How did you get to Jow Forums & your current political views?

>Identify as Libertarian Socialist, big fan of Chomsky
>Hear about /le dank maymays/, hear about /le4chan/
>Start browsing /b/, thinking myself bad ass, ardently respect rules 1 and 2 for no real good reason
>Appreciate what Obama's doing, support Keynesian economics, associate all Republicans with neoconservativism and evil
>start browsing /new/
>initial Red Pill on Israel, Jewish control of media
>Doesn't wholly impact my political views, but gradually question the power of the Fed, and begin moving rightward but still Libertarian
>moot shuts down /new/, return to /b/ to start browsing /tv/
>moot establishes Jow Forums, 2012 election starts rolling around
>Jow Forums becomes my home base, though I'll always miss /new/
>unironically Ron Paul 2012, do it both for the maymays and that he's outside of the establishment
>Romney and the establishment rob Ron Paul of any credit, don't even acknowledge his supporters in the 2012 convention
>Despise Mitt Romney at this point (still do)
>Vote for Gary Johnson because I know my state will go blue, but much prefer Obama to win and am thankful that he does
>Immigration debate starts in Congress
>Even as a Leftie, I always felt like the immigration thing was absurd, why the fuck do we let in so many illegal immigrants, neither party really enforces border, (((they))) push for it because muh Social Security and muh lack of babies
>As the Left and post-2012 Republicans start pushing Immigration Reform, start hating both sides equally
>Pretty black pilled at this point, neither side represents my interests
>Still associate more with Democrats, only because I still despise Neocons for Iraq War and nominating McTumor and Romney, both of whom I despised
>2015, before Trump announces, support Rand Paul as a continuation of my Ron Paul 2012 support, someone critical of the establishment and foreign intervention
>Never really knew or cared for Donald Trump, Trump announces candidacy with Mexicans are rapist speech
>rest is history

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Other urls found in this thread:

bumping, inb4 boomer memes

how did the rest of you get to the present point?


Was anyone else a Democrat or at least Democrat-friendly up until Trump started running?

I probably would first vote Libertarian, then Democrat, and lastly Neocon/RINO.

Trump was the first Republican I could proudly vote for. I still hate Neocons


this thread is deader than dead

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Dude, c'mon, just stop

Stop coming to our country

>a long time ago /b/ went to shit and I thought this would be a better place to spend my time

>socialist/borderline commie in high school
>Civic nationalism
>National Socialist

>how did you get to Jow Forums
Started posting on Jow Forums back in 2005, /b/ exclusively. Started posting on /new/ a while later, I don't remember when exactly. Then /b/ went to shit, and since Jow Forums was created I've spent half my time here because it feels like old /b/, and /tv/ or /v/ the other half.
>your current political views
Center-right, used to vote Ron Paul, now I just vote Republican party. Not because I like the republican establishment mind you, but because I hate nothing more than progressives, and socialists, and communists, and open borders, and globalism, and diversity, etc.

>friend told me there was a site where people had the similar political beliefs and loved uncle Adolf as much as I do
Still here years later, although I think you're a but too much leftist for me. (eg. civic nationalism)

I fucked a CIA nigger in his ass and when he farted my cum back out it spelled "spend lots of time on Jow Forums; GTKRWN"
So yeah, pretty much been here ever since XD

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I’ve since then grown to 14 but not 88. Hitler fucked white people out of positive association with nationalism for 3 generations and we’re only now climbing back to feeling comfortable expressing our sovereignty

I can only vote Republican if I know they align with Trump and will take pro nationalist positions. Fuck the Flakes, Romneys, and McTumors

>Hitler fucked white people out of positive association with nationalism for 3 generations
Yeah, he did. But he also opened the box of naming the jew, and with globalization they'll have no where left to run and hide.

After Israel set off their 9/11 False Flag.

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Nigga please. People were naming the Jew long before Hitler and you know it. All those times in history that they were chased out had nothing to do with Hitler

2014 with the mike brown happening. I came to Jow Forums and realized I agree with everything. Jewish media, niggers, illegals, etc. I guess I'm here forever.

When I arrived here in 2012 I was already jewwise, knew about the debt-based money system, the muslim threat and mass immigration and everything related to these. I was and still am glad to have found fellow people from all over the world.

