debate me
you have to go back
is the one on the right also a trap?
Jesus absolved the sins of the old testament. Thats why we don't have to ask for forgiveness of original sin or sacrifice animals and shit. Not for new sins. Hate to break it to u user, you think you're philosophical but you're just a retard.
>fluid druid poster
pls stop user
I only know the one on the left.
Hot... source?
Most jewish argument ever.
well no shit everyone knows who Natalie is
Unironically made me think
Fucking degenerate piece of shit get off my board
But at least post sauce first
Show more pics
waifu 01?
>i am still at 00
There is no IF, since he came to us, because we ALREADY have sinned.
He didnt die for nothing, even if you would live a perfect live (which you cant).
He didnt die so you can live in sin, he never invited you to do so. But if you abuse his gift of forgiveness, you will have to deal with the consequences.
If you sin you're not a christian. What does it matter?
jesus never died on the cross
that was kike bullshit to manipulate people
You think you have sinned? Now suck that transexual cock for forgiveness.
>these two slutty traps
I want to lock both of their dicks in chastity and then spank them until they learn to behave like proper young men.
Natalie is like 33 years old now. Dunno if still young
This. You can die for your own sins though.
>wants degenerate piece to leave
>demands source of degenerate content
hypocrisy much?
Yeah das right, fuck em til their straight!
>Jesus absolved the sins of the old testament. Thats why we don't have to ask for forgiveness of original sin or sacrifice animals and shit. Not for new sins. Hate to break it to u user, you think you're philosophical but you're just a retard.
You've bought into Paul's ruse. There is no original sin, everyone is born innocent and capable of rejecting sin when they're of age. Jesus didn't die for anyone's sins, and even if he had God wouldn't have accepted a human sacrifice.
This shit is only a catholic (degenerate sectant) would believe
Jesus came to teach people about being civilized
Show us the way
Introduce Stoicism to the pleb normies to create the Übermensch
He only died because the jews killed him
just like Moses had foretold
which is kinda ironic
because defying Jesus is defying Moses hence the jews aren't really jews any more
pic unrelated
You're German. You lost the war and still have no good humor
everyone sins
even jesus did
the point is in trying not to
you dumb ass mesticzo
I don’t can you post more photos pics? Does she have a big dick? Pics? Asking for a friend from church for research
>even jesus did (sin)
go to hell kike
Our current sin, is the not the same sin he died for. He died for past-sins at the time of his death, not for the sins of today.
Otherwise, original sin wouldn't be a thing.
he has an average sized dick with a deformed head
fuck off devil
im not gonna give you an answer
>If you don't chop down a tree it grew for nothing
Are you this autistic?
No, the one on the right is Charlotte Sartre, a female porn star who does very, very dirty stuff. Do not look her up or you will be disappointed.
He told his viewers in a livestream that it was a medical condition and the doctor had to remove parts of his cock head lol
No. That's Charlotte Sartre aka @GothCharlotte
>im not gonna give you an answer
because you can't?
Natalie Mars would be literally perfect if it weren't for his fucked up stub of a penis.
fuck off satan
of course you'd come from canada, hell on earth
>kike bullshit to manipulate people
manipulate to do what?
he still has a manly fridge body with wide shoulders
To sin is inevitable. All of us are incomplete. That's why we ask for forgiveness
Deep voice fetish much?
Oh just shut the fuck up.
Das Right, Christ died so Op could put wieners in his mouth.
Okay, yeah I thought that was funny too. But seriously I want to know where you think he sinned.
there is no original sin
this is kike psyop to put engrave inherent guilt on the white people
Orthodox don't believe this crap
yeah sure Eva gave Adam the apple
But just like all kids that have grown up God would have shown them the door at some point regardless
I do like Catholics and I do believe the Holy inquisition was trully holy
but there is much to clean up in it
yeah sure Eva gave Adam the apple
But just like all kids that have grown up God would have shown them the door at some point regardless
That is literally a fucking sin then you moron Eve gave Adam the apple. Original sin.
She looks like she died and her body is still just walking around doing stuff like it didn't get the memo. There is nothing in those eyes.
If original sin doesn't exist, then why are some people born evil?
