbors or annex territory, because we would be busy killing each other. The whole situation is bad, but if we can, we should try to avoid civil war.
Civil War In The United States
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It would probably be more of a passive-aggressive Cold War type deal. That being said a civil war would be over as soon as the left realized that this isn’t a movie in which they are a main character who is guaranteed to make it to the end. They aren’t brave they have just grown up being completely protected/ extremely sheltered from actual violence
There will be no civil war. There are no sides. You can look down a street in Anywhere America and every odd house is a democrat and every even is a republican. Couple that with everyone be sedated by TV, Facebook, Twitter ect.
The biggest threat to our nation is a epidemic. Food shortages, police force shortages, hospitals full but lots of dead doctors, nurses and staff. It would break down every aspect of life within a few weeks. Then once it was past it would be difficult to rise from the ashes.
read about the civil war in Russia to see how it will probably go down.
either that or it will be like a massive version of Bleeding Kansas or The Troubles.
It's so easy to destabilize everything by just cutting off the resources people take for granted. Electric, Water, Food. The things that have always just been there, for all of us, since the day we were born. Take any of those away and watch chaos unfold. Just look at what happens when there's no trash collection for a couple weeks in New York. People don't band together to solve their collective problems in these places. They all just act like it's someone else's responsibility. So, yes, just watch for the very tenuous grasp we have on modernity and you'll see what's going to kill most of us.
But, and this is a big but, there's still the chance of political/social/racial upheaval. Communist revolutions do happen. And right-wing cleansing happens to. I think if you take a slow disruption of the stuff I mentioned above, then add the factionalism and tribalism that are occurring in modern society, you could very well see a civil war break out. A city with tons of antifa lefties and enough POCs could turn into a shitshow when the power goes out long enough. Those people have all declared a common enemy - white males. And take the class consciousness and tell the commie types that white males are enjoying the good life, and you'll have 40-60% of the city looking for a scapegoat. If there's a video that gets released of a bunch of these antifa types leading a pack of niggers to attack a nice, upscale white neightborhood, we might actually see good, upstanding white men decide that this leftist shit needs to be physically ended. It'd just have to be serious enough to kick things off. And I think a few stories/videos of white people being mobbed to death by the brown hoard might do the trick.
Civil Wars are always a mixture of multiple issues. Resource scarcity will only cause people to draw the lines around their chosen group, and defend that group with whatever level of violence is dictated by the seriousness of the situation.
That's how it was before the first civil war, then people ran to which ever side they supported. It tore families apart as brothers and fathers went to war against one another. It can happen again.
civil war is not about dem vs rep its about up vs down. there are no stable identities in civil war
why do you shut ins talk like we're in a movie. there's going to be no civil war, especially none where people are getting killed on a level like the last one. lmao you mother fuckers need to step outside and get a reality check
>“The locus of collective armed conflict has gradually expanded the battlefield to include the whole earth. In like manner, its duration may now be indefinite, without there being a declaration of war or any armistice (...) For this reason contemporary strategists emphasize that modern victory results from conquering the hearts of the members of a population rather than their territory. Submission must be gained through adherence and adherence through esteem. Indeed, it’s a matter of imposing one’s purpose on the inner individual, where the social contact between human collectivities is established at present. Stripped bare by world homogenization, contacted by globalisation, and penetrated by telecommunication, henceforth the front will be situated in the inner being of each of the members that make up the collectivities. (... ) This sort of fabrication of passive partisans can be summed up by the catchphrase: ‘The front within every person, and no one on any front.’ (...) The whole politico-strategic challenge of a world that is neither at war or at peace, which precludes all settlement of conflict by means of the classic military juridical voices, consists in preventing passive partisans on the verge of action, at the threshold of belligerence, from becoming active partisans.” (Laurent Da-net, “La polemosphere”)
>“The probable war is not waged ‘between’ societies, but ‘within’ societies (...) Since the objective is human society, its governance, its social contract, its institutions, and no longer this or that province, river, or border, there is no longer any line or terrain to conquer or protect. The only front that the engaged forces must hold is that of the populations. (... ) To win the war is to control the milieu. (... ) It’s no longer a question of perceiving a mass of tanks and of pinpointing potential targets, but of understanding social milieus, behaviors, psychologies. It’s a matter of influencing human intentions through a selective and appropriate application of force. (...) Military actions are truly ‘a manner of speaking’: henceforth, every major operation is above all a communication operation whose every act, even a minor act, speaks louder than words. (...) To wage war is first and foremost to manage perceptions, those of the set of actors, whether close by or far away, direct or indirect.” (General Vincent Desportes, La guerre probable)
This is how I see it happening too. Same type of political revolution. That being said: quick overview Russbro?
