>Have a deeply held respect for traditions and customs >Community-driven and always willing to help out members of their own race before others >Have established a racial homeland and work tirelessly to keep it pure
This is everything that I wish White people could be.
Oh look, It's another shitty pro israel thread on Jow Forums. Keep making these threads because it only exposes that Israeli shills are real and also makes people hate Israel more.
Luis Taylor
Andrew Adams
Well, Jow Forums, nobody beats your smarts. Except Jared Kushner of course who astroturfed your board to all hell and made you elect a "shill for Israel" right into the white house
oh yes a gang of degenerate psychopaths who hate anything of true value and wish to get rid of God
truly admirable folk
Brody Myers
i sincerely dont ,maybe japanese if i would rebirth but thats how far i would go
Caleb Myers
Levi Ward
You know what's funny to me? How you kikes get exposed as being JIDF faggots and then you take your anger out on Jared Kushner. You guys really don't like him.
>Have established a racial homeland and work tirelessly to keep it pure also this. israel is 25%+ arab and growing, the kikes living their are mostly mutts with black eyes and skin.
they do practice nepotism of course, which is commendable
Jack Green
No. The thought occurred to me too.
You forgot one thing---based Jews will be able to flee to Israel if and when all is lost in the Gentile world. Gentiles don't have that luxury.
The Jewish strategy is hard work, literacy and group solidarity---along with patriarchy and opposition to faggotry. Go thou and do likewise.
Logan Barnes
>phone poster >magapede >thinks Kushner is based >unironic 4D chess drone >calls ME a kike It's both scary and shocking to see how utterly blind, ignorant, cultish and brainwashed Americans are. You are nothing but dumb cannon fodder for Jews. Really must remember that. Ew
Landon Smith
Christianity. But it's actually mostly the Anglosphere.
You're posting pictures of shit in Israel that Trump had nothing to do with. That's the Israeli's sucking Trump's cock because they know hes not a puppet. Your picture doesn't substitute for a real argument.
>why would a white man want to be anything else >somehow this means that white women should want to be white men
Benjamin Parker
He's baiting, m8
Oliver Richardson
I was wrong, user. I'm sorry for accusing you.
Brayden Rodriguez
he so bad
Matthew Harris
shouldn't they?
Men are superior in virtually every way. I would be pissed if I was born without the capacity for rational thought.
Justin Collins
he changed look, new leopard
Jeremiah Sanders
Kill ALL Jewish and israeli children.
Caleb Lee
Tell that to Kissinger, she forged your current PM
Hunter Reed
bold statement from your drug filled home
Jonathan Hughes
Stab them! Burn them! Crush their heads! Dash the jews little ones against the stones!
Leo Young
I don't think meme flaggers really get to banter
James Gray
>It's both scary and shocking. Sadly its not very shocking but to pols credit theres a lot less of them than there was last year. The distinction between the current magatards and former magatards is a few working braincells and the strength of character to not hand over all sovereignty to a divine figure that can do no wrong, some just arent capable and have given up. The route of both the current and former is desperation, Trumps anti-establishment platform despite reeking of kikery gave them a glimmer of hope, its pretty easy to rationalise why so many got caught up in it.
The handing over of sovereignty is a cowardly trait also found among the Christians, who are equally blind to the failings of the organisation and the damage its done over the years, its all borne from a lack of alternatives. I guess its also the case that some people do need organised religion and political figureheads to look up to, so they do have some role to play, I can see how christianity could be a force for good among low IQ women for example.
Jonathan Butler
Nolan Reed
I'm here to corral you like the social lemmings you are.
Michael Sanders
no jews are subhumans ,literally weak ,false honourless scammers
I'm here to make it so that Jews die. It's working well so far.
Landon Phillips
nah that's found in all tribes
a part from mine because we are the superior ones
Jack Stewart
I can't wait to tear your family from you.
Tyler Nelson
I'm nordic
Ayden Ramirez
You're a savage Jew
William Myers
joke you're a savage human, i'm not a bigot
Aaron Brown
Jews: >Religious traditions and customs are mostly an invented LARP and most "Jews" don't even practice them. >Not a race at all >Nothing pure or homeland about a bunch of mutts occupying a land that their ancestors have never lived on. sage
ashkenazis come from india hence why there are indian peacock mosaics in palestine,
Cameron Rogers
you should be on drugs, stop the hatin.
