Ok trannies I need to know who is this mf Q ?
I keep seeing "Q predicted this"
Any links ? I also need Qs predictions on Iran
>Ibn4 new/summerfag
Ok trannies I need to know who is this mf Q ?
I keep seeing "Q predicted this"
Any links ? I also need Qs predictions on Iran
>Ibn4 new/summerfag
Other urls found in this thread:
Q user IS REAL!!!!!
PRAISE Q user!
lurk my breth and Q's wisdom will cum in u
My bad bastards
Im dead serious mutant
Im dead serious mutant
I need em info on Q
q predicted this thread
Q is saying that July is the month we will see things happen. It is saying that because it doesn't want it's cult to break up now that the things it said were going to happen in June did not happen yet. So I ask them, Will you stop worshipping Q in August if the things don't happen like they did in April, May, June, etc.. So they get really angry. Really. And they say the schedule is pushed back because they need to get more people on board. They are going to help educate the masses when the truth comes out, I guess. If you just check in with Associated Press once in a while you will stay a few steps ahead of the Q, trust me, that's all they do is get AP stories a little before the rest of the masses start to hear about them from Fox, etc. So, as has been said before, (Proven) Q is a LARP from Cobra - Victory of the Light. A chinese propaganda machine. Losers
Q is a larp psyop to get trump supporters to sit back on their ass and wait around while the deep state tries to fuck trump.
Notice how it's #TrustQ and not #trustTrump, notice how he's always talking about "The plan" and "trust in the plan" and this requires sitting around with your thumb up your ass doing nothing?
It's a psyop to keep retards on the sidelines instead of actually talking to their representatives and applying pressure, asking why the fuck congressmen and senators aren't helping trump, aren't investigating clearly illegal activity harder
Enough with the Q bullshit, stop believing some magical convoluted stories of 49D backgammon chess is working like magic behind the scenes so you can sit on your ass eating popcorn and start applying actual political pressure on people that matter - senators and congressmen and other politicians. Form political activist groups, get people asking questions with you, and apply actual pressure.
>I also need Qs predictions on Iran
Hi French CIA, well you know those bankers you kicked out of the country 30 some years ago, the ones you are currently working for. Well one half of that family is very pro israel, you could say they made it all possible. funny thing is that ones holding all that wealth are pro Palestine, family feud anyone?? It started with captain green crashing a get to the chopper, just where the daughter of Jacob happened to be. Funny because q mentioned green a day before... But wait there is more. That helicopter crashed because some usa fag flew a plane in it while it was just hoovering, very strange accident one might say.
We have this tweet by Trump twitter.com
Q is a LARP within the Trump team
Q is an Intelligence group that was running damage control for Trump. As Trump is shown as a Zionist again and again Q came outta nowhere to keep the boomers asleep. Now that Q is exposed Trump shills are attacking Q while distancing Trump from Q.
the jews do not fear iran, they fear numbers. they do not have enough land and can only survive if they have more land and people, this is simple maths. Fun fact 6 million jews live in israel now. So 6 million is not enough to defend it let alone attack others. so they need to trick the USA subjects just to survive atm and the trick is no longer working. Trump wont give israel any more land and this is the direct death sentence for israel and historians will agree with me in 777 years.
Qanon.pub tracks all of his posts via his tripcode. You can read through all of his posts there.
>(2) posts by this ID
>each post running damage control for Trump
>not even an American proxy
can u even read, u moron shill
kys fag day of the rope's not long now.
This kills the 30 yo boomer
Q is convicted pedophile and his name is Sigurdur Thordarson
>Q predicted this?
Q predicted this
Q is Trump
Q is the real shit.
There is a huge amount of proofs, you should look through if in doubt.
lol it works excactly opposite to that.
i doesn't seek to
>> get trump supporters to sit back on their ass and wair around while the deep state tries to fuck Trump
It motivates and structures the research of patriots.
The questions serve as a guideline for the masses to crowdsource the truth since most information already are in public domain. It just need to be gathered, compared and structured.
You havn't read enough my friend.
Go back through the summaries and you will see.
The cleansing of Israel is saved for last.
US, Sauds and Israel work together to counter terrorism in the middle east, and thereby stabilize the region.
Q is actually and unironically a man named Sam Hyde.
>can’t name the Jew
Who is Soros and Rothschilds?
>he doesn't know about Q
Who was the head of the FBI at this time? What does the FBI do outside the US, it should be the CIA. Q got fucked by Robert Mueller after he has betrayed Assange and Wikileaks grapevine.is
Q doesn't even post on Jow Forums anymore.
>Fight Iran.
>FIght for Israel!
that's the moment when i knew for sure that is was all a psyop kike shill.
anybody who feels like it, give it a try, it's easy and fun
Q is a LARPer and
Q is wizard of epic proportions, Q cast the boomer plague on Jow Forums for their lack of praise for KEK. You cant turn your back on chaos and not expect a punishment. Praise him faggots
this user always gets first post. Its his job
after watching this again....
lets get anons to investigate everyone of these guys
Just a stupid meme, stop asking question
Stop replying to this garbage you absolute fucking retards
q was fake from the beginning. don't waste your time.
Why dont you decide for yourself?
