We have the opportunity to make a bigger impact than the great meme war of 2016. The stakes are high and this may be our best opportunity to get an actual audit on the fed since it was put into place by the wealthy Jewish elitists, for their personal gain.
The last 2 presidents who even suggested a fed audit ended up assassinated. The Jewish run entertainment and media purposely refuse to even entertain the idea of a fed audit. They instead want to push constant artificial Trump outrage to their radical and blood thirsty audience.
What I am proposing to all of you is that we use this against them. I am calling for an official meme brigrade of Twitter and Tumbler, in which we question and accuse the God emperor of money laundering, and or using the federal reserve as his personal bank account.
This will cause a number of chain reactions. It gets people talking about the federal reserve, it exposes the federal government and forces their hand, it also exposes more people to the Jewish media propaganda if they choose to not acknowledge it. We already know that if social justice warriors see a meme about Trump stealing from the fed its going to blow up. This is our time.
no digits here worries me, maybe now isnt the time
David Barnes
not a bad idea
Lucas Young
>I am calling for an official meme brigrade of Twitter and Tumbler, in which we question and accuse the God emperor of money laundering, and or using the federal reserve as his personal bank account. If kek wills it, then we will make this dream a reality.
The left gave up on the Fed when Trump got in. All they would ask is for him to disclose more pirvate info on his money,
Jordan Stewart
the method youre considering to push this is all wrong, considering theres elections in november. I could tell you how to do it but there couldnt be a record of it on Jow Forums, this whole thread would need to be gassed
The first line needs to contain "federal reserve" or the media will exclude any mention of it and simply accuse trump of doing > insertwhateverthefuck with russia again