>Invites popular guest >Tries to teach her a lesson about his distorted and extremely anal definition of hate speech >Mutes her for saying harmless stuff >Talks down to and insults her >Deletes stream because "Emily has the memory of a fish brain" and he couldn't be bothered to edit out "hate speech" (it really wasn't, JF is just an autistic retard) for 5 hours
why does he look like a 45 year old? dude is not healthy
Henry Price
>french >cuck i am so surprised
Brayden Lopez
I really think the reason he took it down was because people were berating him in the chat, saying 'kick JF.'
I watched it live and rewatched it now. She's clearly being a good sport and yielding to his conditions, for over an hour and a half. It was only in the last few minutes when she said 'nuke' again that he muted her, and tried to make it out like she said 'the n word.'
Literally said 'we won't have to nuke africa' and that was too much.
Shame, this would've pulled a lot of views had it been let up.
Jacob Gutierrez
His optics cuckery is destroying his channel, mostly because it's becoming boring.
yeah man why doesn't he just let some edgelord get his livelihood completely deleted for saying gas all niggers while they talk about Trump or whatever.
it's only like he relies on youtube to feed his children haha :^) GAS NIGGERS LMAO
She didn't say any of that shit, how bout you watch the stream before you comment?
Ethan Nelson
sure, but she made it quite clear last week she doesn't give a shit that the show is going out live. when he muted her last week he was right to after what she said. now she's baiting him into muting her.
honestly if I was him I'd just cut ties with her here, she's funny but she's completely fucking retarded & oblivious to the reality of the youtube situation.
Kayden Richardson
>uhhh he muted my waifu, i hate him ughhhh
Jack Wood
she's responsible for giving him a strike already. that's the reason he's trigger happy with the mutes. also why would I watch a 5/10 regurgitating Jow Forums posts when I can just read them right here?
Justin Williams
You're a strawmanning, pathetic cunt. She's never said anything like that and during this stream she was being very careful with her words.
Ayden Reed
Wasn’t it always just a bunch of mediocre YouTubers who aren’t good enough to exist in their own right?
Ryan Perez
Emily needs to skip dealing with JF. Emily was humiliated and it was painful to watch. Complete bullshit.
Joshua Williams
Men>Women Women have no proper place in public discourse, and when we humour them it must put them on a short leash, always ready to banish them back to their kennels like Based JF.
Levi Sanchez
Just watch the stream dude. She completely abided by the rules.
Bentley Nguyen
Thanks for the upload
Jonathan King
She was so passive aggressive the entire time. Leave it to JF to bend over backwards with cuckoldry for that shit. Women ruin everything. Lauren, Emily, all of them.
Jose James
He's trying to save his channel from being banned by google. They're looking for a reason to ban it. But yes his a bit autistic.
Carter White
Emily is funny as fuck. If JF expected anything from an edgy cartoonist that's on him
Hudson Barnes
JF is such a fag. Won't move his podcast off youtube because of the shekels so he enforces political correctness above and beyond the call of duty with extreme prejudice. He's not even oppositionary to the current elite zeitgeist anymore.
Dominic Collins
Emily has always been outspoken on topics that are not PC. Just the way she is. She took a lot of shit without telling JF to fuck off. No way I would go back on his show.
Levi Gutierrez
Because we like hearing our own opinions coming from a woman, you ultra faggot.
Kevin Long
Asher Lopez
Jf has literally ALWAYS been like this and his justification for censoring/banning people is slightly passable to be completely honest. I usually find myself having a similar mindset to mistermetokur(as far as identifying the personality of online personalitys metokurs almost all 100% dead on) when it comes to most of these online political celebs and I think even metokurs recation to Jf getting more heavy with the hammer and censoring people was kind of like "ok I guess, I wouldnt do it but be careful" compared to his reaction to baked alaska who was an obvious faggot doing it for fame and some drug addicted pussy(aka no good reason) I find myself not being able to be too upset with JF and how hes been acting.
Christian Barnes
you can't say nigger on youtube
Eli Williams
>It was only in the last few minutes when she said 'nuke' again If he allowed that kind of language his channel would get deleted.
