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Those skull half-face masks are gay as all hell.
the Kikes have been dividing and distracting National Socialism into edgy shit that will never get off the ground for 80 years now.
hahaha new awakening fags showin up i see
hows the migration been going?
wrong national socialist have been spnning their
wheels for 80 years the traction of radicalized sects that have sprouted due to James Masons and Siegeculture.orgs efforts is undeniable
only left wingers like that book
it's shit
>be NA
>champion and co opt RA propoganda and aesthetics
>dont realize they are the most mf siegepilled mf on the planet
Atomwaffen is controlled opposition being groomed by the FBI to commit terror attacks to grant a fig leaf of popular support for imprisoning/RICOing as much of the alt-right as they can. The feds hope to cause a 'chilling effect' and slow down/halt the ongoing radicalization of young White men.
Go ahead and read Siege (although The Brigade is better), but just remember now is not the time for mass casualty economic disruption, that comes later. For now we must focus on radicalizing our fellow Whites and securing local political power (school board, city council, sheriff) so that when the time is right we'll be in a better position to withstand the ZOG juggernaut until it tuckers out (5-30 years of IRA-style guerilla war).
youre so fuckin stupid you dont see why the exact opposite there of is true
do you know why aw and the nslf before them advocate for the 4 man pyramid? one more and you can get ricod'd ruby ride has already shown that they need no reason to crack down on you
>4 man cell structure
And yet Atomwaffen has a 31 player Roblox server.
Face it. AW are autistic teens LARPing for edgy points. While this in itself is harmless fun and actually better than what other kids are doing, the problem is that the feds are manipulating this group of alienated, autistic teens and trying to get them to commit terrorism in the name of White survival.
keep readin that mf siege
Those are memes as far as I can tell, literally they just do it to dick around on roblox, are they not allowed to goof off once and a while?
I'm working on it, but so far it seems like vague platitudes interspersed with masturbatory self-aggrandizement.
>We have to fight The System
>I knew Tomasi
>You should oppose The System at all crossroads
>I knew TOMASI
>You have to sabotage The System, but you can't get caught by The System
>If you're part of the Movement, you should already know how to sabotage The System without getting caught by The System
I'm kind of at a loss why this is supposed to be such a profound work.
quit taking anything ever on the internet seriously
Was mason to blame for not knowing every detail of his heritage especially when such details were hidden? The behaviour of the jewish infiltraitor is only more of an example of what (((they))) will do to make us look bad.
I like it
i still havent even read a word of the turner diaries you glowing nigger, i don't need to read shit to tell me what i already know, lemming yourself
Have you read Turner Diaries or The Brigade?
Both are better than Seige for giving you an idea of what the war will be like.
True. But to be fair, Atomwaffen in particular made them work with the addition of eyeblack/corpsepaint. A little black around the eyes, over the half-face skulls masks, it gives their faces the proper cadaverous, death's-head cast...shit looks aesthetic as fuck. I will talk a lot of shit about Autism Waffle, but I will not deny, they did something R.A.M. and Antipodean Resistance couldn't, they took the most edgy tryhard facemask and actually made it look badass with a touch from a $1.50 grease stick. Respect.
You should read Turner Diaries desu. It's readable in a few hours and Pierce's predictions of what society would be like from writing in the 70's are impressively accurate. There's a scene in the book that perfectly mirrors that crazy BLM march/riot that took place in Minnesota where they were randomly beating up Whites, even those on their side.
I read The Turner Diaries, yes. What is "The Brigade"? If I search for "the brigade pdf" will I...oh, nevermind, by Harold Covington, right? I have that now. That's next on my reading list, then.
I already have, faggot.
The fact that you niggerwaffen faggots take pictures like that flaunting your degeneracy and anti-Aryan judaizing proves what you really are. Real National Socialists don't run behind the Jew lackey Mason either.
Shit. This is strangely compelling. Two crazy cultists, talking fast about the tenants of their cult. It's like a good kung fu movie.
This is James mason author of siege. This is satanic nigger shit.