I started coming here from /x/ for the conspiracy theories. Got Jew woke from here and never left.

>I fucked a CIA nigger in his ass and when he farted my cum back out it spelled "spend lots of time on Jow Forums; GTKRWN"
I call bullshit on this, as everybody knows that the CIAniggers are women.

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Don't fall too hard for far right memes and ideas, I had a similar journey but I also started frequenting /lit/ and /his/ reading books from both aisles of the political spectrum. I moved on to also lurk and post on /leftypol/.
Jow Forums is a nice pit of reactionary autism but it's also a recruitment ground of right wing extremism before you know it you actually are in favour unironically for another ethno nationalist fascistic regime and see the death and suffering as a necessary evil for going to the utopian dream of an ethnostate.
The Jewish problem can be understood in terms that are compatible with contemporary politics, relying on faulty generalizations, dog whistles and using it as a sort of deus ex machina for the creation of an ethnostate isn't proper.

I think I got here in 2012, from /x/. I kept getting told to take my shit to Jow Forums, so I decided to check it out and realized it was a much better board for me.

I’ve been here long enough to distinguish the forest from the trees. I’m not a stormfag but the Jewish problem is serious, contributing to the eternal Kraut opening the doors to Muslim hordes and American RINOs and lefties allowing Hispanics to come here for decades. Trump is the only solution to this cancer (and his comparables in Europe)

Left when old/b/ was sold out to the fbi and they flood the board with their psyops

Got bored in 2015 and found Jow Forums, which was the only place reflecting my views.

I became a liberal nationalist and capitalist after travelling the world for 2,5 years, seeing how programmed and ignorant most people are

>Be me, recent college entrant for engineering
>"Democratic" Socialist
>Opinions were originally developed over years and sort of in the background of my mind regarding politics
>Grandma had her welfarebux taken from her when I was like 8 and I thought that was bullshit so I became a hardcore leftist over the next 10 years
>Finally get to university and start speaking with people about these ideas
>Find out that I can't exactly defend many of my positions with my own critical thinking as I would always come up short
>Enter into a period of political study that didn't pause until about a year ago now
>During that time, drop acid and watch Black Pigeon Speaks videos about the immigration crisis
>This breaks the leftist psychological bulwark against wrong think and I am forever changed inwardly
>Stop studying leftist garbage and take a centrist libertarian position
>Start frequenting Jow Forums just before the Trump election
>Move through several ideologies as my search for political conversational strength transmutes into a search for the truth
>Centrist Libertarian to Conservative to Neo Conservative to Fascist to Monarchist
>Midway through move into Monarchist (to answer the question of "Who comes next" in fascism) a friend contacts me and lays out briefly the tenants of "Hoppean Libertarianism"
>No clue what this is, but it allows me to channel all the rage I'd learned from this journey into the red pill in a similar way
>Still get to expel undesirables but also don't have to worry about who takes control over the State
>Devour material on the subject and descend deeply into ethical argumentation like I'd never encountered before
>Come out of it Right-Libertarian/Anarcho Capitalist
>Not satisfied with my understanding of the material as it has bases in philosophical argumentation
>Start studying philosophy
>Worked my way to Kant now, on the careful but fast track to Jung to then start a theology journey

My search for the truth has seemingly only just begun.

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Also I graduated with a mathematics bachelors about a month and a half ago now. I found out I was really good at pure math so I dropped the engineering focus to get something a bit more malleable on the market.

Don’t worry about the labels so much man. Just read and for your own opinions.

Kant is my nigga, good on you for coming to terms with him. Utilitarian fucking shits

I only use the labels as a useful marker for my "progress" through ideological camps. I do not consider my current beliefs to be an ideology, given that they are based in a priori argumentation deriving a property ethic that does not otherwise impose governmental or political structure. It defines what is or isn't right based off of an understanding of property ethic.
Regardless, the labels are useful, and when I was beginning my journey I was definitely prone to ideology. I was as nihilistic as they come, so replacing my value structure with something contrived like Fascism and Communism was very easy for me, and to that end alone I would say that the labels are definitely important. Which ideologies take hold of your mind as you develop are very important context to the positions you will hold in the future.
And yeah fuck the utilitarians. Idealism or bust

> People were naming the Jew long before Hitler and you know it
I agree, but on a world wide scale, all at the same time? Yes, people were calling the jews, but he was to first to leverage his message with technology. There's a reason why he's the 'face' of anti-kikery today. No one really knows about the others.

memes bought me here.

