Donald Trump answers prank call aboard Air Force One.

A US comedian says the Secret Service paid him a visit after he tricked President Donald Trump aboard Air Force One with a prank call in which he pretended to be a Democratic senator.
Comedian John Melendez posed as Senator Bob Menendez for the joke and says he actually spoke to the president’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner,
while posing as an assistant, before receiving a call back from the president on Thursday.

Melendez, also known as Stuttering John, uploaded a recording of the four-minute conversation to his podcast,
in which Trump can be heard revealing his plans to nominate a new Supreme Court judge in “10 to 14 days,” following Anthony Kennedy's decision to step down next month.

Attached: Donald-Trump-real insane moment-RT.jpg (562x600, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The call made him look good.

>The call made him look good.
The comedian or the DUMB ?

In the recording, the man identified as Trump also congratulated Senator Menendez for his acquittal in a 2017 bribery case.
Menendez was accused of accepting gifts from a Florida eye doctor in exchange for political clout.

Melendez said that he and a friend initially called the White House and were honest about their identity, but they were told the president was busy.
When the comedian called back with an English accent pretending to be “Shawn Moore,” a fake assistant to Menendez, they were successful.
He later tweeted that the Secret Service was “at his door,” but that he refused to answer. At that point, the agents apparently left.

If you think Trump didn't know exactly who he was talking to, I got some beachfront prop to sell you in Arizona senpai.

It was a funneh prank kek

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He showed that he treats people in private exactly like he treats them in public.

This. Read Art of the Deal. It's pretty clear Trump would have responded exactly the same way if he knew the call was fake or not.

>If you think Trump didn't know exactly who he was talking to
he is too dumb and too full of himself to connect the dots.

So like how you suck thick, cum-filled nigger dicks both in public and in your glass house?

>Art of the Deal
Not a great book, pretty shitty ghost written garbage to be honest,

Something much dumber would be to use furries as shock troops to BTFO Antifa.

>he made a unique image with the RT logo just for this thread

Gotta work for them rubles


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this should be illegal and treated as releasing classified info/impersonating a government official. this beaners gotta go back

here is your image, LOL, without the RT Logo.

RT Logo is there because I'm quoting RT article and providing link to RT article you dumb AmeriCan.

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It's almost over for Plumpf

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Yeah yeah now read the next page on your script and talk again about how RT won awards and is a totally trustworthy source like I know you're going to

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>NSA monitors all communication
>NSA tell Trump a prankster is calling
>Trump answers & plays along
>Free publicity that shows the God king can be fooled
>literally 88° hyperdimensional toe wrestling

so he called and posed as a retarded sounding dem. how was he supposed to know the difference. how is this a joke on trump again?

I will post this instead.
To show how stupid your Gov is.

Attached: Russian-President-Putin-signs-GMO-ban law+.png (530x600, 469K)

It shows how lax he is on National Security user

>brought to you by the left, who also brought you, "NSA Tranny infodump" and "FBI sedition"

They care very much about our national security user.

Kill yourself, intelligence community shill.

>GMOs are bad

Attached: CebPFyx.jpg (1242x1290, 64K)

Fun thread
Yeah, got it

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why is Jow Forums being raided by middle schoolers?

Will Trump invade Venezuela to fight communism and take oil?

Attached: Oswald Communism.jpg (262x262, 19K)

Why are you posting like a coward?

Why so angry? Did mommy take away your Nintendo switch?

looks like your blown out asshole has been pozzed by a nigger train

All of that is true.

you act like them...

There is no need to be upset

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imagine you're the secret service guys that have to go do that interview.

just what i signed up for! protecting our dumbfuck president from prank calls by stuttering comedians.


AND ??

Well that is precisely why the white house is understaffed and so are high lvl positions in the government, no one wants to work with this retard.

Trump will dominate. This is common knowledge at this point.

Wait.... how is this a security threat?
Did he disclose classified information?
Or did he just repeat what everyone already knew?

Come back when there's actually something. Not this fake ass news.

if you have 50 iq maybe


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let me know when beattlejuice calls trump that shit will be awesome


/leftypol/ is mad that we got new WEBMs of their comrades getting knocked the fuck out.

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