Nice cosplay, faguette
They look good for goths and teenage d&d fans, pls fuck off with your gay cosplay
James Mason was almost certainly a CIA nigger but it is definitely a fact that he was a Jew lackey. He knew Frank Collin was a pedophile kike and did nothing about it. I wouldn't doubt he was a kiddie fucker too.
As to the Satanist and Charles Manson shit, that's another CIA nigger smearing by association psyop. They do this crap with anti-vaccine people too, they pretend to be anti-vaccine and then go full nutter to make all anti-vaccine people with legitimate concerns look like mentally unstable mongoloids.
James Mason = CIA nigger Jew lackey
haha, i know who you are
Nice flag, nigger.
Ok, cosplaying CIA nigger
.... should I be concerned?
Stop larping with CIA niggers and do something positive, like start a homesteading community and have a shit ton of white kids.
No, they just want tonsmoke meth and pose for pictures with omnious caption. This is cosplay nazism
Enjoy, some of the scenes are kino.
>edge-lords with no guerilla warfare experience write tutorial on how to be guerillas
hahah i really dont get why you guys dont just read the literature? like why should i even entertain debate when its so blatantly obvious you have spent zero effort educate yourself?
of course not
Only if you link me the audio book faggot
No, it's not cosplay at all, it is Jews and CIA niggers doing a typical smearing by association psyop. They pretend to be National Socialists but then add in all the crazy fruitloop shit with Charles Manson, Satanism, talking about blowing up the world, etc. to make all National Socialists look mentally unstable and violent. They do this to anti-vaccine people too, Jew owned pharmajewtical companies pay shills to pretend to be anti-vaccine and then throw in a bunch of non-sense about flat earth and lizard conspiracies to make all anti-vaccine people look insane so normies will reject their legitimate concerns.
This is one of the oldest kike tricks in their Satanic book.
>Read my satanic bullshit!!!!!!!
Haha thanks.
Better be a pleasent narrator to listen to.
I've taken shits with more brains than you larping retards. Have fun in prison when the CIA niggers finally get bored of fucking with your head.
Before I go further. Who is James Mason and what kind of a radical was he?
Satanic nigger propagating trap porn
Look, protest too much all thou dost want, but anyone can tell, the addition of the eyeblack ties the look together. Atomwaffen nailed that. It takes the skull half-face mask from "14 year old in a Halloween costume" to "oh shit, the literal Totenkopf is on my ass!". It's a good aesthetic upgrade, it was that simple, they fucking killed it.
Talk as much shit as you, when you see that coming for you you know you're going to soil yourself. And by "you" I mean you, specifically, you sweaty kike.
There's not going to be any "white genocide" as you say, cause we will invent in secret technologies that make the atom bomb appear as child's play.
Glory to Satan, ya fucking christkike niggers
>only people who believe in my exact gods are good
>people who believe in other deities are glowing
Stupid christfaggots
He was a Jew lackey pedophile who LARPed NSism with a kike pedophile named Frank Cohen, who was thrown in prison for molesting a child, and then the CIA niggers had him take over the group the Jew was leading and had him start injecting Charles Manson bull shit and all sorts of stupidity and insanity into NSism in order smear legitimate National Socialists by association. He also advocated for violently overthrowing the U.S. government through guerrilla warfare, which is convenient for the CIA niggers because it gives them the probable cause and (im)moral justification to infiltrate and use violence against National Socialists because we might be terrorists.
Basically, he's a CIA nigger controlled opposition psyop faggot who's job was to attract radicals to CIA nigger controlled opposition groups so they can be tracked and manipulated.
If you want to see how these CIA niggers do this then read ex-FBI agent Ali Soufan's "The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al-Qaeda". They do this shit to Moslems all the time.
Go right on ahead just don't read mein kampf.
white revolution is the only solution
Cosplaying with kikes isn't a revolution. Real change will come by waking up the Aryans, not by larping or running behind CIA niggers in psyops. The best way to move forward is to keep provoking the kikes into persecuting Aryans so more and more of our people will become radicalized and embrace National Socialist ideas. Doing that CIA nigger shit will only make people associate NSism with evil and terrorism.
