Israeli Dual Citizen Convicted Of Making Hundreds Of Hoax

I want the dates and locations of each fake bomb threat he made with the corresponding MSM/ADL coverage. Then I want a retraction from each newspaper and TV station.

Attached: hoaxbombthreats.png (1195x1012, 546K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1525395594760.jpg (904x1200, 296K)

nigger pay me


And you don't want to do it yourself? Sega.

i swear sega should have made toothpaste instead of electronic cus nigga you shining boiii

Who's the black guy escorting him

his imaginary friend

looks like the swastikas we drew in kindergarten but by the time we reached elementary everyone could draw a proper one.
How low IQ do you have to be to fuck a swastika up like this?

Attached: a3PQOv0[1].jpg (720x540, 58K)

The symbol is so powerful jews are scared to draw it properly.