Why are modern men failing?

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Quite the contrary my friend. Men are simply refusing to play a rigged game.

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Women are failing us

>rides the cock carousel
"it's time to settle down"

More has always been expected from men.I suppose that's the price we pay for being at the head of things.

Wonder how many cocks that cock holster had in it's day? The world will never know.

How is this men's fault?

Nice digits.
Used to me more was expected, more was given. Now they're asking us to do more for equal, if not less.

What happens when you have multiple generations raised on Dad's credit card.

The only reason men marry is to have a family. If a woman is post-fertility, why would anyone marry her?

That isn't what women want to hear, but it's the truth. Marriage was a shitty deal for men 50 years ago and its even worse now. The only reason men still get married is to provide a stable environment for raising children. If there's no prospect of having children because the woman is infertile then whats the point?

Oh shut up you MGTOW faggot, you're just too much of a beta shit to be able to get a woman. Get up off your ass and find a real woman and make children you fucking failure.

True story.
>guy at work, junior manager sort, a real pussy
>married a roastie with kids. the fatal mistake
>this guy is super grateful this 'older' woman allows him to fuck her and spend his money on her, shocking I know
>roasties daughter caught on snapchat sending noods to boys at school at 13yo
the ride never ends for the roastie

Betas are slowly becoming self-aware and noping the fuck out of the marriage racket.


I'm a fundamentally lazy person. I'm probably not any woman's ideal.

Yet, we should all know by this point women's perception of reality is further out of wack than men's. Women believe that the vast majority of men are "below average." Which obviously can't be true. This means a lot of the women complaining about the failings of men are low quality women demanding men who are significantly out of their league.

I think we're both fucked. Men and women.

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Ah, glad this thread was revived, it expired while i was posting. Thought I'd share my story:

>be white male living in Canada (moved now)
>be hippy and libtardish in my early 20s.
>age 23 start following more conservative outlets
>Holy shit west is dieing must save
>know one conservative(ish) girl in my friendship circle
>she is geniune sweetheart although still pretty infected with the lib/ feminism virus
>fuck it now is not the time to be overly picky
>ask her out with a rose at her front door after gaming her for a bit
>she thinks about it
>after a month, success we are dating
>she begins dropping the feminism a bit once I expose her to conservatism
>still kind of lib but 100% committed to relationship
>wants 4 kids (raised catholic)
>holy shit though she is 26 now and im 25
>we better get on with this sweetheart

Now I'm on the path get my career launched ASAP so I can start having kids in a couple of years. But I caught a good one lads I really did, My advice to guys is to not be overly picky on looks (mines like a 7) and to focus on personality and kindness, and if you find a good one do not miss your chance to strike, often you only have a small window. The best girls on the inside are the overlooked ones. Also their political views will adapt to yours if you slowly redpill them and maintain attraction.

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because the curriculum was revamped in the 90's to more accommodate girls and their learning style at the expense of boys
so they've been getting the bulk of degrees for close to 20 years now

so when 'educated' women can't find a similarly educated man, they refuse to settle and apparently kill themselves
womp womp

>Hospital admin kills herself.
>Somehow, this is men's fault.

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There's no way that woman couldn't find a guy who would marry her. She looks really good... I think it was her standards were far too high. She probably expected a rich, six pack abs, chad. That's the problem with so many women now. They think they are worth more than they actually are.

To quote an old coworker "If i could buy her for what she's worth and sell her for what she thinks she's worth i'd never work again"

Woman logic,
Has boyfriend, wants to be married.
1. Marry boyfriend and have children
2. kill yourself

chooses option 2 because insecure and jealous.

This is all mens fault.

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>Used to me more was expected, more was given. Now they're asking us to do more for equal, if not less.
My correction. In those cultures that have not been Americanized(not yet at least) the dynamics of men and women roles still hold true.

>Be a whore who bought into reptilian trickery
>Burn coal
>Suddenly done with wanting romance, now want a provider

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Crazy nurse syndrome

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The butt-blasted toasty roastie reveals itself.

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Reality. Poster is on the path to lying, defaming and scamming to ruin others lives so he can pretend everything he does is perfect.

>This means a lot of the women complaining about the failings of men are low quality women demanding men who are significantly out of their league.
Yes. But the things woman find attractive in men are easier to improvise for men. Woman can't really fake being attractive to men. Even makeup won't hide a truly hideous goblina.