Except there is nothing wrong with siege there is plenty of wrong with mein kampf.
This fixation on "aesthetics" is realy faggy
Checked. National Socialism must foster a culture of decency, reverence for life, unless some forms of life become proliferated weeds. Shit like this slut pointing a gun directly at a camera is try hard and nigger tier.
why do Siege when one can Boyd the world?
"plenty wrong with mein kampf goyim trust me read siege and join a CIA nigger controlled terror cell"
i think the skull masks are rad
you prolly got a low key hard on for us
Okay, good to know. I'm probably not going to bother listening to it now.
I think it looks like CIA niggers and kikes trying to hide their faces while making psyop memes to try and get mentally unstable retards to join their controlled opposition groups where they then try to manipulate them into attempting pointless terror attacks so the CIA niggers can swoop in at the last second and arrest everyone and pretend they are heroes and smear National Socialists as Satanists and terrorists and turn people off of the National Socialist ideology by smearing it.
thats funny considering there are entire sections of the news letters devoted to advocating specifically against pointless rash activism
I would rather put up IOTBW posters, redpill my friends, coworkers and family so I have people to watch Murdoch Murdoch with while we face this distopian post modernist kiked world together.
You missed out on so much by not knowing what Ironmarch is that you don't understand where the skull masks originated. Groups like NA were far from Fed set up groups, they were naturally born out of actual adherents to Fascism and they were the first to begin utilizing the black skull masks. You have a lot to learn, get off of Jow Forums and start digging into something that isn't this huge trash bin.
I dont consider atomwaffen something I would ever get behind.
Because reasons
Currently reading.
Lots o' fun.
You must be incredibly dense. You are part of a controlled opposition CIA nigger group. Get it through you thick skull.
There was a Moslem in Detroid working as a pizza delivery driver. Moslem got involved with some online Moslem Salafist group advocating for purifying Islam but the Group is actually CIA niggers. They radicalize him with memes that are exactly like the ones you are posting. He goes full edgelord. They then introduce female CIA niggers to the equation and meet in real life and even have one of the female CIA niggers be his fake fiance. Everything seems to be going great for the Moslem pizza guy. Then the CIA niggers stage a robbery on him while he is delivering pizzas and have the female CIA nigger LARPing as his girlfriend convince him to get a gun 'for self protection'. She then completely ghosts him and he starts to lose his shit. The CIA niggers send another female CIA nigger to pretend to like him and LARP as being even more radical. She asks him if he wants to kill himself and when he says yes she suggests he commit suicide by doing a mass shooting and die by cop so Allah will accept him as a martyr. He agrees but never acts on it and the CIA niggers arrest him anyways and use all his cringey edgelord Jihadi LARPing online and the fact he got a pistol after the fake robbery as evidence that he was a terrorist and now he's in prison for life.
That is where you are heading.
What is New awakening and what is its relation to aw? Also suggested reading pls.
like em or not, theyre making a shit load of nazis
>9 posts by this ID
Everyone look at this kike larping as a Nazi. Don't be so fucking pussyhurt that awd is actually DOING something while you sit on a fucking Singaporean calisthenics group chat shitposting the same thing over and over.
No real National Socialist calls himself or his comrades 'nazis'.
make way boys glr was kike compared to this guy
Aka White Flight, Germany was a ethnostate till the ZOG controlled Allies invaded, the shitskins are not our worst enemy, other whites are.
What are you actually doing? Cosplaying with CIA niggers while they figure out ways to fuck you over.
really siege is just ramblings of mason
>kind like if ride the tiger and white power had a baby book
> i post READ SIEGE on here all the time to hurt stupids that never even read it or know its history
>image made for Ironmarch (a forum) about a year or 2 ago belongs to a controlled CIA international fed operation that is trying to ensnare people
You've drank so much kool-aid you've become paranoid of everything.
"Oy vey goyim no way we are subverting you online! You're just paranoid!"
tight. is that ironmarch dot org site hacked or something? it seems to have clickjacked me. also you know any literature in the vein of green line front's ideology? that is a little closer to where i am at.
is the book entertaining or am i going to get bored