I watched some of it live and honestly Emily is just a bit annoying. She was larping and being passive aggressive and doesn't add anything beyond that. Honestly I think it's just best to avoid women when it comes to things like this. You can have them on once in a while but avoid any co-host situation.
JF should just focus on ideas. The Frame Game report is some of the best content I've seen on youtube and he should just avoid any edgelords that are trying to suck Jow Forums's dick.
Lincoln Sanchez
>fat cow Youcis gets channel in trouble on her first appearance >is warned about her behavior on her second appearance, continues anyway >third appearance is a stream DEDICATED to her shit behavior that endangers the channel >she STILL can't control herself Compare to >Dr Duke's first appearance >watches what he says and expresses concern for JF's channel WITHOUT BEING TOLD >continues this on his second appearance Emily Youcis is a fat pig with no intellectual worth and no worth as a female. She is an old hag with no husband or children and the only people that pay attention to her are teenage fat fetishists from Jow Forums. She knows she has no value, that is why she can't stop virtue signalling and breaking Youtube rules despite all the warnings and signs she is doing something wrong.
JF has done nothing wrong, and the disingenuous shills are lazy.
Kevin Hill
mister metokur does it every other day If jewtube censors you, move to another platform that isn't shit. JF is directly contributing to youtube, this hideous golem of a system monetarily, compromising his beliefs and restricting discourse to sterilised horsecrap. All for a little bit of money and advertisement.
Bentley Butler
She said "Now we don't have to"
That's not incitement.
Jose Perry
Duke streams were the cosiest hours I've had for 2 weeks
Luis Anderson
Go make your own show on an alternative platform and implement your ideas and make the superior show. Can't wait to watch.
Ryder James
not an argument, liberal
Kevin Jones
I gave you your timestamp btw. Thread closed beforehand. Gotta say you got balls putting your face out when I merely asked for a hand.
Anthony Bailey
>If he allowed that kind of language his channel would get deleted. She said "we won't even have to nuke Africa". Would that get JF banned?
She's not fat, she lost a lot of weight and looks great.
Is pic related you? You write the same way that retard in the other thread wrote about her, and he said this was him. If so, you're obviously an extremely ugly virgin incel who shouldn't be talking about other people's appearance. You look retarded and have huge nose. Laughing at your pathetic existence.
I'm not trying to fight you, I'm genuinely interested in seeing a successful pro-white program. If you have a formula for a successful program, why not implement it?
Kevin Flores
>his distorted and extremely anal definition of hate speech thats canada for you
Camden Adams
He has balls posting face man. I only asked for hand. I disagree with dude on how hot she is, and he couldn't land her, neither could I for that matter, but just in case it is him, here was my timestamp, thread died.
Aiden Garcia
The problem with banning/censoring people is that you surrender all intellectual and moral authority when you do so. Jf no longer has any integrity left to run a show. As he bans his audience, his audience will ban him. His show will go the way of the Kumite.
Isaac Ross
Europeans have big noses, Mohammad.
Isaiah Wright
This is tedious, she should just bring in a bible and quote the prophets who condemned Israel as well as anyone could.
David Ramirez
she literally said nuke africa at 1:29:35?
Adrian Cooper
>He has balls posting face man. I think he's just too dumb to realize how ugly he is.
Isaiah Lewis
Because I don't have the time, effort or interest in setting up such a thing. All JF would have to do is move his podcast to another platform that actually allows uninfringed discourse or even create his own, but he's compromising and settling for this dreary platform because he can monetise it and shill his book. I don't even think his audience would take much of a hit if he did move, as it is it's quite small and he subsists off of a small number of regular patrons, and he could draw from the same guest base either way.
Kayden Garcia
I'll admit she isn't that fat anymore, I'm just angry at her stupid fish brain.
Wyatt Fisher
Call it what you will, you saved pic. He essientially doxxed himself on pol. That takes balls. Respect to him. Unless you're a faggot, why do you care how attractive he is or isn't? Bravery matters more, all old men and women are ugly, we will all be ugly some day. So like I said, he got my respect at the very least.
