OFFICIAL LIVE PD WATCH THREAD - Addy Perez seduces criminals
Everyone's favorite series featuring Pravda brainwashed representation of American
****** 90 minute warning thread ******** new episode starts at 8 PM EST with flashbacks actual live episode 9 PM EST
KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND user / / /phoechainz
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################################### BINGO - EXCLUSIVE SUMMER CARDS /m /y3umhp
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July 1, 2018 - 02:44
July 1, 2018 - 02:45
Third thread....second bingo reached in last thread clear 'em, faggots
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July 1, 2018 - 02:45
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July 1, 2018 - 02:45
> "i got a sticker, I ain't put it on, yet...." > not even registered, you dumb nigger
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July 1, 2018 - 02:46
>goin' to the sto' >das da ol lady money
July 1, 2018 - 02:46
told you faggots before Danny Brown is a faggot around niggers.... a REAL cop would have night sticked these apes by now
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July 1, 2018 - 02:47
At least these guys are giving blacks an education on how to behave like a human for the police. A few "yes sirs" and "thank yous" go pretty far.
July 1, 2018 - 02:48
niggers will be riding that cart tomorrow night like nothing > niggers
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July 1, 2018 - 02:48
bet she went on a date with a nigger. pay that toll.
July 1, 2018 - 02:48
wat makes you think that nigger hating danny brown doesnt night stick the subhumans when hes off camera? cause he definitely fucking does.
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
>Coal Burner face single mom with tats went missing
Attached: do what.gif (600x600, 870K)
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
this chick is buried in gthe desert somewhere
I'm sorry dude
Donna is dead
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
>20 years old >has a five year old >grandfather looks to be 55 at most >covered in shitty tattoos
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
>giving blacks an education are you retarded?
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July 1, 2018 - 02:49
This bumbkin lives in a Winnebago
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
>20 years old >has 5 yr old
Whew lad
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
Deputy dumbshit SC no golf carts at night SC you have 45 days to change license not 10
July 1, 2018 - 02:49
Alright which one of you's got her
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
> 20 years old Has a 5 year old kid
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
>bitch be dead segment is true
degenerate tatts. dated a nigger dead
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July 1, 2018 - 02:50
>has 5 year old almost felt bad for her.....
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
thats pancake mix I was gonna make my grandmomma breakfast
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
>missin my baby he fucked her and killed her
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
You think the cop choked in front of the cameras?
July 1, 2018 - 02:50
burn tha coal, pay da toll
July 1, 2018 - 02:51
Still sad to see the grandpa like that.
July 1, 2018 - 02:51
Dealing with laws that aren't drugs or guns WAY out of his leage
July 1, 2018 - 02:51
maybe we should focus our autism on helping find this grill? anybody with me on this one?
July 1, 2018 - 02:52
Digits... but no, shes a nig pig
July 1, 2018 - 02:52
>Still sad to see the grandpa like that. you should have seen the look when he found out his sweet grandbaby was dating a nigger
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July 1, 2018 - 02:52
PD CAM might actually watch.
July 1, 2018 - 02:52
>single picture yeah let's get right on it
July 1, 2018 - 02:53
No that was a sweet camper daddy doodle was Skype in from
July 1, 2018 - 02:53
>anybody with me on this one? no
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July 1, 2018 - 02:53
i hate niggers too but i hate kidnappers even more. i think kek wants us to find this grill
July 1, 2018 - 02:53
Holy shit, racist ass Sticks got his own show.
July 1, 2018 - 02:53
Nigga ain’t no cadaver doggos up in here
July 1, 2018 - 02:53
>racist ass Sticks got his own show. interested.....go on
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July 1, 2018 - 02:54
No. She was a niggerfucker. She literally fucked animals and got prego @ 15 No
July 1, 2018 - 02:54
Should they cancel Live PD for good and just start airing PD CAM for three hours every Friday and Saturday? This show is just becoming unbearable with all the nonsense and nothing good anymore.
