Ohhhh THAT’S why she won

I was trying to figure out how she did it, and then I actually bothered to watch one of her campaign videos. Tell me she didn’t just flat out have a better message.


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Other urls found in this thread:


i fucking hate new yorkers


miss me with that gay shit, ya feel me blud?

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spics have the worst last names.
"Lopez", "Cortez" "Reyes" I just want to kill them all.

She had a better advertising budget that's for sure.

She looks like a horse. Also, her message and platform are retarded.

>Tell me she didn’t just flat out have a better message.
She did. Why do you think there's so many character assassination threads about her? They're not from regular Jow Forumsacks. They're from JIDF establishment shills freaking out because a 10 term veteran lost in a primary. Look at the dismay on these news anchors faces.

Attached: 1530094622050.png (1568x744, 1.77M)

She had $300k and only spent $150. Crowley had 18 times that.

Stop making threads about this transvestite. Nobody cares it got it's dick cut off.

Did she pocket the rest of the money?

I'll take an Israel supporter over this fucking socialist.

Dude, free shit

+20 percent more income tax

That doesn't line up with white male privilege at all, surely she spent much much more and worked twice as hard due to her double minority status

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>reddit spacing
See what I mean. You're a JIDF shill literally replying to a post about how JIDF shills are attacking her because she's a threat to the establishment. Holy fuck you people are so worthless and stupid. No wonder you fucking faggots have to shill on a website, you're actually incapable of doing anyhting legitimate with your lives and so you resort to this. Do you feel proud or accomplish with your line of work?

I don't know if her spending $150 is true but she definitely had free or superpac advertising. She may have spent a little, but someone spent a lot.

Attached: The_Intercept_-_2018-07-01_14.11.59.png (1463x599, 1.08M)

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spent the other half on door knocking gloves and heels.

Why would I be mad? You're only exposing how stupid you people are.

>Tell me she didn’t just flat out have a better message.
The other guy didn't show up. That's all.

I mean basically. She lived in the area and understood the issues the residents were facing and then just talked about how to fix them. It’s really not rocket science.

Dude, free shit, It just comes out of thin air, and not by taxing the working class another 20 percent.

>free stuff will fix everything!
Where have I heard this before?

ok so you're pretty pissed

>(((The Intercept)))

I mean shit, I guess it worked. Do you think Crowley didn’t buy enough heels?

She's a socialist but I'd still hit it desu.

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After her “message”: “We have people, they have money” I don’t need to hear anything from that communist mouth again.


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>Implying anything she mentioned will actually fix problems instead of causing worse problems.

Democrats are fundamentally incapable of helping poor people because they don't understand economics. More specifically, because they frame every problem as an us vs. them contest between a group of people trying to screw over another group of people.

>reddit spacing
>i have no argument but i must shitpost

Kys motherfucking noodledick

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OPs pic is the one where it looks the most obvious to me

typical politician, leads with lies

>going into politics wasn't the plan

bitch you did it the first chance you got. aint nobody believin you havnt always planned to

The far left 25-30 percent of the dnc has left the party.

Damn. It’s too bad you don’t get to vote in our elections then. How’s that abortion ban working out for you guys over there by the way?

intercept has one or two fresh anti-israel stories weekly.

Attached: The_Intercept_-_2018-07-01_14.47.58.png (977x567, 564K)

“Issues” of now having enough free shit. Truly a bunch of lazy spics.

I'm voting for " Alexx xxx andrr rr r r ia Ocasssissiiioooo ccccorrrrrrr ttezz " ...

rrr r rr r r rrrrrrr oollllllllllllllllllllllll

wow no single white person in the video

Fuck off with that pleb-tier "muh Reddit spacing" bullshit. If someone has a legitimate point, debate it.

If you haven’t had one you’d already be full or niggers. We - not so much.

Yeah... It's so weird that she had a high six digit marketing budget, when she only spent a total of 150k on the entirety of her campaign..... Things that make you go hmmmm, I guess

Chuckie Schumer's boy Weiner, who he was grooming for decades, is fucking donezo. So he needed a new kid to groom. She's Chuck's new project, how is it not obvious.

(((Gazans have the right to invade Israel)))

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Why does she suddenly change accent when she says her name? Seems pretty dishonest to be faking one or maybe both.

It’s called joo york for a reason.

Her message is "tons of free shit paid for by whitey" and not much else. You can bloviate all you like about "shills" but it's still the truth

t. Talmalololoua

To be completely fair and honest, they may be suspect, but they cover some of the harder hitting stories, and practice legitimate journalism, while most other publications do not.

>reddit spacing
you guys are losing your minds and I find this hilarious. Have you noticed that you jews are on a sinking ship with too many holes to plug? You're so worried about some primary election that you kikes are forgetting about the fact that Trump is taking down the NWO on a daily basis. Not enough time in the day to attack who you need to attack.

WELL, WELL, WELL, it looks like this "working-class girl from the Bronx" wasn't so poor after all----

>"Girl From The Bronx" Ocasio-Cortez Called Out In Fact Check; Actually Grew Up In Wealthy Enclave
>Around the age of five, Alexandria’s architect father Sergio Ocasio moved the family from the “planned community” of Parkchester in the Bronx to a home in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb in Westchester County. The New York Times describes her childhood home as “a modest two-bedroom house on a quiet street.” In a 1999 profile of the area, when Ocasio-Cortez would have been ten years old, the Times lauded Yorktown Heights’ “diversity of housing in a scenic setting” – complete with two golf courses.
>The paper quoted Linda Cooper, the town supervisor, describing Yorktown as ”a folksy area where people can come, kick off their shoes, wander around, sit in a cafe, listen to a concert in the park, or go to the theater.”
>Westchester County – which the Washington Post, in a glowing profile on Ocasio-Cortez, describes as only “middle class” – ranks #8 in the nation for the counties with the “highest average incomes among the wealthiest one percent of residents.” According to the Economic Policy Institute, the county’s average annual income of the top one percent is a staggering $4,326,049.
>Yorktown Heights, specifically, offers a sharp contrast from Bronx living. According to USA.com, the town’s population is 81 percent white, and median household income is $96,413 – nearly double the average for both New York state and the nation, according to data from 2010-2014.


