The Democrats think that when they scream to abolish ICE that people understand they mean returning to the pre-9/11 regime where CBP, INS, and whatever the fuck else were separate agencies. But people don't think that.
Tyler Baker
Fuck a solid wall! Build the wall with actual fire!
That guy from the last thread who posted that "Dark Truths About China" pic should have posted this. It mentions Chinese dishonesty and that reminded me of this.
He forgot the part where we let NK keep their nukes and go back to warring with them. Oh, and Jim Acosta is given the medal for “Journalistic Heroism.”
Imagine all the apologizing the next dem admin will do? It'll reach Trudeau levels.
James Fisher
What's even funnier is this has always really been their campaign and most ignorant Americans didn't see the writing on the wall. Trump really changed that and I think everyone is starting to see what an un-American party the Dems really are.
Landon Howard
Nicholas Reyes
Yanderebaker is best baker, prove me wrong.
>Finnfag also worst poster, Catposter best tied with Portubro.
I’m starting to think that time traveler was right and there just won’t be anymore dems for 70 years. Things are seriously going that well, and if they get even better then I don’t know what to tell you.
Jordan Cook
>If you watched Comic Girls or Hinamatsuri you would be saying different.
I might marathon Franxx. I am on episode 6 currently need to catch-up on Boku No Hero. Can anyone tell me how Franxx is so far? Is it mediocre?
>prove me wrong wew lets see: meme degree, taps out after 2 glasses of wine, constant misery, plays the keys (big if true), there's prolly like 5 other attributes but i'm heading out
Aaron Ramirez
I get this a lot but it makes no sense that only opposition would properly or overestimate enemies. It's best to assume claims and enemy military demonstration to be true unless there's substantial proof otherwise so we can be prepared. This way of thinking you and others have is illogical and potentially harmful. We should proceed assuming the enemy is better than we think.
John Flores
Tomorrow is Mexican elections right? Is the socialist nutbag who claimed immigration into the USA is a human right really going to win? Do we declare war on Mexico if he does?
Pro-tip; most of the Departments have accounts. The White House account is pretty crappy though, don't even bother. State Department and Mattis seem to update the most frequently, in good quality. The DoD and Marine Corps have some neat photos, too.
The U.S. Census Bureau andDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released new residential sales statistics showing new home sales boomed in May. >Worth noting, new home sales have broken multi-decade records under the Trump Administration, driven by elevated levels of builder confidence and construction activity. New Home Sales Sales of new single-family houses in May 2018 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 689,000, which is 6.7% higher than the revised April rate of 646,000. It is 14.1% above the May 2017 estimate of 604,000.
I should most definitely know that, thank you again. I hope everything is going great for you despite having to attend to other things. Missed ya. Any interesting stuff you're read of late political or nonpolitical?
Grayson Taylor
Who honestly cares anymore, KanColle is pure shit, GF is the new hot and unlke Japs the Chinks actually decided to fucking improve upon the game and aren't shy with giving the best weapons of any country some spotlight. KanColle devs are insecure losers.
He doesn't have the money for that kind of border wall; can only use pre-existing types that were approved. That's why he wasn't $25 billion for the prototype versions
Jackson Smith
Trump and crew always have a plan. Sometimes it takes a while to get all his pieces in place. Sometimes they wait for the liberal escalation, so that they expose themselves openly and we are justified to the world for actions taken. Here's what I've seen. We are the adults in the room. We follow the laws as written. We have strength and that assurance enables patience. We will not have our hand forced before all preparation has been made to ensure success. Let them rage out of control like a child having a tantrum. This also has a purpose. It brings those who are the most disturbed to the forefront, like cream rising to the top. We will see who gave them incitement and funded their behavior. We must let them have free rein for a time. Facts are collected, connections are discovered and cases are built. We like strong, unshakeable foundations. No escape will be possible. We will have them all in the end, but time is required. >I'm a patient sort.