This is NOT your grandfathers socialism

This is NOT your grandfathers socialism.

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Those teeth holy SHIT

First thing I thought too.
Another interesting thing is that she mentioned that the criticism that these nordic countries are more homegenous, but it is just brushed aside with "we have public education already" (which is also in a bad shape in most western countries and especially the states I think).

Anyway anyone remember when Venezuela was the new successful socialism?

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Every concept of socialism is shit.

I remember.

Most (or every?) country of the ex-Warsaw pact have old age pensions, "free" public education and healthcare, why didn't she mention that?

this whole socialism shit in the US in practice means making white people's stuff brown people's stuff.

We need to ruin her /pol

>A 56% discount Bernie Sanders
>But the socialism is DEMOCRATIC

Let her win then

How is it hard to find a job in USA? You speak English, you can find job anywhere in US.

Gross. Someone post her goblina feet.

They reference these nordic states, and how much money they have to put towards shit.
But they dont realise how little they have to spend on their defense budget because america fucking protects them.

Also, they are overrunn with mudslimes, and fuck the UK 24/7 surveillance systems
Democratic socialism can get instated over my fucking dead body.

democrathiccc thotalitm

God, she is a 10/10

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they also forgot to mention that all the nord states used to be preferentially WHITE and homogeneous before women and kikes got too infested into the system and started mass importing their slaves and hooligans.
Shit turns out social democracy only works when the majority of a population are willing to participate

she the best looking motel housekeeper in altoona pa

>Ocasio-Cortez's own story begins in the Bronx, the same borough that, along with parts of Queens, delivered for her on primary day. She was born and raised there, the daughter of working class Puerto Rican parents

Now you know she’s incompetent.

Why do brown people cling to fail social ideologies?

...yet. Vladimir Lenin invented the phrase Democtatic Socialism. It ALWAYS turns to authoritarianism at some point.

if she and others who want a socialist country just move to venuzuela instead of trying to ruin this country

Please, she was raised in Westchester county and went to a 90% white high school because she tested out of her district.

She ran fucking track and field for fuck's sake

Laziness, selfishness and greed.

>She ran fucking track and field for fuck's sake

What does that have to do with anything? Am I missing something?

>Speak English, find a job anywhere in US.
You actually have to speak Spanish to get jobs like that desu

Lmao these brainlets always need use white socialist nations very funny how they dont use their brown pets home nations as examples.


>But they dont realise how little they have to spend on their defense budget because america fucking protects them.

Murica benefits from the NATO alliance more than anyone.

They tend to be more collectivist on average, non-white people that is. Women like her will be the future of this country, for better or worse. This is the only type of socialism we need.

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>>begins in the Bronx

Yes, in a Parkchester planned community then Westchester suburb

>the daughter of working class Puerto Rican parents

Her dad was an architect not a dockworker.

They have to lie tho because the left is in so deep into identity politics that you can no longer argue from logic but only from identity. It doesn't matter what she thinks or what her background actually was, but she's brown and so is inherently morally superior.

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Bitch ran in the city and promised free college, free healthcare, and jobs for all. Of course the minorities there fell for it.

horse face

t. Mexican feet aficionado

AHHAHAH this bitch thinks that she can turn democrats into real socialists? Vote for democrats and you will get more free trade bullshit, more corporatism, more cheap immigrant labor and more faggot shit. None of these things are what working class wanted, this is why they turned out for Trump. These socialists can't deliver what they promise, ever.

very easy. If you have no skills and can pass a drug test you can get hired at $15 an hour. Working 40hrs plus a week and weekly bonuses. After 6 months you will get a raise and if you are not a total idiot you will probably get a promotion.
Granted this is a factory job and might not seem like a dream come true but it pays the bills.

looks like the retarded female version of the wojak

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I watched your video and shlomo needs to go.

Reminder that universal healthcare cannot function in the US. The cost of treating Diabetes Type 2 alone would engulf the entire Medicare budget.

>I lived there for a year...

Obviously dentistry is not covered in these socialist models.

>great recession

Was literally a year. Really hard to live through.

THIS is my grandfather's socialism

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>literal buckteeth
These are the people that make fun of poor rural whites...

Her hair is boring.
Her face is ugly.
Her teeth are gross.
10/10 would smash.

Fucking glad people are starting to see it. Atrazine laced water leading to “gender confusion” and state supported transitions for an exponentially growing population, would also completely fuck the budget.

>names Sweden first as an example of a nice country
>I lived in the UK for a year, definitely not totalitarian

These people need to be sued for criminal negligence

pls be my ai gf

Hahaha pure propagandist

shes completely disenfranchised the more liberal centre left for a radical progressive rhetoric.
>Donald trump is extreme right wing
for a people who talk a great deal of "soectrums" its funny watching them give up all these voters for obama tier gratifications nowadays.

*scrapes your dick*

I'm too emotionally mature to even understand whatever it is I just saw.
She says poverty is a racial problem in the same breath she says that social security program and other universal public welfare programs are proof that nordics aren't volkish.
Theses beings aren't sentient. They are like ants, except they are ruled by emotion and not instinct or reason.

She is just has dumb has she looks.

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>The United Kingdom
>Not Totalitarian

Pick one.

She is not dumb, but also not especially high in IQ I guess. She argued more reasonably, at least not on the surface and I can see how someone could think like this, but her arguments also fall apart the minute you look into them.
Base line is that northern countries are not comparable with the situation in the US.

Funniest thing is that democrats dream of open borders and a big welfare state.
No country will survive having both very long.