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still founded by (((glen greenwald)))

Her area is literally 50% hispanic. She had a decent message for beaners and ran as a democrat. How could she even lose?

omg laughable

We aren't losing our minds, we are losing more money and poorly managed, poorly funded Government services we don't want.

>if you don't support a far-Left candidate who wants to turn the US into Venezuela, you're a shill
>I-I'm a Trump supporter really guys

You are as fake as fuck

what's his endgame?

>Lecturing ANYONE on economics

Never trust a beautifull woman or an ugly man.

>Why does she suddenly change accent when she says her name?
it's the lib commie hate the white people racist bird call signaling

>be beaner
>run in majority beaner district against old potato nigger
>promise fellow beaners free shit
it's not rocket science

Democratic Socialism will win!

Meh. I'd fuck her in the brrappshitter

god I hate the way they say PWAIR TOH REEKOHH or MAY HEE KOOHHH

She was running against an opponent with 10 terms under his belt. Two weeks ago she was down 30 points in the polls. Literally everyone expected her to lose.

>Democratic Socialism

Doomed to fail: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the people discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the canidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy--to be followed by a dictatorship." (Alexander Fraser Tytler)

Holy shit that was actually a pretty good ad.
I don't support socialism but even as a conservative I'd vote for her for some of her policies based on that ad alone.

in b4 shill

>neck yourself
muh redditing spacing

seriously nobody but fucking shills even care about that many

go back to /leftypol/ and push this goblina communist

>last names
protip, Cortez is not her "last name"

>>Westchester County – which the Washington Post, in a glowing profile on Ocasio-Cortez, describes as only “middle class” – ranks #8 in the nation for the counties with the “highest average incomes among the wealthiest one percent of residents.” According to the Economic Policy Institute, the county’s average annual income of the top one percent is a staggering $4,326,049.
kek. Democrats, "the party of the poor".

She may become a threat eventually but I'd bet more on being taken to the mountain top and selling out to Lucifer happening first.

She is a regular person, just like Hillary.
>Chappaqua is a hamlet and census-designated place in the town of New Castle, in northern Westchester County,

so will dems come up with a new plan now that the welfare class they created is now taking away their positions of power, or will the double down on replacing themselves.



It's entertainment for them.

She won because her district is 50% spic you delusional retard. Same reason why California candidates, besides the eternal Jews Feinstein and Boxer, are either Mexican or Chinese.

a news site founded by a (((reporter))) instead of a billionaire, holy shit what a conspiracy jim

Democracy would have worked. It would have kept women from voting. It would have deported Africans.

Get fucked kikesucker. Incompetent latinx goblinas are perfect for pushing Whites out of the Democratic party and into White Nationalism.

She won because of gentrification, is what they won tell you. She likes to paint herself as a sassy Latina taking down on old white man who did not look like the people in the Bronx. The thing is, she won because of all the hipsters moving into the area. The people who went out in droves to vote for her, were Bernie Sanders loving, coffee drinking, bike riding hipsters who have moved into the Bronx because its trendy. Old black church grandmas from the Bronx could care less about Socialism,and Jose Hernadez the old Vientam vet might be a Democrat but he killed commies in Vietnam and would not be voting for one. If you see who gave her the victory, it was young white liberals from Western Manhattan. Gentrification strikes again.

Just a note, antifa is already going after gentrifying hipsters. So are blacks and hispanics, the left is about to tear itself apart and this election proves it. They are trying to paint it as a great victory for progressives, but if you look deep into this election you can see that the Democratic party is about to split between wealthy white liberals and urban working class minorities.

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pleasse, rollllll your "r"'s when you say the princesses elite name, or you have no cultooor

Maybe from the many European countries who have implemented those policies, where they work

Let me guess: you're yet another one of those untravelled Americans who thinks that Sweden is a "socialist paradise"? The EU is in steep decline both culturally and economically

>According to the Economic Policy Institute, the county’s average annual income of the top one percent is a staggering $4,326,049.
>of the top one percent
Damn. A rich guy moved to town and totally fucked up her credibility

Why isnt everyone saging this bullshit

ok who made the video then ?

Has common sense left us or something? Am I the only sane human left on Earth? Humanity, what fucking joke we have become.

Are any of the kids from these pictures still alive?

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we're being raided. virtually every thread for the past week has been nothing but communist drivel

She always dodges real questions.
>mhmm mhmm
>goes on crazy pre-scripted rant
That "mhmm mhmm". She ALWAYS does is just pretending she's listening to the question but watch her more and you'll notice she does it before they even finished asking. Just getting ready to say the same shit again.

Would bang though. When she's not sunbathing her gums she looks decent.

she slutted it up with her face and bod and high heels
it's your dick talking, you fucking idiot

> let's support war for Israel instead of public health care

fuck off

No, actually I'm a Canadian who has lived in Britain and travelled extensively in Europe, and who now happens to live in Drumpfland

Sounds like a classic politician to me

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
-Alexis de Tocqueville

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Lol it was a two minute video, if she’d splurged MAYBE it would have cost $10k. This wasn’t exactly a marvel movie.

As a guy married to a girl, that's nothing. Wait until you see a middle class girl justify buying a $100 bottle of conditioner.