I think it's time we took this faggot out.
I think it's time we took this faggot out.
OP is a faggot. I hope the entire world joins together and bombs all of Israel.
>I think it's time we started a nuclear war with russia that kills billions
For what reason? How do I benefit from this?
You don't benefit, literally the only people who want any sort of war right now are the kikes.
>remove the face of the oligarchy
That will surely have a substantive effect, OP.
I also think we should bomb Israel. Trump licks Netanyahu's asshole too much because he sold his daughter to a jew.
Why would we assassinate a CIA operative in the middle of the greatest Tom Clancy novel of all time?
No he doesn't. Trump hates Netanyahu and that's why the Jews are chimping out right now trying to start a fucking war. You people are so stupid and losing your minds more and more by the day. ITS OVER. YOU LOST. PALESTINE GETS THEIR LAND BACK. SUCK IT UP AND STOP BEING A BITCH.
Well, they declared war on US in 2016. We haven't fought back. We can't look like pussies forever.
It would be great if Palestine gets their land back, then we could pull out of the middle east.
How is your stale bread and borscht today, Ivan?
>american with balls
If only you had a brain
You deep state faggot!
Cucked faggot here. I agree, it was her turn!
LOL gay porn. OP is still a huge fag and a criminal though...
Puttin kind of sucks
How did that faggot get out of jail?
At any rate, raving about your trans-sis boyfriend isn't going to change the fact that we need regime change in Moscow
Got to love when Jow Forums has become so obsessed with "winning" by any means necessary they'll completely submit to a foreign authority that will take any step he can to disrupt social stability in the countries they love.
>I think it's time we took this faggot out.
So fill your boots, tough guy.
How does it feel knowing that no matter how much time, energy, or money you kikes put into trying to regain control over the world it won't happen? How does it feel knowing on the brink of completion of your grand plan it has already crumbled into dust. From those ashes will arise something even greater than ever before. An eternal era of Peace and Prosperity.
lol I hope the KGB assassinates you
We don't have that expression in the US, but I think you mean put your money where your mouth is
And we should. It is my 1st Amendment protected belief that we should invade Russia to insert a new regime
Didn't Russia take the Nazis out, faggot?
Why? Because he kicked the Zionist bankers out of his country?
Because we're on the brink of indictments going out and the Jews need something to stop it.
Well then why do they control Trump?
In Canada?
Who the fuck are you and why are you in this thread?
No, please don't do that, he's making Russia great again.
>invade russia
the WEW of the day
>invade Russia to insert a new regime
Worry about your own country.
>It is my 1st Amendment protected belief that we should invade Russia to insert a new regime
And that if you flap your arms hard and fast enough you could fly to the moon.
Piggy is going to flip Glavset faggot
They were actually formidable fighters, unlike you jewwified debt slave nations.
Too late. He rules america and trump has to support him to avoid collusion charges.
What needs to happen is that we need to trick Russia into being our friend.. then we ally with them and destroy the chink kingdom of China.. then we turn on Russia and bite them and bring them down too.
America kicked your ass in Normandy, faggot, and we'll do it again
>I think you mean put your money where your mouth is
It's more like "go nuts" but you're close.
And look at the results. You are now a nation of debt slaves, and the jewish media demonizes the majority whites calling them evil and creating propaganda to make everyone degenerates. Pic related. You "won". He tried to warn you.
You're next Glavset
Absolutely disgusting
I think the only country that needs a Regime Change is America.
And I‘m not talking about the two colour switcheroo type of change, but a blood on the streets 25 years of civil war, system reboot type of Regime change. And just maybe a decent country comes out the other way, probably not though, still the world would be a better place for sure
That's a shortsighted idea. With Putin there is strategic balance and we don't have to worry about him using nukes unless forced to. I would be very concerned about who is control of such an arsenal. Op is a fag.
demoshart saying they have balls? go after rothschild instead
>when the CIA tries to meme
Yeah, it's time.
Russia's economy is much smaller than Canada. The faggot it clearly insane the way he acts considering the rotting hellhole corrupt kleptocracy he's created at home.
No, we can nuke them first. Their tech is from the 60's.
nice try angela
I wouldn't have pulled out of that tight spot
>> am I right?
>> (come on, eve you Glavset shits can have a laugh too)
The delivery methods are not
>Fight the one world leader that doesn't bend over backwards for Jews
No thanks
Well how do we know the bombs themselves are still operational?
I mean, they're not run on gas and that's all Russia has.
(Besides faggots)
>>Said Trump as he sucked Bibi's asshole.
He owed them too much money, why do you think he sold his daughter to them?
This, their nukes literally don't work. If you wouldn't nuke them you're a pussy.
>he kicked the Zionist bankers out of his country
I haven't heard the left bitch about Putin in like a week. Also, I encourage you go to Russia and see how fast Putin's entourage bags you and you end up missing.
This lil twink? Lulz
Nonsensical. Putin is the queen of our chessboard. To betray him is certain death, not even the neckbeards survived.
t. former KGB
>probably samefag
>Trump derangement syndrome is real
Those are big boy pants!
Pretty sure that some, if not most kids in that group will grow up with a trauma from that meeting.
>american with balls here
>doesn't show his geographic location