Adrian Lewis
>Because I don't have the time, effort or interest in raising racial awareness JF very may well move to a different platform one day, but as long as he can operate on Youtube and the ideas aren't compromised, why not stay there?
Isaiah Ward
I suppose JF would make the argument that he doesn't want certain people in the audience and that he wants to shape how the audience interacts on the chat to improve the overall experience. Focusing on ideas instead of ad hominem attacks. I don't think he's against criticism just ad hominem arguments against himself and his guests.
I didn't watch all of it, so I can't really comment. But I think she caused a strike on his channel so I think he's a bit on edge. A comment like "we won't even have to nuke Africa" might very will be hate speech according to YT and many countries. I think that's silly of course but I understand that he wants to defend his channel and I focus on more serious arguments. Jow Forums humour also gets a bit silly when it's irl.
Jeremiah Murphy
>He essientially doxxed himself on pol. That takes balls Pretty stupid though.
Just when this french fuck is starting to interest me again, he goes and ruins it... I wanted to see Youcis on his show because she is actually somewhat entertaining, but after these last two shows, it's clear that Emily and JF will not work together. JF lacks the social skills to work with others, unfortunately. He seems to really get off on humiliating his "friends". The brain of a fish? lol get fucked JF. Why would anyone work with this guy after how he roasted Warski publicly on a number of occasions (and whether he was right or wrong in his criticisms is really beside the point), embarassed the fuck out of Lauren by white-knighting her constantly, and now straight up insulted Youcis publicly. Literally fuck this guy. He needs to go take a class on human interaction or something. It is not normal or healthy to treat people like this. No wonder some bitch up and left him while she was pregnant with his kid.
Robert Miller
I don't. But you're obviously white. Respect man. We look a little alike, I'm fatter and have a brown eyes, but I see no jew in you.
>Unless you're a faggot, why do you care how attractive he is or isn't? I care because he's called Emily a fat, ugly cow about 6 million times now. If he can dish it out he should also be able to take it. Plus, he's actually ugly for real, while she is good looking.
Liam Jones
Everyone here does. It's a fact.
Oliver Taylor
>the ideas aren't compromised >"W-wait you can't say that! ... Or that.... Or that.... Or that"
I said it doesn't matter. I don't think you're in her league, no, but neither am I. You're average. Bravery is more valuable than looks. Men are warriors not paintings.
Austin Price
I am gonna make this picture a meme here on Jow Forums. Will post it everywhere.
Landon Morris
Which idea was compromised? Go ahead and give me an example of an intellectual statement that JF has suppressed.
Owen Richardson
No, you should watch it.
She said we don't have to nuke africa.
Kayden Robinson
>the convo at 1:13:15 wtf is wrong with this mong? He'll never be accepted as mainstream so why does he try so hard to appease to it
Justin Sullivan
>Wahhh why doesn't he let my edgelord egirl waifu come on his channel and give guaranteed strikes when there are a bunch of autists on both sides trying to report for any reason at all
"Nuke Africa" and "JF is fat" are not intellectual statements.
Asher Ortiz
Why are you white knighting so hard? man's allowed an opinion, and he's on side. "Quit brother wars" unless he insults your waifu? Faggot doxxing our own is treason. Post your face if you're so attractive Sven.
Benjamin Davis
JF explained in the stream why this is not possible. Patreon, paypal, facebook, twitter, etc... will use any videos containing hate speech, regardless of where they are uploaded, as justifcation for removing him from all of these platforms, according to him. There's also Canadian law to be worried about. Free speech isn't a thing here when feelings are at stake. I'm not even defending him really, just sharing what he stated in his stream. For all I know, he's completely wrong about this.
Aiden Sanders
You again, roastie?
Jason Scott
>listening to pseudo-scientists arguing with semi-literate tradthots
Leo Nguyen
Who is it? Some circlejerk e-celeb for Jow Forumsfags, Trumpcucks and nazis?
Jace Robinson
Aiden Martinez
Why are you white knighting for this incel?
Samuel Jones
JF is great until he gets involved with women. Hes just too fucking thirsty for pussy. I mean you guys remember his "I think she has potential" bit about Erin on Warski Live? It was ridiculous.
