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Brand Management
Benjamin Sanders
Isaiah Richardson
Since they existed before Trump, just call them "Barack's barracks"
Luke Martin
Sebastian Martin
I call them the Obamarama, but your idea is better.
John Davis
are people actually trying to imply these are anything like concentration camps?
Eli Powell
Wow. I've never seen the storage room at Chipotle before. It's big
Nicholas Martin
so how long do the kids actually stay in here?
David Rodriguez
What the fuck else are they supposed to do with them if they aren't allowed to just fuck them off back to Mexico? Put them up in hotels?
Justin Carter
Until they're 18, then they get moved into the adult camps.
Austin Bailey
Christian Jackson
Maybe drown them like kittens?
Did any of the libshits recommend late-late-term abortion already?
Jackson Howard
meanwhile in beautiful tolerant Europe where they revere refugees properly
>two note trumpet solo plays soulfully in the distance
Andrew Rogers
Is that photo from the Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump years?
Parker Hill
William Lopez
under obama we didn't detain anyone with a kid
we gave them a summons to a court date 20 days later and just let them go
guess how many of them made it to court
we don't even know for sure because apparently counting that sort of this was wayciss
Jayden Campbell
2014, Obongo Years
Kayden Diaz
Alexander Gray
Owen Cooper
Massacre all of the invaders.
Christopher Price
I feel like I'm getting memed on
Xavier Myers
>tfw this would probably be comfy as fuck with a hundred Jow Forumsacks hanging out
Just get a bar so guys can make toasts to Hitler.
Parker Ross
No kids in that pic.
Trump put kids in rape camps. Praise Epstein and Acosta.
Adrian Wood
until their parents are granted asylum by the court
or denied and deported
Nathaniel Clark
It is hilarious that this is such a hotbed issue for the states. Australia has an offshore prison where we put these people and both our major political parties support keeping it open
Nathan Hughes
Michael Adams
I agree this is horrible, we should be gassing them instead
Christopher Williams
should charge americans a fee for a tour of the animals
Thomas Ward
Liam Gray