I know his wives were, and many of his associates.
I also know that he is accused of ‘anti-Semitic purges’ in that he had a lot of Jewish officials killed - but might that no be better explained by their being, by most reliable accounts, a heavy over-representation of Jews in the Bolshevik government?
No he was born to an ethnic Georgian (Orthodox) Christian family and his mother was deeply religiously Christian.
Nathaniel Bell
Yes, all who do not like you is are Jews
Aiden Cruz
according to...?
Jordan Bailey
how clever is!
Noah Hughes
he was goyim but married a jew and all of his handlers were jewish.
Lucas Howard
Stalin was not a jew but the vast majority of the Bolsheviks were. So he killed a lot of jew officials for the purpose of securing power, but also associated with a lot of jews. It was unavoidable.You could argue that he was hiding it, but there was no logical reason to do so considering the vast majority of people in power in the soviet system were openly jewish.