Even the hint of pussy just drives JF insane. I like him otherwise, but he isn't stable when it comes to issues involving women.
Dominic Adams
I'm voluntarily celibate. Premarital sex is immoral and damaging to your biology.
Zachary Fisher
user, I'm not going to watch hours of someone cucking just to point out examples. The point is, if he eventually cucks to the point where he can't talk about anything right of conservative, there's no point in him even saying anything.
Fuck this passive aggressive roastie trying to fuck with his shit. She better improve her attitude next time he lets her on.
Ryan Gonzalez
>if he eventually cucks to the point where he can't talk about anything right of conservative If JF ever stops being pro-white, or censors pro-white views, I will be right alongside you disavowing him.
Owen Foster
Whatever, i like him. He has provided excellent content and debates with well indoctrinated marxists, vegans and pro-white/pro-european content. Not to mention his shitposting.
Of course, hs is really autistic and can be an asshole, but having a ''nice'' personality doesn't matter that much in intellectual sphere.
David Wood
I'm not. Doxxing our own serves what purpose? Shrinking our numbers and lowering influence? Call him an ugly SOB all you want, but actively trying to drag him through the streets is retarded. It's an over reaction. I disagree with him over women's attractiveness and if you go in the old thread you will see that, but bravery shouldn't be a punishable thing in the movement, lest you want legions of cowards and turncoats only caring about the next laugh. Sigh. You're gonna do it anyway. What ever be a fag. Don't be surprised when you get the noose on TDOTR though. Treason is a death sentence.
Jaxon Myers
And actually even though there is tension jf and Emily work well together.
Nathaniel Evans
also that red spot is probably fungus. You should do something about it.
David Sullivan
>Call him an ugly SOB all you want Please don't, I'm very sensitive.
Josiah Allen
Please gives URLs confirming them to be outwardly zionist
Jayden Phillips
He's using excessive caution because he's in this for money. These services are not necessary.
John Long
All of this discourse is retarded. We need to meme RGB to the grave and get a "far-right" supreme court. We can challenge the civil rights act and bring back freedom of association. Next, we form ethnostates in the US and bring in our brothers from europe.
This stuff is nothing more than entertainment in the meantime and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Charles Roberts
Quit being a faggot. Whatever, enjoy your infamy man. Respect though, you earned it.
Julian Bennett
>Meme RPG
Fuck yeah man
Elijah Turner
>His primary source of income is not necessary You, sir, are an idiot. The existence of his channel depends on him making enough money to live while maintaining it.
Julian Murphy
I'm just joking, I always get a laugh when I see someone saved a picture I posted of myself.
Zachary Scott
>Everyone - Zionist
Jack Lee
If he cut his hair and shaved his face those blue eyes would have girls wet in no time. Sorry man, your facial hair jist doesn't come in right. Get a hitler youth haircut and you're good to go.
Cooper Hernandez
>Doxxing our own serves what purpose? I'm not doxxing him, I'm simply reposting the picture he willingly posted on Jow Forums. And he's not one of our own. He's an MGTOW retard who hates women because they won't touch his ugly face. People like him are cancer.
We need women, especially in nationalist movements.
Jonathan Sanders
Most of them are, though. And as an extra, some of them are russophiles and latent commie cucks.
Mason Murphy
Relying on these services for income is a poor choice, then. That's on him.
Kayden Gomez
Give it time.
Jonathan Campbell
Make light of it all you want. Are you aware of how close this is to becoming a viable option? Get rid of the bottom left one and it's possible.
The Kumite didn't produce content, JF does. He's been making tons of good episodes since leaving the Warski Show, so even if he's a faggot with his ban and speech policy he's still producing something that will give him a bigger and bigger audience. Dunno why pol is so full of people who hate him, his content is extremely redpilled and has just been getting better. Are you spergs really expecting something more out of a semi-serious YouTuber? He tries to make a good show and not get deleted, the Youcis episodes were shit because of it, but everything else he's doing is great.
Robert Perry
He became popular because he was destroying a retard who had no idea about what just so happened to be JF's former field of study Listen to him talk about absolutely anything other than science and you'll soon realize he's just like any other Frenchie