Something along the lines of scattered small packs of partisan on partisan violence?
The USSR / RUSSIA did this with like under 100 Casualties!!!
Long how strong Russia is today! How strong Poland is today!
What if 150 million whites living in 1/3rd of the USA actually becomes a STRONGER & MORE POWERFULL COUNTRY than the present US?????!!!!!!!
>But muh mexishit territory!
>Muh 140 million non-whites!!
Just keep whatever military equipment is in whatever state at the time.
It's proven this works.
>Poland got MIG 29s.
>Ukraine got thermonuclear weapons
Just tell the carriers to sail north and park the aged military junk in California beforehand.
Its. Easy.
Once the electricity stops working and Whole Foods stops getting shipments people will tear eachother apart. A Civil War implies some level of order. Anarchy will reign for a time, more likely.
all i can say is that partisans will target i infrastructure
>56 % white
>expecting there will no civil war
ok. if not now than when you will be 48% white? 32%?
Listen here almost quints. It can be done PEACEFULLY.
It's been done. Many times.
Czechoslovakia, they just shock hands wished each other luck and went their separate ways.
Now its the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
You stupid bastards won't want war so fucking badly once you lose limbs and family members.
Let California become a country. They don't resemble the American heartland anymore anyway. Ethnically or culturally.
None. At all. Never.
Try and make Jefferson a state and then fuck the rest off.
The idea of civil war is being pushed by enemies of our nation and their infiltrators in the media and our government
It’s no surprise that the talk of civil war kicked up just after Trump began his new tariff program.
That's why your friends are screaming at you to balkanize before you all kill yourselves.
>destroying the left and the democrats (literally)
I would volunteer for this war. Not joking
What does the symbol in those shields represent?
what most Americans don't realize is that there were two revolutions. one in February, one in November (October in the old calendar which Russia still used at the time. hence, Red October.) the first one was largely because people were tired of the dumb war that nobody wanted. this is what got rid of the monarchy. plus other things wanted, like land reform. yet that didn't solve anything, the war didn't stop, so the Bolsheviks started a second revolution, and got the military behind them, because they promised to stop the war (which they did, although not immediately. Trotsky knew the Germans had pressure on the Western front, and tried to stall for more favorable terms).
anyway, although the Bolsheviks only had the support of 25% of the population, they were by far the most organized, and had the backing of the military, and various armed ethnic groups, to whom Lenin promised independence. they also instituted a campaign of terror and weapons confiscation (Russia was a heavily armed society, similar to today's America). so they were able to absorb leftist movements such as the Social Revolutionaries (actually less extreme than the Bolsheviks). and fought against the fractured right-wing movement (the White Army was actually a band of several armies that barely even communicated with each other).
although Finland, Poland, and the Baltic States got their independence, other areas in Ukraine, Siberia, and the Caucasus fell victim to the Red Army, despite them supposedly being for ethnic independence. because really the point of a revolution is not ideals, but to acquire power and dominate others. once the Whites were defeated, the Red Army declared these independence movements (often left-wing in nature) to be counter-revolutionary or whatever and they were attacked and annexed. and people in land under Bolshevik control were constantly being jailed, executed, disarmed.
Do you remember the USSR?
Did they fight a bloody 4-year war over the right of states to leave the Union which went on to be a paradigm-defining component of their country's domestic policy?
It was a stupid war and the confederacy would have become a beautiful regal traditionalist culture.
The 'What if' the confederacy became a real country never ceases to intrigue me.
