Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Kochshow Edition


>Meme Collections

>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat)

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for hitler was a kike

>Perfidious Albion...

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Heimat? Schutz? Kagg Nardsis

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>still waiting for my Nachrichtenmaid...

They don't get the aesthetics right anymore...

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You could almost believe that the greens/ leftis are completely insane
But I think that's because they are connected via the internet with the American libtards and no longer realize that they live in Germany

You can tell that when they start talking about whites in Germany


Jamaica is a fitting name. CDU/FDP/GRÜNE in Schleswig-Holstein want to change a federal law via the Bundesrat to have refugees under 27 get the easier to get permit of stay made for foreigners under 21.

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Dear Eurobeans I am now presidend of de eurobean counsil :D:DDD
t. Kurz

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>refugees under 27
so everyone, since they are all 17 years old


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Es trinken die Matrosen, von allen Spirituosen, am liebsten Rum fallara, Rum fallara, Rum fallara.
Am liebsten Rum fallara, Rum aus Jamaika.

They are building an army

It is not hard to believe ... they ARE insane! No doubt about that. Every 'sane' person (even if they planned to destroy the German people for whatever reasons) would have by now adapted their strategy, if only to make it less obvious to the common Michel ... we are not dealing with some conspiracy masterminds here (at least not on the national political level), no, we are dealing with complete morons.

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When will this nightmare end?

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Ebin post! :D

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Not after Weimar 2.0 is in full swing ...

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spurdo is a miragle of the universe

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I believe that we really have to deal with it is a mass psychosis, the left idiology became a religion and this religion is now turning into an inqisition

Ösdereich-Ungarn wiederhergesdelld :DDD

Jungger gehängd :DDD

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Praise those bloody snow niggers for their autismo!! :DD

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... only good thing I see about this is that every proper religion will inevitably create its own schisms. Fun times for the Inquisition cleaning up the own ranks!

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>purifying spiral
The only question I ask is how many will die this time

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A temporary 100 meter sea level rise could solve a lot of problems

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Srsly considering moving out of the city within the next year. Gonna go back to my home village and work on building that Neo-Norican legion ...

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>Nuke the polar caps!!!

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>tfw my property turns into beach property over night and I sell it to Trump who builds new beach hotels on it

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stop voting for SPD, CDU, linke, grüne


>Boateng not retiring from the Mannschaft
>Merkel seen smiling after meeting with Cuckhofer

today is a bad day

Wasn't today supposed to be the day of decision on both the Union and the borders?

I guess next to nothing will happen, in both regards

boaKANG played atleast better than ozel and müller

also merkel impeachment when? cant this cunt just stop destroying this country

AfD are (((neo-con))) faggots that deserve the rope, start killing all faggots and niggers instead of supporting a system that is fucking you over.

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Ankündigungshofer will probably give her a new 2 week ultimatum, the real last and final ultimatum this time.

you don't start a car in gear 5

memehofer is a fucking joke

Merkels PR sidekick

>It is not hard to believe ... they ARE insane!
>t. guy who comes here daily and is a mental spastic

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AfD Bundesparteitag still live on Phoenix

>*decanting Chianti intensifies*

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kill yourself, neo nazi controlled opposition.




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>some sandnigger up the street is blasting his sandnigger afrotrap again and I can hear it here when my windows are open
I hate them so much it's not even funny anymore.
Luckily I'll move back to the countryside next year.

just be careful so that he doesn't feel stress or fear - ruins the meat
moin fren, frens!

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I'll be off soon, have some visitors coming. have to prepare salad with Schwarzwälder Schinken homegrown lettuce and tomatoes.
mfw have to feed loafers but enjoy cooking

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Behold - the Aryan Herrenmensch cowering before the mix tape, escaping to the countryside

>ruins the meat

Bloody Lithuanian madman!! Don't worry, I'll be gentle ... I am no savage after all! :D

President Rouhani is visiting Vienna ... Israel slightly buttmad, right after they praised Kurz as the new strong man in Europe. Funny to watch, eternal Austrian, real horrorshow!! :)

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Just go back to r/de with your weak bait Sören.

