Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do

bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do


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Considering they are all like pic related, I'll just blow lightly and watch them fall over.

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oh no! angry rich kids

>bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you
Start the helicopter

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Every time...

(((Opinion columist)))

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the gif is better.

Indeed that's the correct response to dirty commies.

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There's a gif of this? Where can I get it?


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The vast majority of Americans are against socialism. This is a good thing

Literally. They have no idea what it's like to go through any hardship, so they want to create a system that makes life terrible for everyone. Makes no fucking sense.

The silent majority. I guess?


kys commie scum


Jow Forums BTFO it’s time to turn in my trump cap.



The left hates nazis.

Literally promoting a socialist party.

Are they even trying to hide anymore?

no u


bribe them with food.

Projection at it's finest
Anyone else notice Schlomo is getting very nervous lately

Hopefully they'll be isolated to already blue states like California and New York. The electoral college has only proven the brilliance of the founding fathers when they wrote the Constitution.

dont be ridiculous, i would never support communism

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>split the democrat vote
>republicans win places they're not even competitive in

anybody see that wicked video of that antifa twat getting ktfo by some proudboy?

Isn't (((Goldberg))) the jewess that cried after getting blown out by JP and Stephen Fry?

I knew before I even clicked on the pic, it's pretty much become a trope now.

>some ugly 1/10 kike woman with an overpaid gig trying to demoralize non-jewish white people via shitty online blog

never seen this before ever

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Punch them in the face, seems like it was pretty effective in Portland

I'm renting 2 homes in the countryside for dirt cheap, fuck off cunt, I'm more or less doing the people there a favor

The Jew cries out in pain as it cracks your monitor screen

You are all FUCKED.

The future is a Social Score assigned to every person. This will be calculated using all data harvested on you from the net, government, bank account etc.

All wealth will then be redistributed according to social score. So you white racist bigots will have the majority of your wealth redistributed to poorer less fortunate individuals to give them a fair and just chance at life.

Good news is you can increase your social score by changing your close-minded attitude and contributing to society.

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worldwide spanish civil war/race war/ww2 when?

Most of us have jobs, more so now thanks to having Trump. Normies don't like activism or socialism. We've been watching quietly as the left has gone insane for 2 years pushing out moderates to make way for the NEW voters.

Someone said national SOCIALISTS ? yeah
where the jews at ?

also ((Goldberg))

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Oy, you got a loicense for that fantasy, luv?

I did, it was epic

I think it is

Nope. They have failed to take our guns and their agenda doesn’t work until they accomplish that.
And that will take a hell of a lot of bloodshed.

I don't know about you guys, but I find socialism to be highly offensive. If somebody comes out as a socialist, I would recoil in disgust the same way as if you admitted to being a 1940's German Nazi. Being a socialist means that you advocate oppression and tyranny.

>Socialists take over
>We'll be taking 50% of your income for programs and wealth redistribution!!
>"But I don't want to give you that much.."

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Is that a poster for special edition tide pods?

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Read about rent-seeking behavior, it pertains to (((bankers))), (((government lackeys)))...mostly (((them))). Not literal brainlet landlords.

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It's not exactly wrong. If you took rent seekers off of that and put usury on there it would be more realistic. While there are plenty of predatory land lords, there are good ones as well.

>traditional color of the commies is blood red
>american right likes the blood red
>therefore we will go with blue
>which was also the color of nobility in some countries

>traditionally commies were the underground battling a strong state
>now they control all media, journos, intellectuals, etc
>still claim they are being oppressed

what is even going on anymore


>standard british societal cuckold fantasy being posted again on Jow Forums

in case you have forgot, like most of the retarded left, that any kind of increased surveillance, AI, internet monitoring or whatever always seems to catch heaps more shitskins than anyone else. then the shitlibs complain that its racist or whatever, when they were the ones who wanted it in the first place.

just like police body cameras. the left could not be more fucking retarded.

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>abolish profit


Same in the uk, people are disenfranchised with the tories and labour are just insane communists. Ukip is gaining popularity.

There's NO ESCAPE.

Quantum computers with neural nets processing all information about you in real time. Your Social Score will be YOUR WORTH and your income will be garnished accordingly. Your guns won't save you in a digital information war.

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wont work, considering they probably eat pretty well already

Why? You are still on the risk if you own the property and the market tanks. You are providing flexibility to someone who doesn’t want to be locked into a house for at least 5yrs in the US in exchange for profit.

I don’t even know why I bother with shit like this on \pol, most live in moms basement anyways.

honestly if you're not doing rent-to-own youre as scum as every banker and e-commerce.

