We need to curb our indulgence on this. It is as bad as porn, videogames or hard drugs.It transforms the viewer into a listless sedentary, mindlessly engrossing himself in the fictional lives of two dimensional characters at the expense of his own. It is even more insidious than regular TV programming as it's characters are wholely unrelatable to any real life human beings in both personality or bodily proportion.It turns the victim into a shell, a husk resembling a human ;sucking them into the depths of escapism,their very soul merging with the abyss with reality becoming an unfortunate distraction.
Anime is a weapon used to destroy the west and the white man
To out jew a jew, you gatta think like one american
lmao it's just some stupid chinese cartoons relax bro
Escapism is good. It makes you happy. What I learned is I can live out my fantasies. Just as if I'm a character in the movie of my dreams. If life is escapism itself you don't have to feel most of the pain. It's a fun adventure.
Can't speak for Japan but as far as the west goes men use anime as an alternative because feminism ruined women.
>It is even more insidious than regular TV programming
>Yes good goyim, watch our mindless reality TV, you don't need those heroes journeys, they'll only motivate you!
Fuck off kike
Are you going to post these threads everyday of your life faggot? kys
Reminder only newfags, boomers, and kikes hate anime
Running away from reality is the best thing to do if it sucks IMO. It's like running away from a pitbull trying to bite you.
Plus you can live out your adventures in the real world without a care in the world. This is your fantasy don't let other people ruin it.
So a few months ago I watched NGE because I've seen you fags posting about it since forever.
And now I can't stop thinking about it and I'm obsessively collecting pics of it. I've got over 3000 pics of Asuka and Rei.
And what's worse, I don't know what other anime to watch now because /a/ told me that NGE was peak anime. And that it's pretentious faux-deep garbage anyway.
>as it's characters are wholely unrelatable to any real life human beings in both personality or bodily proportion
>bodily proportion
Modern w*myn detected.
No shit
I like how you take this CNN article as fact
you know it doesn't have an ounce of weight
>And that it's pretentious faux-deep garbage anyway.
Red or Blue, user?
Lead by example pedophile.
Asking /a/ about anime is like asking whether or not the Grinch prefers red or green Christmas lights. It's not about the lights or their colors - it's about the fact that he really enjoys hating Christmas. And yet, without Christmas, he'd have nothing to care about, and therefore be nothing as an individual.
>Red or Blue, user?
Just because I'm obsessing over anime girls doesn't mean I'm going to take this best girl waifu war shit seriously. Holy shit.
It’s faggy cartoon shit? Are there actually people who really watch it???
Idk suppose I really don’t give a fuck if adults who can’t separate reality from FAGGY AS FUCK Asian cartoon bullshit don’t make it to the gene pool
How many times will this retard samefag his thread?
Lmao pathetic
Anime destroyed Japan first dummy
Also, I recommend looking into some manga and LNs, the few recent anime I've seen struck me more as mere advertisements for their source material
Rei v Auska is a false dialectic
Well shit, Asuka I guess. I don't think Rei needs a bf at all desu.
The matrix was a documentary.Even that loon Alex Jones was right when he said they have virtual reality neural interfaces that can activate the pleasure centers in your brain perpetually.People get hooked and don't want to eat or sleep and literally starve to death. Anime is the gateway drug to this future just as how faggotry was a gateway to chopping off your sausage and calling yourself a woman.
The future of the white race is in your hands.The choice is up to you.
Boko Macadamia Nut has been an awesome series so far. Great carrier of the shonen torch from HxH.
What the fuck, guys? Post anime butts.
I gotcha senpai.
Yessssss. God I love ass. Thanks bruh
Flag checks out.
I guess it's just something innate to us burgers, or perhaps something in the water. I'm not even brown.
The desire to have my face pressed up against and buried into a nice, shapely and beautiful ass is sometimes overwhelming.
Don't remind her of balloons. She hates that.
She does have a nice butt desu.
Not really though, in the anime she's skinny as fuck.
>Lusting after children.
Shit anime, shit waifus. Get some taste.
Are you fucking kidding? Anime is the last bastion of media that is free of the Jewish influence.
It's redpilled as fuck.
>Asuka isn't old enou
Name ONE (1) better animay and I'll watch it.
it's called self control you dumb nigger if some one is wasting their life on anime maybe they shouldn't be watching it,me on the other hand have a job,kids and a wife go fuck yourself
You know what's funny is that Anno would probably agree with you.
Go be a normie somewhere else.
Tell me where you live so I can cantact the proper authorities.
NGE is the anime that deconstructed anime
it is a parody of anime. not peak anime.
peak anime is Akira, Ghost in the Shell 1995, Serial Experiments Lain, Cowboy Bebop and shit like that
Asuka is like 17. Stop being a bitch.
>NGE was peak anime
Hahaha, taht's rich.
Watch Black Bullet and Magical Girl Raising Project.
You guys need to take the marepill.
honestly can't watch anime unless I'm high and I don't get high anymore. tried watching jo jo last night and I just didn't care. I think the weed made me think like a kid so that's why I was so into it.
Maybe I don't even like animay then.
>Akira, Ghost in the Shell 1995
Oh yeah I saw those. That and Ninja Scroll. Pretty awesome. But those movies didn't seem very representative of TV series anime desu.
There's a lot of really dumb shit in anime it seems desu. I mean really fucking stupid.
>Serial Experiments Lain
>Cowboy Bebop
I heard about those. Maybe it's what I should try watching next.
>Black Bullet and Magical Girl Raising Project
These sound like meme anime. You better not be messing with me user.
There is hope for you user.
Maybe its not a conspiracy and humanity has a natual inclination to self sabotogue and needs time to develop when presented with a new form of pleasure. The people who are so overweight they never reporduce clearly never would have had this problem at any other time in history. They die out and then its no longer a problem with that genetic line. This does not need to be a conspiracy, people reaply are quite capiable of fucking up their lives without assistance. You can even make all the right moves, but still lose. Thats life. And its not the kind of problem you are going to be able to fix as well intentioned and helpful you are trying to be.