Continued from last thread:
>Every country has its niggers, user.
What's yours?
>Help your local tourist by identifying the people he shouldn't relax around.
Continued from last thread:
>Every country has its niggers, user.
What's yours?
>Help your local tourist by identifying the people he shouldn't relax around.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pakis and Scots
Niggers, Native Americans, Native Europeans
As much as it shames me to say, but I think the (current) niggers of Ireland are the English.
We come over and go clubbing, acting like degenerates and making a scene,
Maybe it will change since Ireland seems to want to open its boarders up to the rest of the world.
Are you Paki by any chance?
No, Pakis and Pajeets are soibois and never step out of line.
arab moroccans are nigger tier, but the berbers are mostly ok, especially 3rd gen berbers, they are basicly dark haired dutch, albeit a foot shorter
How about Northern Ireland?
Niggers (even in small numbers they still let themselves known) and the odd Lebo/Arab
Abos aren't a bother
In Belgium it's exactly the opposite.
The more generations a Berber spawns in Belgium, the more nigger tier they get.
All the way down to ISIS tier, as a matter of fact.
It's like they're allergic to integration.