Why do you hate the baby boomers Jow Forums?
My grandparents were from the Silent generation, and my parents are generation X, so I never experienced this scourge named the baby boomers up close. Care to explain Your hatred Jow Forums?
Why do you hate the baby boomers Jow Forums?
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Because they are racists, warmongering, gun toting fascists.
social security crash imminent so I have no choice to pay in but never get out
No nigger. They were cucks that got us in debt. Fuck them
No, the boomers time is ending. We are through with hate and racism. We gen Z will make this world better with no borders and no hate.
its easy to explain
the social and economic conditions back then made it much more feasible and easy to have a good paying job, finding a good woman and having kids
boomers did that but they focussed to much on superficial stupid shit so they basically went on a wagecuck crusade to buy all the shit cable tv told them they needed, and all the stuff that makes you social trust worthy in boomer eyes
>a car
this is why boomers are so scammable, good looks and a sweet talk and they are caughting up the money!
anyway, in their blind persue of stupid shit they gave over the world to the jew
Why do redditards keep confusing the boomer meme and the 30 year old boomer meme?
now we live in a system depending on population for pensions and social security
some boomer blame younger people for not having kids, but they ignore it was very easy for them and that they created the conditions that make it very for us to do the same
but not all boomers all like that, many are "waking up" and smart up to the jew, to the point of leaving their money coushing comfort zone
anyway they will all die in 20 years and all the coushing cash will go down to a generation much more willing do something with it rather than sit on it
>they created the conditions that make it very difficult** for us to do the same
I cant wait till there are no borders or laws I'm gonna kill me so many brown people.
>the boomer reply
They had life much easier with better opportunities, but they don't know that.
Boomers that saved and pooled with nuclear/extended families and in-laws, for 40+ years, are fucking based.
t.guy lucky to be born in to this, currently living with 9 other siblings/cousins in a large family owned property, paying $150 a month in rent/household bills (while i earning $71k a year {tiny weed op owner and dispatch}) and continuing this family wealth accumulating system
they know it, they wont tell you because they are stupid stubborn people that believe that pride and "being right" is #1
it doesnt matter if you are correct or not, what matter is that you "win" the discussing by being more assertive
if you ever talk to boomers dont try to corner them, they are like a scared animal that knows it fucked up and know will attack you because it expects a beating from you, actually
let them come to you, let them open up and admit their shit, they want to
just dont go all moral crusader on them, or having temper tamtrums, boomers are animals that value "respect", it doesnt matter if you or I think thats stupid, you have to use it to your advantage when interacting with them
>B..b....but MAHHHH!!!!!
They were the first generation to truly reject wisdom.
>Fuck you, Dad! It's not a ponzi scheme, it's a mortgage backed security. They can't ALL fail at the same time, there's actual science to prove it!
Because they had the easiest life and called everyone younger than them lazy/entitled. Job hunting during the peak of the recession has when boomer hate locked into high gear.
Because everything is mom and dad's fault.
personally i think that whole boomer "respect" and "image" charade is fucking stupid
it only allows for weasels to scam their way up by dressing nice and talking nice
but they are stubborn so if they want to play like that you then let them feel in control
see this episode of the sopranos youtube.com
with old people all the matters is the "illusion of control", if you give that to boomers, they will respond
what does it mean when someone refers as 30 year old boomer? The irony that it's factually impossible? Does it mean that he has a good life as most of the boomers who cashed in?
It means that the 30 yo has the same values as boomers. They are racists pieces of shit that wants to keep shooting people and keeping people out from their drawn up lines on a map.
Without the drawn up lines you wouldn't have homogeneity. There are undeniable vast differences in culture between neighboring countries, between races that's even vaster. If migrants come and don't assimilate then you create friction which eventually erupts in civil wars, look at history. Borders are needed.
that 12 year old boomer
Fuck off you dumb nigger, I'm Gen Z and most of my Gen Z friends hate niggers.
>made an artform out of reselling and refinancing multiple houses through their lifetime, siphoning off as much of their children's inheritance as possible
>normalized divorce and family-wrecking
>chicken out of Vietnam and wear it like a badge of pride; proceed to send Gen X off to die in Iraq War
>embraced multi-culturalism and mass, extreme immigration policies
Trump is really, really good, but I don't know if he will be enough to redeem his awful generation.
>the boomer reply
>that 20 yo boomer reply
It's a meme based on some dumbfuck for your part of the world who posted about his "30 year old boomer" rommate, or something.
I think you’ve got it backwards there, buddy.
Fuck off, I'm 16. Most of my friends vote extreme Right-Wing lmao.
The mortgage backed security this is a key point. As I alluded to in my post, I think some of them followed the trend to get back at their parents for not believing in their zaney boomer business ideas.
>That non-white memeflag reply
Threadly reminder that only virile mulatto faggot and arab teenager summers use the 30 y/o boomers meme which is just another jewish D'n'C trick. 30 y/o boomer is codeword for white genocide.
its funny you sperg
No it isn't you non-white mulatto faggot. You're mistaking nobody giving a shit about you for acceptance. Fuck off, gay kid.
Not a Boomer but since there's no such thing as stability and security today trying for a zany business idea is more tempting. Either you become a wage slave who can be fired the next day for breathing wrong or you can own a business where you can't fire yourself and don't have to deal with people treating you badly or holding you back.
What makes more sense if you have an issue and the FDA is moving at a glacial pace: to try whatever you can to fix the issues or just wait in misery until you die just to be safe?