Lets say I live in Iowa (actually not a horrible place for taxes) and I make $50,000 a year, a good wage for Iowa. When you take Federal, State, and Sales tax into consideration that only leaves you with $32,040 after taxes if you're a single huwhite male. If I get married that number will improve slightly (assuming my wife isn't working and bumping us into a higher bracket).
This shit is unreasonable. For starters Federal Income Tax shouldn't even exist, state and sales tax shouldn't be this fucking high. We literally told the Crown to fuck off over taxes and now we bend over to ask for more ass rape. Meanwhile our country is turning browner, socialists are gaining more positions in government and illegals are cashing in welfare checks.
love Texas worked there on a ranch for six months in 1999 good ol days
Nolan Jenkins
Look at this idiot paying taxes instead of getting paid his full wage under the table plus welfare and food stamps.
Tyler Peterson
We don't. Everyone is in a collective state of denial but legalized marijuana and good weather keeps people docile. Majority of this state is propped up by welfare. If those checks were to stop coming or those food stamps cut off. This state would collapse violently.
Luke Sanchez
You're still getting fucked by Sales tax, unless you live in Delaware.
Brandon Lewis
Taxes are loved the most by those who pay the least.
Aaron Allen
Good thing I live in oregon
Connor Ortiz
Oh forgot to mention. I pay about 65% total to the government yearly. I tell people this but liberal fucks don't seem to see any problem when TWO-THIRDS OF ALL MY FUCKING TIME is essentially spent working for the government. Do you know how fucking rich I could be if I actually got to keep my money?
Austin Richardson
Not in NH
Christian Evans
Stop giving it to the government then
Owen Peterson
>would be a shame if you didn't pay your taxes and a guy with a gun put you in jail
Jordan Reed
I love american taxes !
Michael Barnes
We move. It gets to the point of breaking our backs so we move. Some of ain't so lucky and can't save the money to move. Not me. I lived in CA for 30 years and couldn't take it anymore. Packed up the wife and house and left for TN. Now my guns are legal again.
Dominic Jackson
If you are not willing to fight your master you deserve to be a slave.
Joshua Brooks
>full wage under the table Your earning potential is severely limited if you work under the table. Plus you lose shit like benefits, 401k, etc.
Xavier James
>US """aid""" to Israel equates to roughly $32k to each family living in Israel Soon, faggot.
There is essentially no middle class left in CA. I don't blame you guys for moving, just don't spread the faggorty to other parts of the country.
>hurr your a cuck cause you don't resist a massive surveillance state with millions of enforcers backed by trillions of dollars That's easy to say when you are just a 15 year old summerfag.
Andrew Martin
meanwhile in Russia, my income tax is being lowered to 3%. VAT sucks, though.
Logan Butler
>just don't spread the faggorty to other parts of the country. But Californians are doing that unfortunately. I want to move to Boise, Idaho and I'm reading about how it's becoming infested. That is one of the last 90% white major cities in the US. Where the fuck am I supposed to go if that place is ruined?
Ryan Robinson
>We literally told the Crown to fuck off over taxes You didn't do anything faggot, that was all your ancestors. Besides your taxes ARE lower than the taxes in rump British north America(Canada) currently are if you make more than $90,000~. High earners here pay 52% of their last dollar when incomes above $170,000 while yours is lower by a huge difference(not sure but maybe about 10%). Go live in africa is you want non existent government and no taxes.
Joseph Hughes
>just don't spread the faggorty to other parts of the country. No sir! That ain't my style. I might not agree with everything the right says and does but I aint about to fuck up the very reason I moved here. >values
Jason Stewart
Third world countries usually have super high taxes
Justin White
>You didn't do anything faggot Missing the point. >Go live in africa is you want non existent government and no taxes Blood and soil, good luck being wealthy in the middle of Africa.