Because Trump's approval ratings jumped 10 points among Hispanics compared to last month's. Overall 47 percent approval according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll
You want to know why you are seeing her face everywhere?
Other urls found in this thread:
La Abominacion Americano
Is that why the did the MUUHHHH CHHIILLLRUUN thing all of a sudden?
That's what I think. Everyone is trying to distract from the fact that Trump is up among Hispanics (10 points is a huge jump). I'm curious what the Gallup polling will look like on Monday
saved. Thanks user fren
Why does she always look like a braying jackass?
She's a complete idiot. Bachelor's degrees in economics and international relations aren't going to help us. Great she knows the basics, but she is completely unprepared.
Also take a look here
In that interview, she uses the phrase "wokest dude" unironically. Pathetic
Her campaign website shares an ip with a .ru porn site hosting realitykings/brazzers shit. I would find it hilarious to see a bizarre russian porno conspiracy break out across twitter/facebook that shows this. Ppl wont understand and a wonderful russian collusion/porno/peepee tape angle could emerge.
> ping: unknown host
fake, and gay
> Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — Donate via ActBlue
>> IP
> Free Porn Videos: Brazzers, [...]
>> IP
Not even the same IP !
There is some pain in that face. She's concerned about her future.
Obviously controlled. Media wouldn't give Sanders the time of day but somehow ms grassroots and no corporate money is a media darling.
By the way, it's Cloudflare, which is a worldwide website distribution network. IP mean nothing and can be shared by the millions of websites using cloudflare.
If I remember correctly, even Jow Forums is on cloudflare.
Of course it means nothing, thats part od the point. News orgs are stupid ass holes thatll parrot anything, people love conspiracy/wacko shit and are addicted to outrage. It's perfect for the american infotainment news cycle
For us European, it don't even exist, moron !
Please note: DNS server ( is the Yandex (Russian) main one !
Shes been hitting the walnut sauce and red wine hard during those elitist raves they use to entrap up and comming professionals.
She's comped, they all are
28 going on 50
>Bachelor's degrees in economics
Actually a useful degree if you're taught the proper subject matter and not taught by Keynesians/socialists.
Stop shouting frog. Your country is being invaded, worry about that.
Yes, counting the number of fast food restaurant such as Mac Donald's and comparing it to the number of Kebab,
I must come to the conclusion that we're invaded by US subculture more than anything else.
This is exactly the problem. She has no real world experience and just spouts whatever garbage she was taught
Beside I see more pple wearing a blue-jean than pple wearing Gandoura
my dick is diamonds
>You want to know why you are seeing her face everywhere?
Because there's something new out there
Deepfakes when