Do you guys have predator or pray eyes?

Do you guys have predator or pray eyes?

Take a pic

Attached: 8004D895-0BB3-44CA-96C1-37D46190AA92.jpg (461x648, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you have rape eyes

Get your iris database the hard way, fag

Came here to say this



It doesn't matter, because I have god eyes.

Attached: Sumerian idol blue eyes.jpg (1600x1200, 285K)

for what purpose are predator eyes when one is without a chin

You've got them "i don't know how to spell prey properly" eyes.

fuck off CIAniggers

This, CIA niggers BTFO

scleral show, its over for you

also strong limbal rings as an adult is good sign of middle eastern blood


Kek, I saw it just now.

Guess I was hyped about my autistic idea for a thread.

I’m usually down on Sunday’s.
Wanted to cheer myself up with 200+ replies.

You tell me

Attached: my eye.jpg (2880x1800, 411K)

what eyes do i have?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-01 at 11.10.33.png (829x277, 313K)

Go write up your “I fucked up report.”
Do better next time. Make it a challenge, bitch.

U got molested eyes


Do these look like the eyes of a merciful man to you?

Attached: Eweyes.jpg (400x300, 26K)

Attached: 9A4E0FF6-B020-4C02-A543-E3E4C537E894.jpg (576x1024, 104K)

>pray eyes

Attached: 1524862239603.jpg (500x500, 54K)

pretty close to mine

Attached: crazyhaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (620x668, 31K)

Prey eyes. But they have eyelashes better then most woman’s.
You tell me

I thought I was on /b/ for a sec. I'll contribute anyways.

How about these eyes?

Attached: 27bb464cfc267bb7ffd6f13f6d526db7cdbb74c309bgaf2e05ec4c2d8a939b5b.jpg (640x480, 72K)

Sanpaku master race. So fuck you, cianigger.
>pic unrelated, but definitely prey.

Attached: ghd56gijbdfg.png (460x146, 63K)

>what was that?
>there wolf
>there wolf. there castle

This. No retinal scans today, CIAniggers.

I pray everyday but i still got the xenomorph eyes under a piece of dorsal chitin, please help.

Well technically predator eyes are facing to the front so they can see what they are hunting, and prey eyes tend to be on the side of the head. So they can see a predator coming. So if you don´t have predator eyes as a human, well you must have some sort of weird condition.

Predator. Even black chicks have asked me why I look so mad all of the time.


No problem will upload to Samsung aka NSA.

glow in the dark thread

Thousand Dick Stare