Literally nigger-tier culture, traditions, history and food

Literally nigger-tier culture, traditions, history and food
Highly overrated compared to the Germanics, Meds are olive eating trash
Fight me

Attached: italy-greece-vacation-zepfanman-intended-for-map-of-greece-and-italy-image.jpg (410x395, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Vaffanculo malaka

t. Italian dad/ Greek mum

>Germans fighting and not losing at anything

Is this the reason why you live in a Germanic nation, wogshit ?

Your trolling couldn't be made more obvious.

Attached: germins.png (1232x2974, 203K)

Bloodlines poisoned long ago by Arabs and Niggers. No coincidence that they're the two most economically destitute nations in Europe - lazy pleasure seekers

>a kraut
>trying to start a division
Go back at exposing Helga's ankles to your new germans!

Kys kraut-kike

Attached: 1523819218432.jpg (850x400, 81K)

>Fight me

Du bist behindert Ronny.

>shitskin blaming the Germans for everything
get fukt

Attached: 1519955766799.jpg (236x232, 10K)