Serious question, pol related.
Should young white males be taking HGH to make us chads and give us a competitive advantage in life?
Can someone please help red pill me on HGH?
Serious question, pol related.
Should young white males be taking HGH to make us chads and give us a competitive advantage in life?
Can someone please help red pill me on HGH?
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It fucks you up, you're better off doing 2-3 cycles of dianabol a year.
I wouldn't take that shit man it makes your internal organs bigger too that's what gives juiced bodybuilders the bloated look. Rich piana said it make his head big too
This user gets it
Yes. But don't overdo it. They claim Deer Antler Velvet is high in growth hormones. Not sure if true. I'm supplementing with it right now
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That particular bottle in your image is not only not HGH, but total complete shit.
Sounds like a cancer pill
left is "test e" and "tren" (possibly "dbol")
right is all of this including "hgh"
Bovine somatotropin
Cause it fucks up your organs.
Better idea is to do give out free test shots to any males with medium- low test levels
too expensive, goy
mk-677 sounds better for anti aging purposes but I don't have any experience with it yet. It's hard to find a good source. HGH is super expensive and taking higher than low doses will grow your organs.
>Jow Forums
Don't buy pharmacuticals from (((them))), it's a conspiracy to make some Jews rich
>Also Jow Forums
Sweet Jesus every man needs to be taking expensive drugs that destroy their organs. If other men are taking them we have to take them too!
The real problem with any PEDs imo is when the shit hits the fan and you can't find any your body is going to be even worse off than before you started, and at the worst possible time to be dealing with it. It's got its upsides. I'm old enough and could get TRT like my friend. He still looks like he's in his early 20s while I have to work harder to stay in shape but if he misses it for a while his body goes all fubar. I don't want to have to deal with that in a shtf scenario.
another vote for dianabol.
Do they still come in those little pink pentagon-shaped tablets from Thailand? I haven't used it in 15 years
Shit is amazing. My lifts are off the charts.
Will this make me grow taller? 5'7 here
Testosterone, HGH is dangerous because if you have abnormal cellular growth such as cancer it will multiple those cells as well. I take test and love it.
What is dianabol?
And how do people get a hold of it?
No thats retarded
Definitely but you have to get a prescription and I don't know how you get one
Illegal oral steroid. Really good for bodybuilding purposes. Just don't take it longer than 4-6 weeks at a time. It becomes liver toxic.
My gut looks similar to the guy on left, and I never took PED, or HGH. Just lots of sit ups, crunches, knee raises, and medicine balls thrown at me when I was a kid. Maybe 20 + years worth of 5 days a weeks.
This. Make sure you get test for a base too
just exercise, eat well, eat less meat, talk to women, find your innate drive and ambitions
if you rely on it from a drug you will never truly have it. Chadness comes from your fucking soul. Stop being a little bitch.
In all seriousness, are there any compounds I could take to make my dick bigger?
No. Only way is to save 13k and get the surgery
How dangerous is the surgery?
And what kind of gains can you expect?
Yes. Take tons of HGH, and you will soon look like Jay Leno. Go for it.
eat less meat?
Don't know the methods discussed there work but if you have enough patience and balls, give it a shot
dont do it. not only is it very expensive, it's also not proven to cause significant increases and has risks of shit like nerve damage (meaning you lose sensation), scarring, dick becoming uneven, etc
don't know if*
Do you want your organs to grow crazy big and have heart failure?
yes hgh is almost fucking magic
TRT makes you sterile. I have a primary testicular failure and have 1/4 the test so should. In the process of deciding if I want the extra energy and gym gains or the ability to be a father.
I use a water pump, it is a healthy workout and there are some gains, same with jelquing and squeezing, but I don't think I'll ever have the kind of dick that women fantasize about. I see some guys, even in porn who go from average to huge so I wonder if there is a way to get it.
Supposedly the doctor that is doing the surgery says that their are no complications. Depending on how much skin you have it would add 2in in girth and 2 inch in length. If you want to go bigger you will need the excess skin to do it. Its like a silicon wrap that going around your dick
fucking every bodybuilder out there has had kids on TRT.... you nuts dont work guy befor the juice
>quit spreading bs lies
and also ask your doctor about hcg treatment
could kick start your boys
>Can someone please help red pill me on HGH?
Isn't that the kind of shit Alex Jones makes his big bucks on?
Basically this stuff does nothing but cost money. But hey, here I am without an infomercial that's telling you you need those pills, they will make you bigger and better and blablabla.
So go ahead and spend your money. Those supplements might still work as a placebo if you've been indoctrinated well enough.
Water pump is shit based on what I've read. If anything works it's hanging and/or clamping. But yeah even with that I don't know if you'll get a porn star dick.