It was a test you fucking Idiot
go kill yourself
now that's actually a real sin btw
We are not born with sin, and that user was not saying that. Sin is willfully doing something wrong in the eyes of God. Original sin doesn't affect you, hence you are born innocent. As soon as you learn the difference between right and wrong, you become capable of sinning. The moment you choose wrong, you have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Hence why they sacrificed animals for repentance. The animals were in a sinless state because they couldn't sin. Jesus is the final and eternal sacrifice because he also had the choice of right and wrong, but he never sinned and never fell short of the glory of God.
pretty face & feminine penis most important to me in a trap
likewise, a pretty face and pussy is all that matters to me in a girl, body is not that important to me - i've fucked some pretty fat girls but their faces have been really nice
to me its the most important feature but hey.. different strokes for diffenret folks
Nobody is born evil
People choose to be evil
It is all a choice
and the consequences matter
this is the whole idea about that the good go to heaven and the bad to hell
No Jesus is quite literally the sacrificial lamb , does that mean you use this lamb all the time , no you would run out of money , food ... Do not sin the bible is clear
>Going against god is okay and not a sin because there is no such thing as the original sin
Proddies everyone
the one time when he flipped the tables and got mad at the juice selling shit in the temple?!
also thinking about this now
if jesus knew he was going to die and he willingly accepted it, despite being able to change it, isn't this considered suicide which is a sin?!
tried to find more, internet says jesus never sinned
i thought he did
Show me you real flag you shit
50% chance it's a leaf
30% it's Sodom
How the fuck isn't there a widespread AIDS epidemic in porn industry is beyond me.
Didn't he die for the sins of those who killed him?
left is cute
would like to meet her
>those absolutely dead eyes
kek feminism strikes again
Ewe herpes
There is
they just cover it up
pic related is graph of San Fransisco
theres ways to avoid that you probably dont have these things in czechia though...
They can have a baby together, think about it...
Weimar, weimar.
If you didn’t sin, Christ would never have had to die. The trinity is omnipresent, meaning he is everywhere at once, and therefore knows everything at every point in time. Had you not sinned in the future he would have known it beforehand and wouldn’t have had to send Jesus to die just for your ass.
(S)he has that Spirit cooking band aid Obama and Podesta have
>Literally sociopaths
They're both born with a genetic and neurological predisposition for sadistic violence and usury. I'd call that being:
>born evil
Ergo, original sin is scientifically valid.
>isn't this considered suicide which is a sin?
Where is suicide a sin ? even samson killed him self for the greater good
>the one time when he flipped the tables and got mad at the juice selling shit in the temple?!
Okay interesting. I thought it might be that. I've never heard someone say Jesus sinned. I was just curious.
in the ten commmandments.
Romans Chapter 6
1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.
8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.
11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.
Being a sociopath and being a psychopat are two very different things
And it's just an excuse to kill people
I don't believe in excuses neither do God
I too feel like killing shits like you on the spot
Do I act on it?
why ?
because I am a good person that would rather help shits like you become good and responsible people too
>not knowing that all of mankind is BORN INTO SIN
>it is impossible to live a life without sin because you are literally born into it.
er , wrong we die , because adam ate a apple , This is our curse , nothing can change that , but christ defeated this curse and through him we also defeat the eternal death
Disappointed none of you quoted the Bible verse where it talks about this:
>The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 5:20-6:4
lol there it is
There is a diference between killing and murder , the jews also killed in wars
>I don't believe in excuses neither do God.
They born from God's creation, with these scientifically testable mechanisms.
>I too feel like killing shits like you on the spot.
Whoa, you're such a good Christian. Because, this is, as per the Bible, as bad as committing the murder itself.
Not that you could though, I'd ruin you on the spot and gut you like a fish.
there's nothing to debate you delusional faggot. He didnt die for sinning's sake, He died to show us the love God has for the people whom would truly keep His commandants and follow His principles. To show that even if we falter that we may be saved. Now kys you revolting little nigger jew heathen
a sorry
wrong britbong
Left is a b-tard who fell for the trap breads
The guy on the left is kinda cute
>1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means
Crappy translation God literally forbids you to sin
>1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2God forbid.
what's wrong with natalie's shoulders
Nice try Satan
yeah yeah personality disorder
Psychology is kike pseudoscience to give people the excuse to indulge in degeneracy
Don't believe everything wiki tells you
Everything is a choice
and it's the difference between a responsible real person and an animal that just follows it's instincts
Do not look for an excuse for your action but how to fix them
That is the difference between a good christian and the subhuman trash that can't achieve anything and would only blame others usually white people for everything
>Everything is a choice
I chose to get cancer.
Checks out. :^)
none dont sin
read the Word
I can’t, I agree 100%. Now excuse me while I go snort some lines and fuck my neighbors wife with a toilet brush handle shoved up my ass.
>good christian
*good goyim