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I-is this real?

discord gg/gDSGHDk

add a .

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Lmao. Don't your lefties chimp out about this?

Throw yourself off a roof before Ahmed does it for you

oy vey not coca-cola!
enjoy coke (R) goyim!

wtf i love pepsi now

That's just what the Jews want! That's where the foreskins go!


>I-is this real?


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Name one thing wrong with being a homosexual that is not homophobic drivel, bigoted nonsense, or heteronormative trash.

Bisexuals fuck gays and then spread aids to hetero

Lol who is this racist Arab?


Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

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salvini is too fucking good to be real
aren't you suspicious??

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>salvini is too fucking good to be real
>aren't you suspicious??
He's all talk

Italy has been so based lately, I love it

Fun fact: Salvini has met Trump

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You should hear some of the commies in the US talk about him. They were so complacent and self-confident after Geert lost and Le Pen lost and Brexit stalled out. Now they can't believe Italy elected another comedian!

>tfw you would never be Italian

A-At least I'm going to try to imitate them

Trump doesn't even remember him

Salvini is unironically /ourguy/, if he keeps it up we could end up with a fully European future after mass immigrant repatriations.
It's becoming acceptable among the people to say "fuck legal immigrants too", which is crazy since pseudo-conservative cunts always loved legal immigration.
I know he is acting like he is for legal immigration, but I don't believe him, he is hiding his powerlevel.

Stai zitto piddino di merda, ha fatto più lui in due settimane che Renzi in anni.

Name one thing right with being a homosexual that is not homophilic drivel, bigoted nonsense, or homonormative trash.

Or in Australian: "Poofters fuck off!"

I got a job with Renzi contract

Meanwhile he stopped two boats and then Guardia costiera Brought 1000 niggers

Who gives a shit what MIGA Don does or doesn't. Your country will collapse sooner or later anyway and we'll all be free again.

>Shut up piddino shit, he did more in two weeks than Renzi in years.

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That's literally how I imagine him

>what did KEK mean by this

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Still better than MIGA drones

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Learn when it's fit to greentext

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based leaf

Wtf I love Salvini now

baapata boopi?

thanks for the translation fren

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>Name one thing wrong with being a homosexual
That's missing the point.

ain't it the truth

sodomy is an abomination going against God and nature, it turns men into animals


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Checked Piddini btfo

wtf does not to be used as wombs for rent mean?

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>wtf does not to be used as wombs for rent mean?
Gays pay women to get pregnant and have a baby for them

Rent womb

No kids for faggots.


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This is wrong. Using women as wombs for rent (AKA surrogacy) is actually a means to improve white birth rates.

They carry gay DNA (the father)

Animals know better than that.

Che skifo la figa meglio il cazzo

Salvinis party is now the largest party in Italy newest IPSOS polls show.
They have doubled from 17% to 32% since the recent election, so this guy is doing something right.

So do the heterossexual parents of gay people

Another guy who thinks that popping out a child is all one needs to do.
What about the 18 years of spent raising children the right way? Who is supposed to do that work? A homosexual?


It's crazy, right? It's almost like if you don't preach the exact opposite of what everybody wants then you go up in the opinion polls!

:it is a mystery:

>So do the heterossexual parents of gay people
Yes but that's just a risk

A gay parent will 100% carry the gay Gene

What the fuck is this?

You need the bad uncle to do the dirty work. As soon the laws and rules are in place, they will kick them back to the curb.

the girls inside the vagina they have a micropenis

Do you you even know what btfo means?

The correct syntax would be "homos btfo by salvini"

Salvini blows the fuck out homos

Fack off pooftah

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First off I'm not talking just about homossexual couples using this surrogacy. Many heterossexual couples who are infertile for some reason or other are forced to travel to Russia or India or whatnot because of shitty western laws that don't allow commercial surrogacy. People who can't afford that should not be forced to be childless or to adopt children with sub-par genes.

Concerning homossexuals doing this, it's the same as when single people do it. It's not ideal but the situation of white birth rates is dire and we can't afford to be complacent. To be clear: *nothing* can replace a traditional family, but I'll never say that if it's not traditional then it's better for the child not be born at all.

