Are Christcucks now eternally btfo-d
>Pornstars are more likely to be religious
I can honestly understand why Varg says to stop watching porn
Are Christcucks now eternally btfo-d
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She has a 666 tattoo in Roman numerals user. Bad example of a religious porn star.
Theyre "more religious" because their religion is Babylonian . not Christian.
this sodomite was explicitly used to MK Jow Forums users as linetrap on /b/.
Or possibly, he started out as a normal mentally ill fag and then got initiated when recruited into the porn industry.
but I suspect just like Chris-Chan, he was a satanic abuse victim since childhood explicity groomed for internet use
They have always been the same rehash.
Oh god
Oh god
Oh god
Oh god
Her scenes are always so boring even when they’re extreme. Porn sucks lately.
>user, if drugs and casual sex are so bad, why did God make them?
except that's not actually Jesus
you only think it is to begin with because you've spend years and years listening to Papist psyops. Do you even 2nd commandment bro
They aren't 'Chastity is a virtue' religious. They are 'Lust is a virtue' religious. Whatever female saint or goddess they believe in it's generally all the same.
Also more than 90% of blacked women are Jewish. Who knows why?
All Eurasian religions have the same root in ancient times. Hermes Trismegistus pointed this out almost 2 millennia ago.
>Not Lillith, Mary, Isis, Freya or some other Goddess representing sleeping around.
except all those religions were from the Tower of Babel, and strayed from the Creator.
This includes the "jewish religion" because what you refer to as Jewish is actually more of the same Babel religion learned in the captivities (in egypt and later babylon)
Fuck you kike, you're a literal antichrist jewish shill
Which religion? Porn actresses that stay alive and relevant in the industry are satanic usually. Check their rings and tats. Hell, a lot of them are groomed for this by the porn producers who are also satanic. "Oh here shiksa! Get this inverted star on your shoulder! Don't worry about the implications! It's just a star! Don't you want to be a star?"
You look but you do not see. You hear but you do not listen.
Jow Forums doesn't even realize the same is true about 99% of their favorite memes
Explain like I did or fuck off with the pilpul.
the link between jesus and the story of horus has been completely debunked
that's charlotte sartre lol. she's not trans
>Numerology tattoo
>bug tattoo
>band-aid on middle finger
Yeah, definitely involved with spirit cooking.
>more likely to be Jewish
Pepe is the frog god which is one of the forms of Jahbulon worshipped by the masons. "Kek" has embedded 11's (k=11) which is a number loved by masons as well (9/11, 11+11+11=33, etc). Frogs are explicitly referred to as a form taken by unclean spirits in Revelations.
Another meme, the 56 percent mutt face, resembles the Billiken, an idol used by the Shriners, which was first invented by a Jewess and gifted to Japan where it's worshipped in Tokyo. (pic related)
It's referred to as the "god of things as they ought to be"... just like the "new face of America" . The digits in 56 add up to 11 too.
I thought it was bailey jay, but all the Isis cult whores are dressed the same way with the same bettie page/bowl haircut
Good catch. Didn't even catch the middle finger bloodletting bandaid
Obstinacy is an eternal sin
Of course they are
"It's okay God has forgiven me, so don't judge"
Why do you even create this thread?
It doesn't say anything about religious people
It only says that the average woman has less self esteem than the average pornstar
>tat = blacked
>marking yourself as the underclass
Anyone who's not retarded knows this, modern Christianity is FULL of "born-again" sluts looking for some dumbfuck simp beta to lock down.
The only people who deny this are aforementioned dumbfuck simp betas.
Didn't know about the 56% meme correlation. Interesting. Thank you for that. But as for Kek,
close, but not quite. Frogs are not explicitly referred to as a form taken by unclean spirits. That is incorrect. It just says that the unclean spirits will take that form at that time. If frogs, all frogs, are unclean spirits then why would God send a rain of frogs on to the Egyptians as a plague for not letting the Israelites leave and worship their own God?
I will tell you this, many have been deceived into worshiping what you said by the masons who hide on this board, but I invite you to look beyond the shallow understanding of meme magic and to remember if you have forgotten, or to see it if you haven't, that if thou has faith as small as a mustard seed, ye can move mountains.
Varg is a loser imagine only looking at the same set of his wife’s old baby sucked teats for the rest of your life? I would rathe cut my duck off. Porn rules and so does fucking heaps of different women.
>The study also found that women working in porn tried more drugs, had their first sexual experience at a younger age and had more sexual partners than those in the sample group.
Pornstars - doing more drugs, fucking sooner and have fucked more people - Really, they needed a study for this?
I have a Billiken in my room.
>Charlotte Sartre
I can't believe no-one has posted it yet kek. You guys wanna see?
Where is this shit from? I always see fags posting this video.
B...but all Christian girls who go to church are secretly sluts and literal whores were all good women who were misled into joining porn where they quickly lose every virginity one can think of.
are you a masonnigger or just a ST Louis university sports fan
actual frogs aren't unclean spirits, the issue is worshipping idols shaped like created things
is she related to the Frankfurt school guy, Jean-Paul Sartre?
you should look at stuff like pic related. These organizations bringing "christian brothers" from Africa and Asia are a huge unaddressed problem
Why are there multiple threads from different third-world flags up about the same porn star?
Ah, good! We are in agreement then!
Omg and 11 is dubz which Jow Forums loves omg omg omg czech um
speaking of shriners, check out this canadian thot from the Rebel Media (run by Ezra Levant) using the Shriner scimitar over her head?
Apparently she had her colon removed due to a supposed "autoimmune disorder" but I'm 99% sure it's due to anal tearing from being raped by lodge members
"dubbing" is also the act by British royalty of conferring knighthoods (Royal society masons)
Certainly sounds like she'd be related to him. That's straight Sabbateanism
but maybe it's not her real name which is more likely, just her (((industry))) name
>All those who call the lord:"lord"
She will most likely burn in hell because the Lord does not lift the sword in vain and he will judge all the fornicators and adulterer
of course they are christian, never realized how frequently they call out for God?
It's not so strange, people who grow up in weird sexually repressed environment, which Christian families tend to correlate with, statistically develop weirder and more extreme sexualities. Varg's remedy would just make things worse.
Sauce on pic?
This bitch is lil xan in disguise
Sweden isn't Christian at all and you all have a massive cuck fetish.
If you can't trust someone who has sex for money to be honest, who can you trust?
Evidently, they are not very religious, considering their life of sin and excess.
well religious people are either dumb or poor for the most part so it comes as no surprise that porn stars are religious.
If not for the fantasy of religion they would have nothing in their lives.
>person does something in complete contradiction to religion's teachings
>blame religion
>Vainly trying to fill the massive gap in they're hearts with religion once all hedonistic materialist pleasures failed without actually following the rules of said religion nor changing their lifestyle
Seems reasonable
Whores virtue signal.
This ia not a surprise. Quickest way to appear less whorish is to find God.
All the tattooed single mothers and whores I work with go to church to find a good man.
>higher self esteem
>all I hear about recently are porn actresses killing themselves
Are you legally fucking blind?