Friends, Wayne Lambright here! As a White guy, there is no fucking way I would ever be protesting, in the heat getting a sunburn that leads to skin cancer. Have you noticed that all the protesters are asking for things that don't have their best interest at heart?
So every time I see dumb white #left people protesting, I say. "Don't get a sunburn" and you know they will because they are so excited to go protest they forget sunscreen.
We should place these posters on frosh week to signal whiteness and alienate POC
Lucas Cox
you seem like a good guy so you i will be nice. you need to realise that what defines pol is that everyone is anonymous, pol doesnt need a voice and you should never use a name on here. youre association with this board through your youtube will lead you to getting false flagged into something, every shitty thing on the internet gets blamed on here and those who put their name to it suffer the reprisals (like talking about shooting up newspapers) the whole point of posting here is that theres no consequences or memory, it allows for freedom to scrutinise as people arent encouraged to post what they think other people want to hear like on reddit or kikebook. we are all anons, the reason people say the "truth" is here is because people are free to chip away the bullshit of every news story, until only the truth remains. look at the anonymous nature of the board as filter.
Kevin Reed
>suffer the reprisals I'm immune from that dumb ass. I have been here since 2009, how about you?
>we are all anons Wrong. I'm not.
Tell the owner of this site to take away the name feature and hard code it to be user.
You're really not a truthful with your words.
I'm the only guy in the world that uses his real name here. That bothers you. It's your problem, not mine.
>I have been here since 2009 youre a liar and apparently a retard. good luck with youtube, make sure to post a thread when you make a new video as the voice of pol
Nathan Thomas
>youre a liar and apparently a retard. Actually, you're the liar. I use my real name, you hide because you're a coward.
See how funny that is.
Be impeccable with your words.
You don't know how to be honest. It scares you. Go back to r3ddit.
>face holy fuck, the absolute state. please do yourself a favour and stop
Tyler Roberts
I can kinda get behind the last two.
Nicholas Brooks
>lets continue to alienate the last capable people who are on our side and cooperating The left will continue to eat itself.
David Long
Yea, I notice something alright. That room needs to be sealed shut and filled with gas.