How do we fix modern women, Jow Forums?
How do we fix modern women, Jow Forums?
kill them
There’s no way that’s a woman
Just saying
Aren't those bolt-on tits
There's a little finger pump in one of her testicles
Plastic tits but worth it HOLY SHIT
like this
Well you're wrong, tits are silicone though.
Best part was she took these then had a melt down because they went viral all over the internet and bitched on her web page about she had to go on antidepressants.
dating qt 3.14 asians
>How do we fix modern women, Jow Forums?
take away voting rights. forbid women to work.
that's it.
It is, she just used fake tits.
IIRC she's Polish or something, got doxed and had people IRL find out and call her a whore to her face.
She baawww'd for a bit, quit the internet, then went right back to camwhoring about a year after.
I can smell the vanity a block away.
So you have that saved. You look like you enjoy slutty cosplayers but still complain about it because they don't fuck you.
And yet here you are on Jow Forums, a board for white supremacists, when you're a shitskin.
stop watching porn
make something of yourself
the child-like women will come to you
>a board for white supremacists
No, it's a board for politics
>No, it's a board for politics
No, /n/ was a board for politics.
Jow Forums is a board for nazis and LARPing.
In due time user. You'll get your chance when burgers see the Day of the Grill.
spotted the tumblrina
I wanted to suck those titties and play with her butthole until I found out the titties were fake.
>There’s no way that’s a woman
Men do everything better than women, including being women. That body was built for pleasing men, crafted from the ground up. There is no shame in blowing your seed in that.
Begin with yourself. Ask yourself "Why am I such a faggot?! Why do I use meme flags?! Why and how is it confirmed that these two things are related about me?"
Fixing yourself begins with taking responsibility. But I guess you enjoy the microwave dinners and nightly fap into a paper towel while watching degenerate porn.
I want a GF that would dress up in these amazing cosplays
to be fair those are some good looking fake tits. normally fake tits look rubbish but those are A1.
lol what a silly tart
reminder to never EVER trust a roastie
It's a woman, but she's using silicon tits in that picture
if you dick a modern women down to the point where she almost dies she will do anything for you. Just get right wingers to fuck them good. Women like that built up agression in right wing men anyways.
We replace them
>just have degenerate hedonistic sex with the roasties! what could go wrong!
artificial wombs
im saying thats how you get her to change, wife one and kill her vagina
thats shinuki and those are rubber tits
she sold fake nudes to loser betas on patreon
fucking based!
>muh dick
You alpha bros get cucked by women the worst
Take their voting rights
im for a one man one women life, no more other partners, consumating both virginities at once and living together until death. you guys wanted a solution to fix braindead retarded npc women, thats how you are going to do it. sorry you dont like my answer.
There is no "fixing" women they are natural sluts. Even thinking kike this is cuckolding because you are playing white knight.
No amount of "dicking" will change that
other than completely changing the way she thinks through a natural process of being the bigger and more responsible person in the relationship (male), some women are so gone to the point where dick is the only thing they look for in a man. im talking about worst case scenario. if you can do it once, you can slowly ease back on it, but its the inital start. all women are whores but you have to compromise.
Do you understand that you are enfkrcing your position as a slave by saying we need to change them kek?
Fucj them, they are trash mate, take the wombs and sexbot pill
What I wouldn't give for that to be the way things are.
I hate this bitch, she wears these fake rubber tits due to the lack thereof. Why not just embrace your small size? Her picture sets are obnoxious and you actually have to pay for her trite.
"Fix modern women"
it has nothing to do with that
she was selling pics but didnt want to be nude
she had a rubber pussy and ass as well
I think my sister's friend is flirting with me
She's 13 what do
Post pics
give her the d
tell her uuuh it itches so much can you help me and point your groin
Impregnate her
>based Mel preserving the race by inseminating the young white ladies
Go homosexual
Don’t do anything. 13 is too young. But you can plant seeds to bang her in 3-4 years when she’s a thot
Mel is so based im suprised we dont mention him as much as any of the other idiot face-ghouls we bicker about. I mean he looks like godamned jesus, MADE A MOVIE ABOUR JESUS and has 9 white babies. He is stromg in the face of hollywood for christs sake.Of all the fucking retarded thots and controlled oposition men we waste life and digits posting about why not the one true knight... Mel
Pretty much the only solution out there is for men and the state to fulfill their traditional roles as the maintainers of order in society and suppress liberalism and individual choice for women.
Also, do away with the utilitarian idea that relationships are supposed to be done with the objective of personal happiness, and instill the idea that they should instead be geared towards producing high-quality offspring. Women act the way they do because it makes them 'happy', i.e. it satisfies their momentary short-term desires, for example, getting rammed by niggers. Have the state add restrictions for relationships, for example having similar IQ and genetics, and abort children from undesireable couples so that future generations won't have to deal with low-quality human beings.
What's shinuki's new site to whore on?
She looks ship shape to me