Gayism isnt genetic, it's environmental.
There's some correlation between being gay and having a sexually active sibling, while in a low resource environment. It's practically supposed to be a mean to have less competition for resources between genetically similar individuals.

I'm pretty such gayness, though related to genes, is not quite mendelian like that

So you got a job with a """tempor indeterminato""" contract where your company can still fire you whenever they want and just pay a minor settlement to do so.

Great stuff.

We literally name hundreds of things all the time on here. You faggots just ignore them.

Isn't that normal? Most white people jobs here the contract says you can be fired for no reason at any time or you can leave for no reason at any time.

pdcucks BTFO by eternal digits

No it's not.
In Italy when a company hires you with a tempo indeterminato (undetermined time) contract they have to keep you for life unless you leave or there is an exceptional crisis and they do a mass layoff, which is rare and takes a ton of red tape.
This as opposed to a "tempo determinato" contract that can expire after as little as a month, but can be renewed a limited number of times before they have to turn it into an indeterminato.

Before Renzi's reform the only reason you could be fired from a tempo indeterminato position was for gross neglicence, not doing your job, etc., not because the company felt like it.

Renzi said he was going to "reduce precarious jobs" by eliminating a contract called contratto a progetto (project-based contract), which was another neoliberalist jewery that was easily abused as a never-ending tempo determinato.
What he did instead is turn EVERY SINGLE JOB into a precarious one, because now not even tempo indeterminato jobs are safe.

I don't care at all because I'm a software engineer and demand is high, if my company fired me I'd be happy to take couple thousand € settlement and just go somewhere else immediately.
But how is an unskilled factory worker supposed to start a family when he makes 800€/month and isn't even sure he'll still have his fucking job six months from now?

Looks like a kid drinking breast milk

>I'm pretty such gayness, though related to genes, is not quite mendelian like that
I'm not saying the kid will be gay

He will be a vector of gay genes tho

Do Italians see that as normal? That somewhat offends my sensibility of freedom to do be able to decide to do business with whoever you want whenever you want.

Obviously if it's a good business relationship then maybe both sides decide to keep a job for life without any need for laws or the government.

They are mentally ill.
Homosexuality was never declassified as a mental illness for scientific reasons.

He's retarded

He wants companies not to have freedom so that Luigi can be a stupid factory worker for life an pump out 6 kids without a plan

>I don't care at all because I'm a software engineer and demand is high, if my company fired me I'd be happy to take couple thousand € settlement and just go somewhere else immediately.
That's exactly what I am too,
So the complain about firing is nothing to me

>But how is an unskilled factory worker supposed to start a family when he makes 800€/month and isn't even sure he'll still have his fucking job six months from now?
Slaves are gonna slave, user.
Next life they'll win a scholarship at a uni and then get a real job.

wow shareblue destroyed

Yes, it's normal.
As a libertarian-leaning guy I kind of agree with you and I'm conflicted on this, because it limits your business ability AND can allow leeches to keep their job by doing just the bare minimum.
HOWEVER it also prevents a ton of social issues that are very expensive to fix.

Considering we have a birth rate of 1.4 and that's the left's main excuse for importing millions of brown subhumans yes, I'd rather like it if italians started having kids again.

derp, forgot my memeflag on



If you let poor whites have kids without a plan
They will depend on the state like niggers

And then they'll vote left, because the left is about nanny state

Salvini is growing on me.. this is based as fuck

Pay attention eurofags, Italy is outpacing America right now in return to glory.


He is being critical of business practices and is 100% correct about them using it as advertising at the expense of a stable and productive society that can replace its own population.

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A stable and productive society that replaces its own population is one that isn't so fixated on fixed income that it worries about whether it's OK or not to make babies.

Niggers and shit down't worry about that, regardless of whether they have free gibs or not. You're just supposed to go out and make babbies and if you're shit out of a job you move on to something else or open your own business or whatever. Maybe you need a little help from your fambly if things are tight. Grandma LOVES being free day care for the chilluns.

>1 post by this ID

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some kind of degenerate spanish/southamerican movie. there are tons of such clips on dailymotion, or so i heard.