Should we stop teaching Japanese in School?
I mean, American is global language right now, everyone learn it and can communicate with others.
What the point of learning Japanese? nothing.
So why don't we just teach American at school?
Should we stop teaching Japanese in School?
I mean, American is global language right now, everyone learn it and can communicate with others.
What the point of learning Japanese? nothing.
So why don't we just teach American at school?
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gee I wonder who behind this post
Maybe you should go back to your country if you dont like to learn japanese faggot
a Japanese who can't speak American.
People will be happy without learing outdated langauge.
You should see a psychiatrist desu.
It would be more efficient to stop teaching people like you in schools
Only if you want to end up fat.
Kek and whenever I read comments by jap posters I automatically read it with poor grammar.
funny. I am top 1% student in Japan.(at standard test)
It's not my fault
Cause the destruction of culture leads to the downfall of society
But how will we be weebs?
Cultural relativists and marxists capitalize on your lenience and weakness, they have to be put back into the chatule of pandora with all force available.
Be proud of who you are individually and as a people.
You should be teaching Spanish at school.
There is no point in Japanese at all in today's world. Every Jap you need to do business with speaks English and if you were to chose to move to Japan, then you could find someone to teach you there.
You give up on your language , you give up on your culture. If you want to learn English , learn it as second language yourself .
If ever there were a painfully obvious "i am not actually Japanese" post this would take the cake
The name of that language is English, not American!
Japan for Japanese
>I mean, American is global language right now
>American is global language
You're not very bright user.
Japanese is a beautiful and very functional language with less ambiguities than english. Take for example this simple sentence;
'I went to the mall and bought a sweater too'
In english, you may not be sure if this person went to the mall as did other people, or if the person bought a sweater and something else. In japanese it is more clear;
Watashi mo mise e iku deshita, seeta o kaimashita
I too went to the store, I bought a sweater.
Watashi wa mise e iku deshita, seeta mo kaimashita
I went to the store and bought a sweater (as well as something else)
Such a good fine language.
>thinking that OP understands Japanese
Japanese is a retarded, I got a c- in a 5 cr japanese class. Fucked my gpa pretty hard
>No more struggling with import video games
>Enormous victory for globalism
I'm so conflicted!
you know you could just say "I went to the store and bought a sweater as well as something else" if thats what you wanted to say. english is not ambiguous at all.
Reminder that it's 1 autistic Amerifat expat who makes these threads.
Go eat a crumpet.
You realize the only language Americans invented is Ebonics, right?