Why are modern men failing?

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Men aren't men for a really long time. Just compare men today with men 60 years ago. It's depressing. And each generation it only gets worse.

Why would I want an old fat woman who can't give me more kids?

I'm not looking for a provider like they are, there's nothing attractive about a career woman

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>Men are expected to chase 30 and up year old roasties who have spent more than a decade riding the cock carousel
I’m not a Varg loving tard but this quote isn’t wrong

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Look at those fat arms. Hit the gym bitch

Men are not failing. Hypergamous whoring females are.

Top Kek. These women will end up spinster cat ladies sobbing as they guzzle a 2 bottles of wine every night.

>Why are modern men not giving me gibs and letting me meet up with tyrone?
womp womp

>when your family is toxic and you blame men as an entire gender

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modern men are happier than ever

why are modern women failing?

>act like a cunt
>nobody wants anything to do with you
fun fact, all of the crazy people in previous generations were essentially forced to have kids if they were female, now that forcing function is gone (thanks to birth control and the elimination of forced marriage) so all of the crazy people basically never have kids.

you should see this as a good thing, not a bad one. the filth is being washed away before your eyes. the sun is rising.

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Beat me to it, faggot.

Look at that bitches arms. She is disgusting.

The truth is too painful for the average person to bear, so they have to lie to themselves when they hear it.

That truth is: Men like beauty and women like men of higher status than themselves. Because young women are the most beautiful, men are interested in those women. Because older men have the most money they have an easier time getting a younger partner for keeps. There is also the absurd divorce laws that punish a man for being anything less than perfect by allowing his wife to take his children, house, car and then split half of everything he has left including any income he receives. With wives like that, who needs them?

You can't hate your way out of this puzzle. You have to struggle your way out. Not everyone will win. Not everyone will survive. Not everyone is needed. Those soul crushing truths are ignored as often as possible. There is going to be a lot of bitter people in the Millennial and later generations. All because the west got so fat and happy it began to pretend that everyone was valuable. A train wreck is coming. We have about 20 years to stop the derailment but nobody seems to want to except a few old school Conservatives who believe in Traditional Family Values.

Because modern women aren't women, they're men with pussies

im 25, do i still have time to date around if ive never dated,

>men aren't playing video games all day
yeah ok, at least Im willing to admit it
why do anything? life is so much easier with vidya and relaxing all day

Look at her arms. I wouldn't call that a failure of men, but a personal failure of her self respect. She looks like she's wearing a flying squirrel suit.

The eternal roastie. Sad.

I’m over thirty and date regularly. I was married twice before and have procreated so I don’t really look for the whole “I need to get married and have kids ASAP”. She’s probably shy and not actively trying to meet people and then complains when she doesn’t. Or she is overweight (assuming that’s a picture of her) and she’s looking for a guy with a Six pack. Or she gives her pussy away too fast so guys assume she’s easy and move on (which if she does she is).

Older women make these mistakes all the time because they’re just as desperate as lonely men. It’s a lot of good times if you’re just not into early 20s chicks who want you to spend a lot of money on them then they’re easy.

see birth rates by political leaning. conservative people are the only ones having kids above replacement rate. this isn't because the glorious light of trump has forced every woman who dislikes taxation to have 9 kids (although it has contributed), this is because deeply leftist people are completely fucking insane and they are all going off and fucking each other like rabbits, while not having kids.

think about that for a moment. all of the women who would have 2 kids, become fat and then blame their kids for their lives being shit over a bottle of wine simply aren't reproducing.

Modern women have failed to compete with empty video games. THAT is comical. Men even go halfway across the world to get someone who's not got their head filled with 'whitey bad' and an attitude.

Unfortunate, but this is ending VERY badly for women.

When women suffer, at no point do they ever think about how to fix the problem. Only who to blame for it.

>Men aren't men for a really long time. Just compare men today with men 60 years ago

Men 60 years ago didn't have to be worried he'll end up in jail on bullshit charges, taken half his shit just cuss some cunt decided to give a second spin on the cock carousel on the husbands dol or worst, dealing with psychopathic feminist willing to chop him in half just for having balls.

This is what woman fought tooth and nail for about 20 years now, let them enjoy the fruit of their labor

>Another women hit the wall
Mass media won’t report the wall, just will say buhh manchildren don’t marry strong,independient women.