It is my primary care physician, urologist, and endocrinologist that told me starting the TRT will likely lead to sterility. Had to see all three to figure out what the problem was. Testicular failure is way better than a tumor on my pituitary gland I suppose.
Alpha Male is actually a pretty good supplement. If you look at all the ingredients and the concentrations it's good stuff.
That's why you're supposed to take HCG on TRT. Most doctors are morons when it comes to TRT protocol. TRT hasn't been around that long.
maybe you are fat m8
what is wrong with hgh? didnt layne proof that hgh isnt anabolic and only healthy for older people for longevity?
I'll ask about that. Thanks for the tip. You're right about them not knowing too much. Took me 4 months to see an endocrinologist because they are all busy with diabetes patients. I have BCBS insurance too and I had to drive 3 hours away to get an appointment that soon. Fucking fat diabetes fucks.
HGH grows everything dude. Just think about that and how that might not work out.
You guys are wrong about HGH causing distended guts from organ growth. It's the use of insulin. Promotes the storage of visceral fat.
> good info
Good effin morning Goddammit!
>maybe you are fat m8
Most of the time unless I need to make weight (which is never these days).
well you obviously wouldnt be bloated like them if you were 6% BF
i know, but if you dont want to get gains from it but rather better health how will low dosing hgh hurt you?
Just fast, and cut carbohydrates. Insulin crushes HGH. Ketosis and HGH basically go hand in hand. Get your energy from fats, and keep your insulin low.
If you're looking for a little more growth then supplement a with some amino acids. Glutamine or Citruline at about 6-8g dose will provoke a spike in HGH.
But it's not even necessary.
Once you get metabolic flexibility and the relative increase in HGH from one-meal-a-day/4 hour feeding window, supplamenting HGH is probably counter-productive when you're already talking about 3200% increase in natural HGH.
I'm on TRT myself. I take HCG with it along with Arimidex to keep the estrogen in check. I did my research before I even scheduled my appointment with my endo because I knew most doctors are cunts about it and are reluctant to put anyone on TRT. Knowing my shit and showing him that I know it is probably the reason why he let me get on it. If I just went in there and said I want to take testosterone because I'm feeling bad he probably would've told me in so many words to fuck off. I'd advise to learn as much as you can about TRT before going in so they don't look at you as a liability.
does keto increace hgh? i thought only fasting does, also eating tones of protein will give you more igf and less hgh
it makes your balls shrink to the size of raisins.
take hrt
im worried smelling bad from ketosis but i cant digest grains right now so i was planning on starting that this (next) week. digestive system including liver is messed up right now so i have weird body odor anyways.
I think there are a myriad of things you can do for health like
Controlled and portioned meals
Strict diet
8 hours of sleep a night
I'd do all these things before I put HGH in my body.
why be on trt though?
FBI nigger detected
The answer is no. Body builders at shows, that is their job, their life. The ones on hgh and roids endup ruined. You should concentrate on making attainable goals, increasing strength and then maintaining it. If you need a short cut, then you are doing it wrong.
About the muscle guts, that can be caused by water retention and over working the stomach on weighted sit up machines. It can also be caused by performance enhancers. My dad had a muscle gut, for him it was diabetic water retention.
HGH causes weird hypertrophy like the intestines and salivary glands, and dramatically increases risk of cancer. Even most body builders won't take it. Pro athletes don't bother because it doesn't benefit net performance. Maybe good for sumo wrestlers I guess. But if you just want to get tough and huge, take test. Much safer, much more effective, much better supply.
Anabolic steroid. Call me at 1 (888) 280-4331 if you wanna buy some
>Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen
no i agree, i dont know if you can get it legal and its expensive if you dont want to get shit for horses i assume, i do all those im just thinking about the future.
because just like testosterone hgh levels drop while aging wich is probably not great for the body. so im thinking about the benefits and detrements of taking hgh when im 55 or something.
Drink more water. You will be surprised.
I just chugged 64oz of water. When do I see results?
Lol. The dick women fantasize about has a massive wallet attatched to it.
I've been looking into this a great deal not only is taking a potential fatal risk due to exponential growth of unwanted areas it doesn't mesh with the human body processing systems themselves, So my research led me into the field of what works with the human body and that is Food so I have been looking into diets... going full vegan and full carnivore or paleo are all hazards do your health you want a balanced meal 3 to 9 times a day dependant on your wanted gains but its not just about eating right and eating the right amount of proteins and carbs and fats but also the TIME at which you eat certain meals.
Take eating pinapple before bed not only does this mitigate jet lag and other sleeping issues like insomnia making things like melatonin sleep regulators basically a placebo (even though it thoroughly isn't ) this will also boost up your body functions in your sleep state using the pinapple not to fuel energy burning doing body functions but will become excess and the chemicals from pinapple (this is just an example meal theres lots of things in all sorts of different foods) but this will actually increase your body repair functions which also regulates your growth...
