How the fuck do you combat this statement? I mean jesus fuck its nonsense
How the fuck do you combat this statement? I mean jesus fuck its nonsense
Who was it stolen from? Natives as a general statement don't count.
Back to Siberia you go
Take off their shirt and make sure they never wear it again
The natives were just a group of roaming tribes.
Conquered lands*
There is a big difference.
You moon them
we bought the land with beads. it was a legal transaction.
It was a fair trade but indians were such babies that they created the phrase "indian givers".
native americans barely had any sort of idea of land ownership, and right of conquest is a thing.
also we objectively brought better civilization and culture, unless you count human sacrifice as better culture.
>go cry me a trail white scalper.
north america was 99% uninhabited
The land was taken by force, presidents and prime ministers openly admitted to doing this, the entire American concept of manifest destiny is based on conquering land from the natives in a westword sweep
How can anyone realistically deny this? I can show you thousands of pages of proof
Good statement when you walk around Israel
If anyone ever says your European ancestors were "illegal immigrants", ask him what specific laws they were breaking
>mfw a white man displaying his ass killed ten thousand jews.
Might makes right
Bring up how whites were illegal immigrants and how they raped, dispossessed, genocided and un-personed the native americans and their culture. Then ask the shitlib wearing that shirt why they think it's a good idea to have that happen all over again.
Blue and white... Free Palestine!
10 million jews you mean
>The land was taken by force
In Canada a lot of it was just cleared and settled without asking the Natives about it one way or the other. They were far less numerous in this country before 1600 than you've been led to believe
It wasn't stolen, it was conquered. Just like every other inhabited patch of dirt in the world.
Legal status is defined by the nation that create the laws as part of its jurisdiction and governance
It doesnt matter if it is "stolen land" because the nation is a concept
nobody is denying this. if it was not european peoples conquering the americas it would have been the chinese or arabs, and the same old-world diseases would have done their genocidal work in preparing the continent for conquest.
Because this time it'll happen to Whites. They hate Whites.
>300 years ago your people won a war against injuns
>This means you need to allow Somalians into your country
The claim isn't in question, the argument is. And the argument is a total non-sequitur.
>How the fuck do you combat this statement?
Conquered, not stolen.
They should be kissing our feet for letting them live.
>selling your land for glass beads
No Refunds
Good thing the land is legally owned and people can therefore be illegal on it.
No no no good goy, no! It was definitely 10 gorillion jews!
If the Natives had strong borders, they'd still be around today
Technically, any and all land at some point in history could be considered stolen clay. Just a matter of going back far enough to see who inhabited the area first.
how could you be so insensitive and not mention the 10 gorillion jews
All land is stolen, and nations make use of it when they're ruling over it.
That shirt is incredibly stupid. Why the hell would anyone expect mercy and friendship from people who, according to the shirt, massacred the original owners just so they could have it for themselves? It's like a jew walking up to the nazis and demanding money because they failed to get him on the first try.
And like with most thing with lefties, they haven't actually followed their "reasoning" out to its "logical" conclusion. Since most, if not all land has changed hands in history, no borders should be able to exist for any nation. Which would in turn mean that their arguments against U.S. imperialism are instantly invalidated. We wuz world citizens n shiet, takin what was owuhs.
>Click here
Use another liberal fantasy like Mother Earth and say all humans are illegal squatters on all lands.
with rifles
>what is the red river rebellion
>what is the north west rebellion
I’m sure they were just accidentally rebelling against being genocided.... show your real flag American I can tell you are that stupid
If only they got them all
It's also fun to tell them that Nazi Germany had an open-borders policy towards Poland and other neighbouring countries, and that WW2 only began because xenophobes were pissed off about undocumented Germans coming in
"OK, so if all this land is stolen, then your house is on stolen land, and it's likewise not illegal for me to kick down the door and sleep on your bed."
Simple, we won.
All land on the planet has been "stolen" through conquest many times. The native American tribe that previously owned any given piece of land has no more rightful claim than we do because they conquered it from a different tribe.
