The Mexican state of Sonora might be worth annexation by the United States of America
>55% White
>Population of 2.85 million
>Most likely will attract conservative whites from Arizona and Texas to Move over-there
>Another Red State
>Easier Area to build a literal wall on
Found this information on Wikipedia, post your opinions down below
The Mexican state of Sonora might be worth annexation by the United States of America
How about me? Im white and colombian. Fuck mexico, dont forget about colombia and just let me in for fucks sake.
>>Easier Area to build a literal wall on
Build it after the Panama Canal or just annex the entire new world. Imperialism not this bull shit excuse of 'warhawks' we have now.
If we just build the wall from Mexicali to the gulf we can own Baja. Manifest destiny faggots.
Yes, Sonora and Baja Peninsula are Rightful American Clay
You'd have to take both Baja states as well I would think. And have a better coast guard for the inevitable illegal migration to Baja.
You have to go back.
Toplel you can't just annex places off of maps you dumb mutt
The census that says it's 55% white it's from 1922
Why do we care what percent white it is now? Soon it will be 100%.
fuck off shill
we should take every inch of mexico
>and push the taco nigger into south america
mexico is now HUWHITE LANDS
No thanks. Those alleged tough cowboy vaqueros in some of those northern and western mexican states have turned out to be los cuckos.
you wanna bet? digits and trump negotiates to buy BC and YT
what was the point of your comment?
we don't have enough gibs to support another state.
You are gonna be Met with Auto Defenasas (Civil Defense) who have been fighting American Funded Cartels for a Decade.
Americans can't handle Goat Farmers with AKs, what makes you think they would handle us?
Pakistan and Bangladesh belong to India :)
Mexicans want gibs, but can't do math.
It takes multiple white people to support one Mexican. America gets too many Mexicans and the whole thing falls apart.
today we annex northern Mexico, Columbia will be annexed tomorrow
Those guys are in the south, not in the north.
>Majority white
I got news for you, Mexico hasn't really done a real census for over 70 years. Yes, Mexico USED to be majority white. Also, back in 1920's, Mexico's population was actually less than 20 million.
Fast forward now, massive migration from South and Central America due to wars and undeclared wars changed Mexico's demographics dramatically.
This is also why the Mexican government supports mass migration into the US. It means getting rid of their poverty ridden population. They don't like them as much as us.
It's a movement and constantly expanding.
They are head to head with the Sinaloa Cartel.
If gone unchecked and not accountable, the military would obliterate them. If there were no rules, if they could hide it somehow, they would be nothing.
The Military was too Scared to go into Certain Narco Controlled states, and they had APCs and Black Hawks.
Civil Defense went into those Areas on Fruit Trucks, they threw out The Local Police and all the Narcos. Military would absolutely not fuck with Civil Defense.
They made that Mistake with the Zapatistas and got their Shit pushed in.
i wonder how this will turn out
Everything north of the Panama Canal is rightful American land
Panama is Colombian Clay gringo.
The puppet Govenmnent the US installed in Colombia gave Panama it's independance then the US tried to take it as one of it's states.