There are many important redpills dropped in the video. Decide if you think even though it may be or may not be a larp, that message needs to be seen by every fucking normie.
Take Cicada's Liber Primus's solve online.....magically it was cracked in its entirety....by one person
Then notice the spacing in the satanic prayer building over lines and lines?
Each one is numbered and some lines are empty
In walks Q and fills the blanks....
By the numbers so to say.....all Q Posts are numbered.
Assange steps in and adds his Misspellings.....
To create the media feeds and schills working to mix the posts up....
"Bakers" on Jow Forums prepare the "Breadcrumbs"
Cafes provide the cover for a string of agents to conduct observations and plan attacks according to the crumbs
The Crumbs are part of a mapping system that is used by the original puzzle makers that is now "Adopted" by the Spring of Youth agents that have been running this facade the whole time.
Snowden has his own codes in the game...as do the Mossad user relays.....
Manning too....dont forget he is still a man baby.....!
The UK works to allow certain things to happen just like the US does and feeds relays to them all .... the illusion that there are good guys and bad guys in all of these govt's "leaking" is as obvious as the "Reality Winner" that we saw being the last surprise.
After that the Politcal juggling matches were thrown at the media for the continued "Storm" that is being brewed.
Watch for them all here like good little codebreakers and you may get a reward they say.....lol
After this gets found out they all get the shakedown and try the game some other way.
Q is for queer, like you OP.
Hello, friend. Keep fighting.
its an automated bot response. its high time we fucking take this board back and user their own faggot tactics against these fucking cunts forget what were capable of.
Iranian goatfucker Mahmoud - shitposting from a sandhole in the middle of the desert
Q has multiple times called out Mossad, nice try JIDF
>'This is our f*ckin' house,' White House official reportedly said in disapproval
Elements of the Mossad, the LAKAM, and CIA, with the companies Stratfor, XE/Acadami, and others are spearheading the FBI's cover stories
Notorious characters are returning to the stage like Lt Col Michael Aeuino calling himself Forrest Fenn, a carnival of rapist coffee shop owners, led by a man calling himself Cypher Zero, and others are dancing this Satanic Pedophile Ring like a costume party.
Now there are Burlington, VT and Seattle safehouses run by Jeffrey Lew, from Florida, and under the command of both Mossad and Democrats like Wasserman and others......
This is their technical and organizational command structure....they are still having trouble finding their base in the SW......
this kills the shill.
Q is some faggot LARPing as an insider who posts cryptic messages in a really pretentious way predicting future events. He's constantly wrong, but on the off chance he gets one thing right a bunch of people lose their minds.
Who here /q group/ patriot?
>starts underground movement on an anime image board targeting boomers
>Horoscope tier shit
You Q kikes are cancer.
These same fucking spammers man
>its an automated bot response
it absolutely is
Guy below is a bot.
Zero proof. And I'm not even that guy. You goyim are literally on the same level of conspiracy shit as the demokikes are.
Nothing Happened!
you could learn from his spamming, theres truth to it, thats how a good meme works
it is curious why a bot would be created for this
>this kills
not really. in fact, it’s proof that q is bullshit.
yea faggot nothing you can say now right?
Q is wrong about 80% of the time. It's horoscope shit, and you boomies fall for it every time.
proof? must have a lot for 80%
They rely on mostly the NUANCE of Illusion
New Mexico / Los Alamos
Utah / NSA routing and storage
Australia / Pine Gap listening center
CIA / Langley
European Base in Germany / Russian listening station
The White House has its own Q identity.......the tags that are posted have different labels and that is because someone cracked into the codes and said "We know who you are, keep talking, we like it......"
This is Trump's ignorant attempt to begin coding his own conversations in secret WITH the "Deep State" plants...
Why let the guy continue to attack foreign nations and play his own chess strategies into it all.
He is not the only Q inside the cabinet, or the US Intelligence Agency.
You know this now....Q is a front that plays the Algorithm out like a "War Game" strategy
A THOR Supercomputer.
Real Intelligence makes the Agency computers look like this.....
jim corsi for the last time
Looks like David Brock’s boys still fagging it up around here. Suicide weekend coming soon?
Q is the Continuum.
friendly reminder obama will go to prison or gallows and shills on Jow Forums was still say it was a larp
So many shills. So much fear. So little power.
are you serial OP???? Q is Q dude, duh
Q is one and one is many.
doesn't matter - anything that brings attention to the global paedo elite trafficking is good
>A THOR Supercomputer.
Many speak as one
What is this and why was it deleted?
why wouldnt you want Iran to free at this point?
aye OP, heres the best video to explain whats going on with Q
>What is this
a website with the Q posts archived
Q is a psyop designed to preemptively disarm the population against pressuring Trump into enacting meaningful reform.
Notice how Q always, always implies that there is some sort of grand scheme, just around the corner that will finally expose the true nature of the swamp to the public and bring them to justice. That scheme doesnt exist. But his idiot followers believe it does and give up their agency to twiddle their thumbs waiting for something that will never come.
>give up their agency
Explain how Q followers are doing this. What else are they expected to be doing by types like you?
Q is a clown a setup to send dumb americans to die for Israel, this time in Iran.
Days without Qish tricks - 0