Well there weren’t any laws when the land was “stolen.” These fagtards are trying to retroactively apply the concept of law and order. Also, if “stealing” the land is so terrible then why is it so bad if /we/ are against illegal immigration?
US was white skinned, red-haired people turf before the natives came and killed them all.
If Trump find some fossiles of thoses giant in places like lovelock cave i can't tell the outcry it will create.
I'm in Maritime Canada. The total population of the Maritimes before Europeans arrived was about 20,000. Even today, with a population one hundred times greater, it's mostly wilderness. Grow up, son, most pioneers were not thieves
all land is "stolen."
Shiny beads
For one thing if the land really was stolen and ought to be considered as such then it ought to be given back to its rightful owners with all the consequences this may bring, not just the toleration of illegal immigrants.
But the second and more substantive point is that the issue of illegal immigration is not about land or some abstract notion of a country. It's about the idea that a group of people A-B-C-... etc. is supposed to be forced to live with people X-Y-Z... To the extent that the group made up of A-B-C... is legitimate, there is no reason for it and its members to accept the people X, or Y, or Z, etc. The expression of "illegality" has nothing to do with the land but is rather the expression of the will of the first group not to have to live with members of the second group. The laws are not above and beyond the members of the first group (the A-B-C... one) but is rather the expression of their will and desires. The very notion of illegality is not an objective one but is rather subjective. To say "one is illegal" is merely to say "you have contravened to the norms of my group / entity". These norms do not stop being valid in the eyes of the group that has made them simply because some land was stolen.
Daily reminder that Leftists are infected with a mind virus. This viruses end goal is the elimination of the host species, in this case. It needs living things to live and reproduce, but recognizes the leading threat in its elimination: humans. Their actions are too consistently anti-human to be coincidental. The end goal is outright extinction, whether they recognize it consciously, or not.
> implying mexico didn't also stole lands from the aztecs
Two easy ways I can think of.
Mexico has the same history as the US. White Spaniards went there, colonized. The only reason Mexicans are brown now is because they mixed more than American settlers did. So say "Americans can go to Mexico any time they want, Mexico will be majority German and Irish." Or you know something like that.
Second way is say land can't be stolen, it is won. Whoever wins it and it able to defend it can have it.
No refunds
No refunds
Oh--so today's living Natives will benefit if we flood the land with yet further out-groups, and increased competition for them? Oh.
The population is lower because of westward migration and forced deportation of the acadians by the British to Louisiana, there were native tribes who lived there, they were chased away by constant war between the English and the French along the coast with those lands changing hands with the taking of key forts
Read a book you fucking idiot
It's not your land if you lack the ability to contest your claim to it.
Oy vey why would they kill 10 million Jews?
If people want to make arguments like this, the appeal to tradition, use another one like “we used to have slaves, care if I put a collar on your neck right now?”
I thought borders were arbitrary.
>The population is lower because of westward migration
Of whom? The Micmacs never had any reason to move westward (and to the west was the US after the 1700s, anyway)
>forced deportation of the acadians by the British
Which has fuck-all to do with the Natives, but at any rate there are still hundreds of thousands of Acadians in the region. Perhaps they shouldn't have kept egging on the Micmacs to massacre British settlers in Halifax? Even the King of France told the Acadians to GTFO
> they were chased away by constant war between the English and the French
Absolute fantasy. For one thing, there are at least as many Micmacs here as there were pre-conquest
> those lands changing hands with the taking of key forts
The Micmacs didn't build forts you halfwit, they were hunter-gatherers
I cant find a single native that would protest this point without some kind of (((influence))), natives dont hate the white man as much as (((they're))) trying to portray. We're all in this together
It’s not “stolen” it’s conquered a thing humans have done since the earliest civilizations including the Indians.
Asl them what country is not currently on stolen land. The entire history of man is struggle for land and resources.
Property right is a social construct. Boom faggot.