Take a look into foods that spurn on the creation of HGH don't start taking pills.
after you wake up in hospital from nearly drowning.
Fuck man. Wait for it to get in system. Then go get a stiffy.
Mine changes sizes. With a girl and hydration i get sore bulging.
I inject HGH because Dolph Lundgren does it. Easy choice!
Thats pathetic.
Literally the fountain of youth and it doesn't shut down your own production of hormones unlike AAS ( anabolic steroids ).
dick size doesn't make you a man, seriously, growing a monster takes about 2 years, is it worth it? meh
It's not illegal to talk about drugs, dumb fuck.
If you want early cancer, go ahead. Most of HGH gets tested on old people and horses before the roid junkies start taking it. Enlarges all organs and causes your thyroid to overproduce.
id suck that
6'' is a monser? and it took you over 100 years dude
If your test is bottomed out they will prescribe it to you. . . 24 year old with 40/300 test score
The same logic applies to eating well and getting enough sleep.
I've been on it for a year post injury and surgery. Just about to stop, it made recovery noticeably quicker and there's none of that gut bloating or acromegaly. That's fron taking massive doses for years.
Only downside i found is you sweat all the time. It also doesn't do much for muscle but then again i wasn't lifting for most of the year.
No, Human Growth Hormone (somatropin) is not some Alex Jones tier "supplement" bullshit. It's an extremely expensive prescription drug that is used medically to help boys with growth problems grow taller, and is used illegally by athletes because it can't be easily detected like a regular performance-enhancing drug. It's also used by rich and famous people to rejuvenate skin.
If I had the money to buy this stuff I'd definitely take it for a few months because the effects are permanent and you will definitely become more Chad-ish by taking this stuff (healthier, better skin, less bodyfat, more easy muscle growth)
HGH gave my bro slight mantits, he knows when he's old they'll eventually show more. He said he's never had a clearer mind than when he injected test 20 years ago. He had lots of health issues from doing roids at 17, but his whole life he's been a pussy destroyer.
Everyone living in the West should be using the following as a bare minimum to avoid hormonal damage from such an estrogenic environment:
>250mg testosterone weekly
>25mg proviron daily
>250IUs HCG every 4 days
>Aromasin (requirement varies a lot from person to person)
>5000IUs vitamin D3 daily
>50mg zinc picolinate daily
And if you have the money
>2IUs HGH daily (or 25mg of MK-677)
>oral only cycles
Also dbol is alright but after a couple blasts with it you're better off using anadrol. Var, mast and tren are good shit too.
>still believing this meme
Improper insulin dieting protocols are what cause this in bodybuilders and it usually isn't permanent. That said using insulin at all for hypertrophy if you aren't a competing bodybuilder is pretty fucking stupid.
He's a moron. HGH doesn't cause anything like that, except at enormous doses whereby you would get water retention and even then chest would be the last place to see that.
He got gynocomastia from roiding, nothing else. Using them at 17 is incredibly stupid, it can stunt your growth and i doubt he used anything like proper PCT and AI so probably developed breasts. If you resort to gear as a teenager it also means you have no resilience or commitment, so likelihood is he's one of the legion of idiots who uses gear, comes off and loses everything due to not being willing to work out natty. So he now had breasts with fat on top.
dbol is toxic for the liver, water retention may increase bp, elevates cholesterol, oh yeah and can give you bitch tits. There are way better things to take than dbol.
1. you cant afford it
2. you cant get it
3. even if 1 and 2 dont apply to you its not going to do what you think its going to by itself
4. if you want muscles just do test instead, it´s better for muscle building, easier to get, a lot cheaper and probably less dangerous. you just need a bigger needle to inject
5. if you want to be taller you need to take hgh very early in your life
Take Saw Palmetto and for a week.
Then Cum on a Hillary's photo and have a laugh.
Those pro body builders are taking 10 IU to 15 IU's a day or more. An average person would take 2 IU to 4 IU a day depending on why they are taking it and how the side effects are. The average user does not need to worry about a fat gut like that. What they should be careful about is if they have cancers as it can cause those to spread faster. You should have blood work done and make sure they were healthy before doing it. Real HGH is expensive and a young guy really doesn't need it. Regular steroids would do the job just fine.
If you do not have to inject it you are not taking real HGH. There is zero orally taken HGH. Don't waste your money on oral "HGH"
The last point is important
Once your growth plates are fused your height isn't going to increase very much
Now, I do wonder if you can have bones surgically broken while taking hgh, that may work.
He needs to watch what he is doing better. Have some post cycle therapy. It won't be the same but you shouldn't be completely fubar.
You are 15 years older and if you don't want to fuck your liver up you can do plenty of other things without all the side effects of dbol.
I think it is a spice from vietnam or some shit like that. It is probably on Amazon, try there.