All socialists are violent primitive brainlets.

Vengo por un plan dental!

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>bodycam shows niggers acting like niggers

profit is a drag on the economy
t. economist

They are people who couldn’t compete in sports or life so they need the refs to rig the game for them.

Is there a more jewishly stereotypical last name than Goldberg?

but shes right..globalist socialism vs nationalism socialism vs boomers war/free trade ppl

mutts please explain why american jews are commies

even i as a jew can't understand it. is it something in your water ?

>All wealth will then be redistributed according to social score. So you white racist bigots will have the majority of your wealth redistributed
So what you're saying is: white people are undeniably the best at civilization and shit skins need endless gibs to come close to even?
Why have flying cars when we can have niggers destroying our countries, amirite?

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They forgot to add “National” behind socialists.

this has to be bait

>The widow is gathering nettles for her children's dinner; a perfumed seigneur, delicately lounging in the Oeil de Boeuf, hath an alchemy whereby he will extract the third nettle and call it rent. --Carlyle

When the state granted land titles to a fraction of the population, it gave that fraction devices with which to levy, and pocket, tolls on the fruits of the labor of others. Those without land privileges must either buy or rent those privileges from the people who received the grants or from their assignees. Thus the state titles enable large landowners to collect a transfer payment, or "free lunch" from the actual land users.

On Friday just two cables got cut, one in NY and one in North Carolina. It knocked out millions of Comcast customers from coast to coast for several hours.

Now what do you think is gonna happen when several thousand people are out cutting tens of thousands of cables, none of them guarded?

Can't even get a God damn check on these digits, fucking waste.

no, i really don't understand
in Israel we have bleeding heart commies but they are a very tiny minority

without the curse of israel at their feet they cease to be the blood thirsty ethno-fascists that ring the bell of doomsday and second coming

Imagine being so retarded that you’d post a meme like this. Can you even tell me what a crypto-plutocrat is without asking your gender studies professor? Do you just mean businessmen? How exactly have they stolen our land and resources?

Only way this could be better is if it were a pyramid

>and the nlmarket tanks
"The rent wont go down" is the safest fucking bet you could possibly make in modern society.
Who gives a shit about the value of the house? Pulling monthly income from the property lets you sit on it until the market recovers

sounds fun when do we start to actually fight ?

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thank you, science man.

let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the...

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If only half of all Jow Forums-lacks actually contributed to society.

This is bullshit. Once the corrupt media has been toppled they’ll be no more of these fake political groups attempting to combat other fake political groups

What happens when niggers end up poorer because they’re all scum and have really low social scores?

>The market can stay irrational a lot longer than you can stay liquid.
I’m sure all of the RE investors from 2008 are whole right now still collecting their rent check with a rebounded property value.

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t. Retard

And their logo looks like half a Tide pod.

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lol this is the retard who lost the debate against peterson. the blue wave isnt happening. cortez in ny wont last 6 months.

with state granted land titles

land /= capital it is a separate and unique factor of production and should be held in commons

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of homeownership as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity.

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>Mixed proto khazar calls Americans mutts
Wew, you people were the original mutt.

Western Jews work at the behest of Israel as well Schlomo. Your government keeps you in the dark about it and even most of the leftist commie Jew activists are left in the dark about the real goal of this support. Leftist western Jews are being used to torpedo western countries through communist subversion in order to make them into dangerous shitholes, preferably full of muzzies and anti semities. You can see the fruits of this effort in France, where Jews are fleeing the country for Israel because of all the muzzies. The goal is to end the diaspora and force all the Jews to immigrate to Israel.


The American Left will start it...Q made it u..predicted it

Well theyre right about one thing:

If we do become communists we wont need ICE to keep people out.

Happened after Rodney King, already.

> King gets BTFO
> Jessie Jackson demands police install dashcams and body cams
> Footage of nigger chimpouts outweigh footage of white people jaywalking 1000:1
> so much footage it overflows into cable tv (what people used in the 90s before Al Gore "invented" the internet)
> Cops series is created from the clips
> Jessie Jackson sues to remove all dashcams and body cams
> Eric Brown gets BTFO

It just keeps repeating.

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lmao this pic. absolutely humiliated.

in the meantime, the left things they are insulting us with stuff like this.

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Millenials wanted us to remain part of the EU too, we still got Brexit.

Seems rather extreme just to have a bunch of commies immigrating to Israel. I'm not sure how exactly these s o y jews will be useful to our country. I certainly don't want them here (i'll be happy if Trump deports them to mexico btw)