>Dumb bitch can even get a soiboi to like her.
Womping intensifies

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Why do you assume it's men failing and not just responding to market conditions? Have you considered that it's women who are failing?

Female hypergamy and Jewish installed feminism fucked us

Lack of incentive combined with easy thrills from porn and vidya.

Lol why not grab 18 yo boy then? They thirsty as fuck for relationship women....

The age of roasties is over. Now is the age of robowaifus.

Im 31 and my girlfriend is 24 for the 4th year now...
Old hags can die eaten by their cat.

nobody wants old hags

Men 60 years ago didn t need to have 2 college degree to earn enough to buy a house

What else is there, O.P.? Orcs?

No . Too late, weonen are disgusted by people like us

Hypergamy and feminism moving women into the workforce hasn't worked out all that well.

Roastie should have married in her teens

>oh no how devastating

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Kek I was in that thread

Because a storm is coming...

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Men are failing because the Khajiit finally learned to lay off the skooma and get their shit together.

>waste one of the most valuable resources in existence for an entire decade straight of hedonism
>"Where are all the men?"
We're here. You got old. You honestly should be a wife and mother of 2.5 by your late 20s/early 30s. Our shit is good for waaaay longer than yours. There's a reason women in earlier generations wanted the ring before they gave it up, they new the intrinsic value of what they had to offer by being a young woman was worth a hell of a lot, and they demanded a fair price.

Now hoes just slinging pussy like its on the dollar menu and actively AVOIDONG marriage, KILLING kids, and chemically RUINING their reproductive systems.
And then they face the long rest of their lives alone. Maybe they can get some cats. Or if they have more successful siblings they can pretend to be the "cool wine aunt."

>get heart broken
>eventually try to date again
>either they aren't even close to making me feel as I once did or they are clearly manipulative cunts who just want to drain my bank account
I stopped trying last year

>MKultra using the same demoralizing tactics for the past 3 months

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Tried explaining thisand the importance of religion as a way to keep morals in society to a few women and they just tell me to stop living in the 1940's

Dont call it a grave. .

Are you a woman? When did you get married (both times) and how long did each of them last? Also which marriage did you have kids and why did you get divorced?

Maybe these are intrusive questions but I'm curious about what things to look out for when considering long-term relationships.

Look at her, buddy. She looks like grimace from McDonald’s. Think about the men she might meet.
Already divorced and don’t want that crap again.
A man who set out to find mrs right and wouldn’t be happy with chubby ladies.
A guy who made his career his life, and doesn’t need a cow who wants to change his life.

Fuck off with your islam shit ackmed

Sorry about your Down's Syndrome, user.

Here's some food for thought

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>Only wants top 10% chads
>Top 10% chads drowning in pussy so naturally can choose only the youngest and the prettiest


shut up i dont believe it

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Whats funny is that as desperate as this woman is she wouldn't give a second glance to most of us.

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Yes retard.

My game only went up when I turned 30

Love isn't real. Thus, it is not worth the time nor the effort to bother with doing anything more than having sex through tinder.

Western women are brain-dead. By mixing with one I would be ruining my genes.

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pretty sad story about dumb people who wanted to play God and be young forever

no one wants to deal with stupid, childish entitled whores

>3 years

I also just fucking gave up.

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>ride cock carousel through 20s
>be 34 and realize that 1. the men that want to be married are already married and 2. those that are still single can fuck girls 10-15 years younger than me

Women are just

Why are modern women failing? Why is modern society?

Do you think this is a bot? Is it government or private? Also do the mods take a cut?

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Looks like the type that's a fat fuck already, look at those arms, and she hasn't even squeezed out a kid yet, she probably sucked a few black dicks and took them in her ass too. No thanks. I bet she can't even properly do a load of laundry or cook, has a $1,500 stove in her condo kitchen and its brand new for 4yrs now.


Blame the courts. The penalties for long term relationships are extremely biased against men. They really only have half a year before they owe the woman half their shit. Exponentially worse if they have kids. All a woman has to do is fuck around and she is rewarded.

>what did i do wrong?

Literally every major life choice since you were 15

stove? i think you mean microwave. has the uber eats app too

Neither of these have any bearing on the fact that men today are completely weak half faggots in every regard compared to men of previous generations which was his point.