1000 rounds for $200? There's no fookin way
Am I the only nigger here who knows what the difference between a civil war and a revolution is?
the collapse of the Soviet Union did not go well. the economy went into the tank, crime soared, society basically collapsed. the dissolution of the USSR is like the prime example of how not break up an empire.
so an American analogue would look something like this:
replace WWI with the immigration crisis in America. replace the Bolsheviks with some ultra-right wing group, the Social Revolutionaries with a slightly more moderate one. the military backs them. replace land reform with welfare reform etc. replace the royal family and the rest of the aristocracy with anyone that works in Washington DC, or related industries in the media in New York City etc. replace Finland, Poland, Ukraine, the Caucasus, various Siberian republics etc with Texas, other Southern States etc (remember, the Soviet Union annex eastern Poland in 1939, the Baltics in 1940, and southeast Finland in 1941). replace the Cheka and the NKVD with Right Wing Death Squads. and so on and so forth. Allied intervention for the Whites with forces like the EU supporting brown people and left-wing groups in America.
my point is that a civil war or a revolution could easily turn around against its supporters and turn into an imperialistic terror state real quick. mass gun confiscation happened in Russia, too. there were virtually no gun laws before that. Russian society had also become very secular and liberal, and was undergoing industrialization (you could compare it to the tech boom in America, maybe). I think the only major difference is that now there is the internet, and Burgers are well aware of the dangers of gun confiscation. but maybe they would be less paranoid about it if it was /ourguys/ telling them to hand in their guns with some excuse. say that the military needs them or something.
it all just feels very similar somehow.
Funny thing about this pic.
The riot policeman is holding the shield upside down.
Word on the street was that these holding the shields upside down were Blackwater mercenaries imported to deal with the crowd. Same with many of the antifaggots they struggled against.
First time they appeared in Greece (to quell the lefties who were anti-EU at the time) some poor 50yr old bricklayer got Heather Heyered.
Just an amusing tidbit.
The thing is, at this point, there is NO NEED for the right to engage in a civil war. Why would we? We're winning hard at the moment, the house, the senate, the presidency, the Supreme Court, the majority of statehouses, governors...fuck it we could call for a constitutional amendment if we liked.
The left is bleeding support, the most important support, that of white people. If they keep on course, they'll be a minority only party, and white feminists.
So they will try to make it a "civil war" but the right just needs to frame it as a police action...riots that got out of hand. And we'll win, because a civil war upends the status quo. The people who DON'T CARE about politics will side with us; they won't give up the electric jew over dumb shit like having open borders.
You got over it and diddent starve to death and genocide each other. The US can learn from it.
ffs, you typed it 10 times in caps and you still didnt realize it was misspelled
Is he wielding a knife.. The butterknife ban is still in effect isn't it mate?
many people were on the brink of starvation. people often were paid for months. average monthly wages dropped below $100. there were two (regional) civil wars. bombings etc. murder rate of 30 per 100,000. and there's still leftover ethnic conflict in places like eastern Ukraine.
yes it wasn't genocidal or mass starvation. it still was not good, the way it was conducted.
good thing the mask covers her pignose otherwise you couldnt identify her at all!
I’m getting shill vibes from you OP, but assuming you’re honest: I was studying international relations before I became redpilled so I get your basic instinct. The fact of the matter is, however, that the United States cannot project power even if it wanted to because of its shifting demographics. The majority population group, the one that created the United States, is literally losing its grip on power domestically. This weakness and ethnic conflict reflects upon the military just as it does every other institution, making it incapable of fighting a major war. Until we sort this situation out and restore our status as the supermajority within the United States, foreign policy is a waste of resources.
>There will be no civil war
>Just like the time Japan would never declare war on America
>Just like the time the North and the South would never declare war on each other
>Just like how Russia was never go war in Afghanistan
>Just like how China would never have took overTibet
This country is not vulnerable to disease. This US is the world leader in epidemiology and can and has quarantined deadly diseases with brutal efficiency.
I don’t really care at this point. I’m ready to fight some commie traitor scum
The decline of society, of course.
We might battle 400 pound Easter eggs in our lifetime
I don't it's possible for nuclear armed states to have civil wars.
Not without it escalating into a World War very quickly.
You might imagine some neighbor vs neighbor, door to door fighting, but most people would just hide in their homes if it got really dangerous outside.
Very informative. So the theory that the Government's power is through the public works and infrastructure and sabotaging and/or seizing that infrastructure will allow the revolutionaries to very quickly take control.
Not completely unheard of, nearly all communist takeovers happened this way.
What are you trying to say, meme flag?
>Why would a state use indiscriminate nuclear weapons against its ENTIRE population?
>What use would nuclear weapons be?
>What could possibly be worthturning a civil war into a world war?
Zombie apocalypse movies have been preparing us for this event.
I've been unplugged for a month. Why is everyone talking about civil war all of the sudden?