Is interracial okay if done between nonwhites?
Is interracial okay if done between nonwhites?
Considering they group themselves as "people of color" now (i.e. anyone who isn't white), they can go fuck themselves.
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
*sips tea*
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>not all jews
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
no Japanese
Is it ok if a nigger rapes your boihole dumps poz potion in it?
Unironically no, as it helps bring about the (((new age))) of the rootless mongrel, regardless of who's iinvolved.
Wouldn't be a problem if white countries stayed pure and free of shitskins
Until africa outnumbers asians, yes.
I wouldn't want to live in a world where Jewish women couldn't get BBC.
>one-line writing prompt
>data mining and survey taking
>that one guy who's obsessed with race mixing
There is no worse combination than black and asian. The offspring is a striking abomination, with no one on Earth to relate with.
You have to kill the jews first if you want to get rid of shitskins.
You're not wrong, but shitskins interbreeding is a still point in the Jew's favor towards complete domination.
Also this.
White mixed with anything is worse than nigsian.
What about half white half Arabs like Steve Jobs senpai?
Why even care?
That's up to their races.
Even Better he's half Syrian Arab half German. This is why we need more Syrian refugees for Germany!
wow, v kawaii
who are they
>with no one on Earth to relate with.
how so?
You know Europeans are already, naturally a mix of 3 ancient races(North African Hunter-Gatherers, Iraqi/Syrian Farmers, and Caucasian bronze age invaders) already right?
You're just racist and/or jealous.
> American asking for degeneracy
People should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to. Let me repeat that. People should be free to do whatever the hell hey want to. They want to do it, LET THEM DO IT. They aren't stopping you!! You are stopping you. Freedom for everyone. Do whatever you want. It isn't complicated.
most repulsive webm i've ever watched in my life
no. just let people be, no more force breeding.
Why does it look disgusting when black people kiss?
I even noticed that as a child when i watched american movies with negro kissing scenes.
Who would they gravitate toward? Blacks? They would never let a Blasian forget he's not black. Asians? Yeah right, Tyrone Wong will draw a lot of stares on his way up the corporate ladder in Hong Kong. I don't think a lot of you guys have been face to face with a Blasian, it's a thing.
In that case
I would like to kill you
fucking fag
can i get some saus on that baus?
That would involve violating my rights.. Your rights should go as far as someone else's begin. Something tells me you aren't actually American. If you are you must be retarded. I am sorry. Your life is going to be hard.
As long as it isnt the Whites or Japanese racemixing
Interracial is ok so long as it isn't with a nigger
the japanese just feign coyness
they feign disgust
they feign existence
>Blacks? They would never let a Blasian forget he's not black.
then find better people to hang around with instead of ones who live in perpetual victimhood and label anyone an uncle tom if they actually rise up and gtfo their shitty ghetto culture
>Asians? Yeah right, Tyrone Wong will draw a lot of stares on his way up the corporate ladder in Hong Kong.
then use that as drive to push yourself in life.
What is this middle school mindset bullshit?
>he posts the giga
Not between japanese and
Chose better wording then
Dont make statements of absolute where no absolutes exist kike
Hey pussy! I heard you was calling me a nigger over the internet. Wha? Why you shaking now that you talking to me face to face?Wait! Is that urine on your-
Niggers breeding with anyone is NEVER okay. They need to be exterminated, completely.
If it's any other race, though, I don't care.
Sauce? Not even ashamed.
It isn't complicated. My point was very simple. You have every right to say or do whatever the fuck you want. It is sacred. Don't be a retard
At all costs should be avoided. I want a diverse planet of many races.
no, its not... everyone would eventually look like a deformed mud mutt with unrecognizable facial features
Is it even interracial if it is between non-white and an another non-white?
By technicality, yes, in practice, it depends.
No, blasians are even more ugly than coloureds