Jose Collins
Yes. Jews are evil and they must all be hunted down and killed and they will. Israel will be nuked eventually and the remaining jews will be hunted down and killed. They have too many enemies and are too aggressive and arrogant. I will enjoy seeing them die and I can only hope to have the privilege to kill many of them myself.
Parker Sullivan
u shud convert like me bro. being Jewish is great, especially if u get into the religious aspect. i go to synagogue every saturday for 3 years now and i met my current gf there who i plan to make my wife. it's the best place to meet a good clean girl who will work hard like u to raise successful kids.
Imagine being Jewish and needing to make threads like this to continue on your lie
Camden Ward
>:D Confirmed underage.
Connor Cruz
Being a jew in the west is like being Belgian work supervisor for Leopold II in the Congo.
Even Israli jews have to live with the knowledge that all their international "brethren" are bringing the world low. Despite the occasional Israeli goyim poster, I doubt it fills most of them with pride ...
Samuel Kelly
Well in Canada a kike sued for abortion, a kike gave us affirmative action, a kike made it so 12 year olds are taught anal masturbation, and the only politician to be convicted of treason throughout our entire history.. was a kike.
Abortion kills niggers and other shit along with the offspring of white libtards. You have zero reason to gripe about abortion. White Nationalists don't abort and no one else matters.
Colton Stewart
We wouldn't as susceptible to pic related if we didn't abort millions of white babies.
Sure I can understand how some people may consider Jewish girls to be not the most attractive, but I think of it in terms of the overall package. I happened to luck out with a Russian Jewish girl so I have to say that picture is not really representative, but what's more important as part of the overall package than your "muh pure genes" is that all you future generations have a high quality of life, with good education and opportunities, for hundreds of years to come, and that's something I feel confident in being a Jew.
Except that you always post 75% euro broads with a face full of makeup that look like full blooded Europeans. This is how I know jews hate their race. They purposefully comb through the 30% Ashkenazi population to find the 0.01% that can pass as European.
They don't submit to the authority of God though. Thy are occultists and satanists. >Material world < Spiritual World >Satan < God
Robert Perry
Dude, this leaf is an iranian who lives in canada, and busy shitting on jews/israel all the time. Don't believe me? search the archive for the pics he posts here, literally hundreds of results, SAD
Justin Jackson
>ethnostate >all muttlings they might aswell be brazil
You're the sandnigger mate. You sit on our board 18hrs a day calling me Iranian. I thought I was a Leb last time? If there's a JIDF thread up while i'm at work i'll sit in it.
It's just to trigger you bro. I have no issue with how my woman or children look. We were both born in Europe, in the Soviet Union, so it makes no sense to say we have any envy lol.
Colton Ortiz
Deleting posts now eh? Btw I shuffled my hashes a few months ago. If you faggots didn't make threads I wouldn't sit in them.
You are deeply envious of Europeans. It's why you never post actual jews with jewish features. You know it's repulsive.
Daniel King
Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past
Ian Howard
lol what are u talkin about faggot im American. go watch some more fashwave
Cameron Foster
No bro, you're the cherrypiker, but i don't care, you post yours and i'll post mine
He's an Israeli sandnigger with a memeflag. He's called me a sandnigger 50+ times in the past week he's on our board 18hrs a day larping as a 50IQ American fascist primarily.
Sebastian Parker
Dumbass, i'm talking about that leaf
Bentley Wright
I mean that's getting a little bit better but Israel is only 30% Ashkenazi.
>This is everything that I wish White people could be And we can be, do you want to know why?
What sets euros appart is their ability to adopt good and successful ideas from other cultures. We look at things objectively and say " is this better than what we currently have"
A perfect example of this was adopting a numerical system from India and the Arab word and getting rid of Roman numerals, because Roman numerals were awful for fractions and decimals.
We aren’t like black Africans who shun science in favour of black magic because science is "white".
The key is to only take to good stuff and ditch the rest. I have no issue embracing certain Jewish practices that work, but there’s no reason to adopt the massive amount of stupid shit too