This was Killary's plan

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>take Bill Gates' entire 11.5 billion dollar salary
>divide it equally amongst 325 million people
>everyone gets $35 of healthcare for the entire year
>also let's import more people and give them benefits too
>but we have to make sure to strip away the rights of citizens so bigots can't fight progress :^)

Even if you took ALL the taxes the US takes in each year from income and payroll put it towards "Medicaid-for-All," it's still only enough to give $11,385 in healthcare to each person. Given how much required healthcare has skyrocketed insurance prices in the US, there's no way this would work out fine.

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This is NOT your grandfathers socialism.

``The growing hysteria of the administration's posture on Cambodia,'' declared Senator George McGovern, ``seems to me to reflect a determined refusal to consider what the fall of the existing government in Phnom Penh would actually mean. . . . We should be able to see that the kind of government which would succeed Lon Nol's forces would most likely be a government . . . run by some of the best-educated, most able intellectuals in Cambodia.''

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They belief facts and logic everywhere else except in this instance.

Are Americans so stupid they would believe that a party owned by billionaires is gonna suddenly become anti-capitalist?

Her father was an architect.
Blue Collar family my ass

This. Just do nothing and she'll crash and burn on her own

I can't believe this bitch is on Colbert after doing nothing and only winning a primary against "some white guy"

Her teeth actually make her kinda cute. Theyre unique.
It's also unique that she's a Latina and not a fat cow.
That said she's still too subhuman for white men and you know she loves white cock.

>How do you plan to get all your unicorn promises done?

Beautiful. She's coming for you drumpf.

That should tell you everything about her and (((who))) is shilling for her

She has to grow into her human suit

I guarantee that in 2 - 3 years' time, she will not have those huge teeth, they will have adjusted

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yup, hilldog in the WH and nothing but communists running as dems

She’s going to end up like Wendy Davis

Somebody just fucking execute this cunt.

gattdamm I have to scroll the video offscreen when it shows her face.

also heard this colbert show mexican say "i FEEL like" in the first 10 seconds. FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. #Shapiro4SCOTUS

>democratic socialism

Holy fuck man. Are they going full left.

It's social democrats not democratic socialism. ITS TOTALLY FUCKING DIFFERENT:

It's imperialism.
"no borders" = no political jurisdictions. Free movement of people = free movement of governments.

These people don't even have a basic understanding of political and military theory and history.
We emerged from the wilderness in a "world without borders". We immediately put up borders. Individual rights that liberals are always crying about are literal borders.

Humans love fucking borders, they freak out when they don't have them.

This "a world without borders" is thus not a rejection of borders, but a pure lust for world domination. "I want everything for ME!"

These girls are both free to give as much of their income as they want to the charity of their choice, and to rally up as many of their leftie retard friends to do the same. She can petition every leftie faggot in Hollywood to donate half their fortunes to ghettos.

But when you enforce it at gunpoint via the government, you need to be rolled up in a carpet and thrown off a bridge

>pull up youtube, take a look at how things are going in Sweden

Ozzie M

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I need a pol approved weimar republic documentary for a long drive. All links to previous pol suggestions on (((YouTube))) have been removed. Any suggestions??

Little miss Venezuela at it again.

>>pull up youtube, take a look at how things are going in Sweden
kek'ed at that too. Can't believe they recommended that. Although with the new YT censoring maybe that's safe for them to say now

but it is

>not authoritarian
>give me your money to pay for niggers or else

Americans fucking hate taxes. None of us want to be taxed at 60% like the Scandi countries

Yes, though in fairness the Democratic Socialists of America are a party within the party who could userp them via the ballot

The left are doubling down on their stupidity and this is a good thing!

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"Democratic socialism" is the most subversive Jewish newspeak term I have ever heard

she is insane, look at her eyes, total femcunt socialist nutjob

Muh poor people
>No person should be too poor to live

I genuinely don't understand this extreme socialist view in America. You live in fucking America. You live in a land where you can do whatever you want, you can start your own business and jobs are plenty. The ONLY people making other people poor are the Democrats. They pander to people who refuse to work and claim disability, giving them breadcrumbs to keep them alive and keep them voting.

America's the best land for financial opportunity and we have so many of these lazy socialists who genuinely believe they're being forced to be poor.

Also this. She has extreme crazy eyes.


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Perfect to nibble on the knob

And now it's happening in Europe too. You guys took in over a million welfare recipients. Basically enough to ensure your kids will never see the benefits when they're older. You can't believe the strain illegals put on a system. America could have navigated the entire galaxy by now without having to think about welfare.

The time is now. Democratic Socialists, unite.

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I'm not sure if I'm being autistic or what but those eyes I can't stop focusing on they look so fucking crazy
>that video
Hurrr we already have Niggers on welfare let's put everyone on more

The "poor" in America are among the wealthiest people in the world. Have a car? Have a fridge? Have A/C? Welcome to the top 10%. Most of them are able to indulge themselves in televisions, iPhones, and designer shoes on top of that - and ALL of them have access to infrastructure and "public" services that the rest of us pay for.

These people do not need welfare. They are inconceivably better off than the vast majority of Earth's population.

The difference is those countries started with nothing. They realize they can steal money from America for 100 years before it turns into a third world country. That's why they don't care. They can steal now, long enough to last into the future so they can put off having any responsibility for the majority of their lives.

Democrats ruling elite fucked themselves over in the similar fashion pre-Stalin commies did.

> Spend decades and millions of dollars organizing and empowering the fringe left ideologies
> Flood the country with immigrants from everywhere
> Shut down any attempt at controlling borders

Now, imagine you're a lefty and you have a choice to vote for either:
a) White old millionaire from democratic party
b) Literally a communist from your own ranks

The choice is very obvious - whether you're illegal, poor or struggling, socialist-minded you're likely to align with grass roots communist movement than with some old, rich fucks.

Dems have only themselves to blame. Great Job!

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>This is NOT your grandfathers socialism
Socialism is socialism
This is just more anti white propaganda

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