Nope I’m a man. Got married to my highschool sweetheart at 19. We lasted 3 years and I caught her fucking another man so I left filed for divorce and that was it. Actually haven’t seen her since.

A few years later I met another woman and we hit it off really well. We were serious when she got pregnant and I married her. We had another child a few years later and I thought everything was going fine, but apparently she was sleeping around while I was at work. I was devestated for a while, she took me to the cleaners in the divorce and that sucks, but I’ve learned women just aren’t compatible with love.

How come when it comes to incels its all their fault and they should learn to be better people and Yada Yada Yada, but it's never womens fault when they are single? It's also men's fault?

The tech and online industries are filled with successful modern men.

Drought of men with an armfat fetish?

theres no real incentive to be a "good man" anymore rly


much schadenfreude from that picture

Relationships are way too much of a timesink with way too high of a cost considering the fact that the vast majority of modern-day relationships crash and burn. If it wasn't for the normalization of promiscuity ruining pair-bonding/marriage, it might be worth it. It just isn't anymore.

because in the current dating meta, men from 26-36 find themselves easily dating in the 18-24 range of women quite easily. What kind of bluepilled cuck retard is going to hunt 30+ roasties when he can bag a young babe and maybe even claim her virginity? Yep, some beta cuck retard even a 30+ roastie won't date.

Also, since homosexuals arent marrying straight for appearances and having biological children, the gay gene may be on the way out.

The problem here is that few women are willing to “marry down” even if they have sucessful careers. Men meanwhile sre willing to marry a woman who makes less since they see themselves as the primary breadwinner. This means there are a lot of women avaliable for the top men and not a lot of men for the top women. They simply need to accept that once they reach high levels of sucess that marrying someone of a higher standing is just not viable.

>Women seek men who are a higher status than them.

That's why a successful career woman as few potential mates than a girl who's only ever made minimum wage. Few will "lower" themselves even if desperate.

ah excuses and drivel, if you want to be a donkey who needs a carrot be my guest but actual men lead themselves, thanks for proving my point though.

Lost generation grandparents who spoiled the boomer parents that failed to raise socially adept sons.


Got the link?

She wants a man to give her a kid an “accept her” for who she is. While the man needs to “show self respect” and stay fit, keep a good job, etc. The age group of women between 26-40 is way too high on themselves.


Meanwhile, I'm hitting my 30s, have a nice job and money and I am getting young, fresh and attractive women.

My early 20s? They didn't even give me the time of day.....top kek

Me too lads. It is insanity to maintain a monogamous relationship since social media started booming.

Men of previous generations were less capable of abstract thought on average, which is required to perform the majority of tasks on computers. Basically, we took points out of STR for INT.

we didn't ask for this responsibility
but it is our challenge as patriarchs: to turn those stupid, childish attention-seekers into competent, dignified ladies.

Men are failing because the most attractive serially pump and dump, and the rest are rejected by women.

Probably a hefty credit card debt taking uber all the time and ordering out daily at work and home. Probably enjoys a $7 latte monstrosity of a drink every morning from starcucks too that's 800 calories, wonders why she's not losing weight too. Bet she doesn't even do her own laundry drops a big laundry bag at the local laundromat even though her condo has a washer and dryer available.

This is why I laugh at women something over sex dolls. I don't condone them, but it's hysterical watching women reee because a guy would rather be with a rubber doll.

Go ahead sweetheart, call the guy a loser. Who's the one that's really losing out?

Actually it's someone compiling market research data. We do the same thing at my company on Reddit and Facebook and Instagram. I don't know why you'd do it here but if they ever figure it out they'll have cornered the incel market lol.

There are no quality males interested in dating-->marriage 30+ because everyone of quality is gone by then. Of course you're going to get pumped and dumped. You have to settle for low quality soibois who still live with their parents and work at Starbucks if you want the classical relationship to marriage path.

>implying men won't start to put women back in their proper place

it has to be done, desu. Now you understand why men of the past wouldn't give women any privileges at all.

>"is there someone special in your life?"
I hate this too. It makes seeing my family incredibly stressful. At least roasties could always lower their standards. Incel males like me are fucked.

I'll probably just buy a sexdoll and be done with it.

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Don't explain it to young women. Explain it to women like in OP's spinster, and really grind their noses in it that they completely fucked themselves.