July 1, 2018 - 02:55
Hey White knight, if you find her, she still won’t touch you. She won’t even look at you, unless your name’s tyrone
July 1, 2018 - 02:55
> "Ay bois...lookit dis box I stole from da neighbor's porch"
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July 1, 2018 - 02:55
He's a fucking boss doesn't have to do the work of course he has time to work out
July 1, 2018 - 02:55
i'm a rebel just for keks now
July 1, 2018 - 02:55
burn the coal pay the toll
July 1, 2018 - 02:55
klfjakljeklfjaekl looool. yall never fail me
July 1, 2018 - 02:56
>Should they cancel Live PD for good and just start airing PD CAM for three hours every Friday and Saturday? the market will take care of LIVE PD. People aren't watching this program to watch Nye Fucking County
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July 1, 2018 - 02:56
>smart watch >dumb niggers Paradox
July 1, 2018 - 02:56
>tfw you forgot Rhode Island was a state
July 1, 2018 - 02:57
> recruit personal army to find roastie Nah hard pass on that one user
July 1, 2018 - 02:57
>not realizing when kek is talking to us
found the newfag nonbeliever. heretic scumlord
July 1, 2018 - 02:58
Dude's name is literally Deputy Lawless. Wtf.
July 1, 2018 - 02:59
Digits didn't confirm, Kek doesn't give a shit about Leroy boys cum dump
July 1, 2018 - 02:59
think about it:
>Jow Forums has a terrible reputation >BUT if Jow Forums started finding missing kids on LivePD we'd redeem ourselves >we'd be internet heros instead of seen as the criminal underground element of the internet
you know im right
July 1, 2018 - 02:59
I fucking hate how stupid everyone here is. There are literally tens of thousands of books citing people who were at the camps, either as workers or prisoners. But instead people believe *the Rothchilds* or some horseshit. I hate that you perpetuate your stupidity onto your fellow human beings. I hate how you hate. I hate your fake evidence. I hate your devolutionary tactics. I wish we were a smarter species but we're not, and you are our failures.
July 1, 2018 - 02:59
Hawaii is the only island we have
July 1, 2018 - 03:00
>white knight wants to bang a roastie that had a kid at 15, the post
nigga you have to be 18 or older to post here
July 1, 2018 - 03:00
>you know im a faggot well digits don't lie
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July 1, 2018 - 03:00
July 1, 2018 - 03:00
Trips of truth confirms it
July 1, 2018 - 03:01
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July 1, 2018 - 03:01
But is Jow Forums really worth redeeming?
July 1, 2018 - 03:01
thanks, mom
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July 1, 2018 - 03:01
seriously nigga go start a detective agency in your basement, not on Jow Forums, holy fuck
July 1, 2018 - 03:01
> based blurred girl owns responsibility for her life knows she deserves a beating
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July 1, 2018 - 03:02
This lady could be with a nice man like me. Instead she chooses to stay with an abusive jerk. This is no world for good people like me.
July 1, 2018 - 03:02
hey bro, im one of those anons that was doxxing the bikelock fag. >Jow Forums IS a detective agency
July 1, 2018 - 03:03
fucking dog waking mine up.
July 1, 2018 - 03:03
damn! Sheriff found Gator McCluskey in the swamp
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July 1, 2018 - 03:03
You sound like you're more into dudes.
July 1, 2018 - 03:03
DO.NOT.TALK.TO.COPS > you idiot
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July 1, 2018 - 03:04
getting some blips on my gaydar for deputy lawless just sayin
July 1, 2018 - 03:04
Ok Jamal go find her killer from the picture you don't have
July 1, 2018 - 03:04
>i can see teh crack pipe oh
July 1, 2018 - 03:04
Lol admitting he hits his wife. What an idiot.
July 1, 2018 - 03:04
what is this sorcery?
A white person with crack in Columbia?
Everything I know to be right is upside down
July 1, 2018 - 03:05
>white person getting the nigger crack charge instead of the white mans coke charge SAD!
July 1, 2018 - 03:05