Now when 8/10-10/10 roasties are killing themselves that really has nothing to do with most of us. They rode the chad carousel so even they know how damaged they are. They'd never settle for even a confident authoritative 4/10 beta.

b e t a c u c k

i think the media spared her some embarrassment. its typical for specific types of death. like hepC induced liver failure. you never see that in the obituaries and a number of other things. some are labeled suicide consistently. depends on what it is

shes alright looking. i wont say 10/10 but maybe 4/10 . my scale is metric so 0 is neutral and negative is repulsion. she probably caught something when she was 20 and died now. hospitals dont actually do blood screening for staff any more. havent for more than a decade

yeah, realizing there's no happiness for a woman at the top of a corporate ladder after they're too old to have kids must be the ultimate 'I've been duped' moment.

Nah not perfect. My big issue right now is I don't make alot of money and haven't gotten my career started so I can't support us at the moment if we end up having kids.

> Roastie kills herself
> Can't get a man
> Is undesirable despite being attractive or doesn't desire what she can get.
> 30 no husband no child
> Why are modern men failing

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Those soulless eyes. Like a shark.


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I'm not a woman so I can't relate
but I have heard of women spending money they don't have on IVF treatment on only a fraction of a chance that it'll work
so the drive must be pretty strong, despite what the career women say

>Woman can't really fake being attractive to men. Even makeup won't hide a truly hideous goblina.
Yeah but most women are quite close to the average and makeup is magic. hideous goblina is rare. Obviously what's becoming less rare is women who are less attractive simply because they're getting old. Not a lot they can do there.

Faget shit

Honestly, I feel bad for white guys.
Since I'm black I can pretty much just tell women to sit and spin instead of putting up with their dumb bullshit, you guys HAVE to deal with these cunts in order to save your race.
It's both sad and funny.

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Dude, i shit you not! This is the most devasting thing you could say to a woman.

This is literally like conjuring some kind of suicide inducing spell.

>like conjuring some kind of suicide inducing spell
As nature intends it I'm sure.

I thought I recognized that story-line.

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oh fuck off kid

Pic related is me. I used to think white women were hopeless.
That was until i met ONE intelligent white female a couple days ago.
Only one in my entire life.
Only one.......
And this one alone was enough to restore my hope. You have no idea how hard it is to hate white women, and how easy it is to forgive them.
The fact that so many white men hate white women should tell you just how fucking trashy and worthless you really are. Let that soak in.

Just one white female with half a brain is all it takes. Thats all it takes, but 98% of guys cant find that, so they naturally despise you. And can you even blame them really?

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Man I'm seeing this evil eye shit all the time now on these people. wtf is that all about.

My sexual desires are easily satisfied by fapping to 2D. Offer something better than an STI-ridden roastie vagina and commensurately shoddy personality. It shouldn't be too hard with how empowered you are, right?

Make me faggot.

What the fuck are you on about?

>Dude, i shit you not! This is the most devasting thing you could say to a woman.
Pretty much. Most sane men want to be fathers. Most sane women want to be mothers.

>What the hell happened to you, lady?

Don't make us call your parole officer on you.

You think that the managers mumzy and dadzy big bucks will let you get anywhere. Hold on for the scraping and bowing and doing all yer bosses work for him for until replaced by pajeet or fired.

>cant read
You really wonder why they hate you huh?

I care very little about women ruining their own lives. We're all supposed to feel sorry for the modern woman who finds herself in her mid 30s, childless and single but my concern and sympathies are solely reserved for the men who have their lives ruined by such women, whether it be a man who is suffering as a result of divorce or a man who is suffering because he has forever been overlooked by the spoilt modern woman sees nothing of value in him.

She's a dumb white bitch, she can't do shit to stop me from shitposting on the internet.

I work with a couple younger women. They routinely brag... fucking brag about not being able to cook a good meal. What a time to be single lol

Refusing to play a game that they created because it got a bit hard? Oh, now I know why posters like you exist; you're failures. You're not even real men.

>They routinely brag... fucking brag about not being able to cook a good meal.
And they wonder why men are usually the best chefs. Cooking is an art and a survival skill.

>yfw your lunch looks better than what younger women bring to work

Asking the wrong question.
The right question would be
"Why are 'modern' women failing men"

I'm starting my own business. I still call it a career.