The duties of a patrician... ;)

Sounds yummy ... gonna be an 'Eastern European' salad based on mayonaise?
Anyway, good day then, be seeing you!

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Aw your last resort is to fantasize when being confronted with your inceldom :^/

there's no deal with Slovakia

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Neither with the Czech Republic nor Hungary.

Is this already part of the memetic campaign? I think it has quite a bit of potential ... nothing more juicy than irrevocably damaging the trust in the judiciary.

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Fucking based Slavshits


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no, I'm actually very much Mediterranean cuisine lover. extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, a tad of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper and herbs
ok, I'm off, bastards will be arriving momentarily

>tfw proud of our former Kronländer

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Prescience truly IS a curse...

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>extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, a tad of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper and herbs

Glorious! Godspeed!! :D

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Well it's utter shit so what do you expect

>mfw you actually read that garbage

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>mfw the Slavs we used to oppress are the ones who will save us

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Oh, I'd say it is a nicely crafted propaganda tool ... it tries to appear 'seriös'. Not the backers and/or narrative I'd prefer but as long as it keeps up its corrosive effect I am a happy man! :)

You see, stuff like in that article is an absolute PR disaster. You cannot sell that to the Michel in any positive light and keeping the lid on is pointless nowadays. I really do wonder what they are thinking ... a symptom of imminent system failure I'd say if you lose control of your information channels. Now all the shilling aside, running this weird strategy in such paranoid times (thx for all the disinformation, Kremlin!) only tells me that the decision makers are terribly outdated in their thinking.

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Their fucking egos will achieve escape velocity after that ...

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Mornin :---DDD

Fugg :DD:D:DD:D

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Oh sheeeeiiiit :DD

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Youre posting quite a lot today, boring sunday?

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Mostly, yeah. Would have stuff to do but seems I did sleep in a weird position last night and now my neck and shoulders are all stiff ... currently waiting for the muscle relaxant to kick in.

Gute Besserung then!

Do SPDler get the bullet too when the time is coming? They seem like the worst of all opportunists to me...

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Danke! I think the meds are working, can twist my head again ...

Yes, if somebody did deserve the rope it would be the Social Democrats ... both here and in Germany. With a Green I could at least have some understanding as they have a (however misguided) convicition they follow ... but these fucks?! Worst opportunists there are, every Soviet apparatschnik pales in comparison...

*lügenraute* btfo


reminder she had a freudian slip during HER recent speech, where she said she wanted to strengthen migration
it came eerily natural out of her

>mit der einschaltung spd wird das alles in ordnung kommen

cool story

You might want to know what the OP picture is about. It isn't just about SS cooking, oh no, it is the hikkyavenger. The picture depicts the creation of diarrhea glue which can be used to terrorize normies by covering their stuff with shit. Other avenger specials include hateballs and pissplate.

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>schluchtenscheisser just voted for Kurz
>literally hitler jr.

>we still stuck with this old boomer hag

wird zeit das boomer mal so langsam sterben (oder stimmrecht verlieren)

yes, you can't make this shit up


Why don't you prepare to do your part?

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It’s enraging how shameless this disgusting woman is.

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interesting read, feel sorry for the Serb woman

this is an original article on it but its paywalled

No no, of course you could'nt. How would you even? Claim it on the internet in an obscure Taiwanese carpet weaving board? Ha!

we are getting monitored

not that hard to find
you could even google how to find things on the intrnet

>Mein Gott, echt mal
Haha spastic

Should they imprison me, I could finally write my book. Either way, we win.

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LÜGENRAUTE administered a *demographic nuclear strike*

reminds me of this one

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>boomers die out
>15 million Kanacken get voting rights instead

game over

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I see we have similar plans ... ;)

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artsifartsifag here.
very nice

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I remember these

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Well our "Handelsbilanzüberschuss" is fantastic desu

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So the CSU Landtagsfraktion is said to be in for a conflict. Still have my doubts about any effects.

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