Yeah but if they don't feel like they're among friends they'll never admit this and if you're a seasoned Jow Forumsack you can make them squirm trying to find some reason besides a burning desire for white genocide why the Indians getting invaded was a catastrophe while the Americans getting invaded is a good thing
Canadian natives up north would. But that's because reserve natives are niggers. They exist on gibs and feel like society owes them the world.
They will try to tell you that we are all one world and all borders are just meaningless lines, but at the same time that you are an illegitimate colonialist squatter whose ancestors were land thieves. They are not only totally historically illiterate, they are schizophrenic as well
Whoever conquers land from the indigenous population gets to make the rules. The natural state of human beings is to be at war with each other. Trespassing is the same now as it was thousands of years ago. Criminals need to be punished according to whatever the law happens to be in the country they broke it. Any other obvious statements I need to make to clear this up for you?
Laws are arbitrary based upon personal preference of a governed society, land is yours as long as you can secure it.
They are leagally illegal on land secured.
>what are sunk costs
Stolen from Solutreans.
Because we have fucking university students who are given extra credit to drill that "white devil" bullshit into their head
European people conquered eachother for years, what's wrong with conquering a few natives and bagging the french colonies while you're at it.
Exactly, so featherfags best shut the fuck up and remember their systematic oppression of the native born buffalo and seals for literally thousands of years the next time they open their whiskey soaked yaps about muh illegal white immigrants
What you can’t get back
As a Native this is correct. No one can own land/mother nature. Sure you can say I'll stay here you stay there but there but ownership wasn't a concept at that time.
>The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.
Stolen != conquered
>How the fuck do you combat this statement?
You don't argue with a brick wall. Instead you make 1 post by this ID threads about it.
Scarcity is a bitch, and hunger and violence her bastards
We didn't steal it. We killed for it.
"Hating" the white man is sort of a cultural relic for them. I've been to pow wows and they talk a lot of shit about whites but it doesn't actually spill over into their day to day conduct like it does with blacks and Hispanics. They're kind of like us in a way, let out their hate among friends but hide their power level around the general public
>How the fuck do you combat this statement
>White people are evil they stole natives land
>Wrong, "natives" actually came here from Mongolia through a tiny strip of land that connected Russia and Alaska which doesn't exist anymore thus they are not natives either
Thats it. If they say "well they were here first it's theirs" you say
>if owning land is as simple as coming here and planting a flag and saying its yours then you better be ready to defend that land otherwise it isn't yours
That's it. This shit works every time.
Acquisitive prescription.
When you cultivate the land for more than 200 years you earn the right to set the borders and protect it.
>If all western land is stolen, how about we just give it back?
If they go "Yeah, absolutely",you know they are insane. If not, you might make them reevaluate what's important.
And: if being first in a region gives you a special connection with the land, why is this not true for indigenous Europeans? Leftists contradict themselves at every turn because Natives are only political props for them to be used to delegitimize the existence of the US and Canada
Ask anyone wearing such a shirt if they would give their land, money, belongings, and/or job to a Native American and they back pedal.
Remember, they're not guilty because they're addressing the issue. It gives them a pass. They're not concerned with a solution to their supposed problem. So, the only solution is to demand they are guilty of theft by living and working in the US. When they try to claim you are guilty agree, but say that you know you're a piece of shit and don't care. That leaves them either being guilty of theft or being a piece of shit. It's a win either way.
>And: if being first in a region gives you a special connection with the land, why is this not true for indigenous Europeans?
Good I never thought of this, this is an excellent addition. Nice work leaf.
I don't know about Australia, but in Canada white masochists have started making this kind of ritual apology before schooldays, political meetings, and even concerts saying stuff like "we acknowledge that we are on the unceded lands of the XYZ Native peoples..." It's crazy
They went the way of the dinosaur
"New Moon Rising" is now a dog-whistle.
Idk the conquistadors where some bad ass dudes
We bought this land fair and square from those drunk injuns with beads and whisky.