Another causality from Feminism

For some reason you think I'm a woman what the fuck LOL


Just look at how triggered they get. Complaining abou toxic masculinity one minute, then insulting our manhoods the next. You cunts ar pathetic, I spit on your gender.

Im gona save my money, invest then when Im rich Ill marry some 18yo slav slut with a prenup and have kids with her. Then when Im sick of her cart her away with a small inheritance.

Youre about as emotionally unstable as one. Pardon my assumption but you type and shout like a woman.
Perhaps it is you who is the beta cuck? Let me guess.... fat?

The faget train to the middle east.

You're either a woman or a faggot, they're the only ones that complain about men saying mean things about women.
Then again, you're probably white, so that would explain it.

>mfw just turned 29 and fucked a 20 yr old last week
Feels pretty good being a dude. Idgaf if I have kids when i'm some older fucker.

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Women no longer act like women. Why would anyone with half a brain want to marry some aging bitch who's fucked more men than she has brain cells and will refuse to take care of her children because muh equal rights

Nope, wrong again. 1% away from athletic percentage of body fat nice try though. I'm married and have already reproduced, you men are the reason the white race are dying and are going to be overtaken by mussies and spicks

Everyone is failing, and in this particular case, the last people you should blame are the men (or lack thereof. I'm guessing this woman's greatest wish between the ages of 10 to maybe 28 was something other than having a family, then over the last year or two of her life, reality sets in and the tick-tock sound from her ovaries becomes too loud to ignore. Apparently she had other things going on in her life which is why instead of getting a cat (or several) she took this course.

Fosters and selling yer soul.

I often wonder about what goes on in the minds of women who are approaching 30 & have no kids & no husband.

What were they doing during their prime years (18 yrs -25 yrs)? Why wait till the last minute to get married? Women are in their prime when they are young & beautiful. They should get married during their prime years, not as they are about to go 'over the hill'

I would feel sorry for this woman if she was a virgin & died, in which case would be a real tragedy. But if she was just another roastie, I would feel nothing.

>1% away from athletic percentage of body fat
Anyone who uses the term "athletic" unironically when referring to your bodyfat is obviously a fat ass larping.
Smelly hairy virgin in mums basement white knighting for soros. Why not grow a pair you disgusting fat pig?


Id say it's about 70% women having become feminized, becoming angry about everything and having higher standards than they can achieve, and 30% men having become effeminate, emasculated, and weak

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Thank God!

femanon, women in their 20s have no difficulty finding someone to date. The only thing you have to do is not be a fatty.

And the only things you have to do to keep a husband is make sure they're sexually satisfied and well fed. Again, not that hard.

Any woman who is single and unmarried at 30 only has herself to blame. It's 100% self-inflicted. Roasties have nobody to blame but themselves.

Beta she happily rode the cock carousel right up until her 29th birthday, fucking every Chad she could. Chad doesn't want used goods, she learned that too late. It isn't the responsibility 6man to make sure every slut gets married and has a kid.

Its the responsibility of every woman to not be slutty, and make themselves desirable to the opposite sex for long term commitment, just as it is for men.

>Apparently she had other things going on in her life which is why instead of getting a cat (or several) she took this course.

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Because if a woman ever takes responsibility in this timeline, the universe implodes.


That's a failing of a modern woman, not men or women in general. That slag was weak and stupid.

Aw, it's retarded. Athletic body fat % is from 6-13% you're actually just stupid, way to make yourself sound ignorant. Enjoy being a virgin piece of shit doing nothing for your race, you're worse than the niggers in this country.

You fucking losers need to stop playing video games and jerking off to porn and step up to the dinner plate that another man left on the table

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Lol. Oh are you in for a ride. When the scammers and rich vultures findout you are making money they will invade your sector and market and pick you and your market clean.

Amen, brother.

speaking of men smelling stuff imagine how long that guy who smelled the chick's chair at AGDQ will go without a piece of ass lol

Burn the coal, pay the toll.


Men haven't failed, women have priced themselves out of the market.

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They keep thinking they'll get it all soon. And then the time bomb starts and they start going bonkers on the inside. They slut around with the chads, then start wanting to settle down but the guys who were always cast on the wayside don't want a single mother with roast beef too much.