>be 16 in 2010
>be edgy liberal atheists
>loved the amazing atheist and TYT
>heard that Jow Forums was the place were all the internet bad boys hung out
>spent time on /b/ until it got stale
>also liked politics so decided to go to Jow Forums where I thought I would discuss leftism with my fellow edgy nihilists
>seven years later and I have traveled the libertarian to nazi to monarchist route

And why’d you stay?

>HS Christian monarchist
>College non-political nihilism, atheism, drugs
>Stumble across link to TDS a couple years ago
>Everything comes back, the holohoax, love for Hitler, etc.
>Start browsing Jow Forums
>Read Plato, Weininger, Feder, Evola, most the meme booklists, etc
>Developing worldview now and writing book on it as new heuristic for interpreting metaphysics, history, politics, etc
>COnfirmed tradfag

Go glow in the dark, fucking cat poster.

i came here when /b/ went to shit

Came over from Jow Forums after Sandy Hook. I've always been pro-gun and always voted, so it seemed natural. This place really turn me hard right.

Impressive. How old are you?

25 don't doxx me schlomo

>Be young
>Be Marxist
>Realise that it can't be as simple as Marxism suggests it is
>Realise Feminism and Islamism are mutualy contradictory
>Keep deconstructing ideologies until I end up Fascist

More or less.

I was. Swallowed a few redpill and here I'am.

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Shilled my comics about ebola chan.
Got old pretty fast and you fags weren't gibbing me patreonbucks for my hardwork.
Nowadays I shill some lgbt shit on insta and tumblr and let me tell you. The faggots there are much easier to fool and gibs me more money than I imagined. I have Jow Forums to thank for teaching me the ways of the rainbows.

Occassionally I still post here with Confederate flag and snitching on some raid threads to some leftist news rags (I get paid).


Shareblue hired me to fuck with you bigots

It's really the only bastion of the "old" internet. I can say and do anything I want here and Jow Forums and the people here are my kinda people. Whether it's being racist against niggers and gooks, trolling faggots or just playing games and watching anime, Jow Forums has it all. It's not as /comfy/ anywhere else and I don't have to worry about someone seeing something I say and reporting me for it. I don't even use social media anymore, it's better here.

Couple of years ago people on Reddit kept telling me to "go back to /pol because I tried to argue with them about SJWs and shit. Now I'm here and I have no clue how to get out before I turn into a nazi.

I can feel the change already happening I'm scared guys.

lol I remember you ya fuckin faggot

>libertarian socialist
>I like freedom to choose from small government except I also want big government to control everything for me
Do faggots just put these words together because they sound nice? Completely opposite ideologies.

I call bs. In the end he gave them the great shoa to milk until the sun dies. Haven't Hitler targeted (((them))) like that, we would still be kicking kikes out of our countries to this day.

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You’re here forever mate, just don’t be a faggot while you’re at it

What's there to be scared of? You just need to take the final redpill. Stop being a "nazi", you aren't a nazi. You're actually a perfectly rational human being.

I agree with you. I was a fucking fool. I even emailed Chomsky once to explain the cognitive dissonance between the two terms and he emailed me back with a long response explaining his views, but I felt that it was bs. Really couldn’t consolidate the two anymore. All it really means in real life is small scale socialist communes, but they can’t be larger than a few thousand people before people don’t know one another well enough and it falls apart

>redpilled about Nazis, holocaust etc since middle school
>start browsing Jow Forums in high school
>enjoy the hitler threads on /b/
>when moot makes Jow Forums move there to enjoy hitler threads
>slowly watch the board I love be destroyed by redditors
>Now I'm drifting more and more towards libertariansism

Kinda the opposite of most people's ideological journey.

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>good boy high school liberal
>come for the hilarity of the Hal Turner raids
>stick around lurking /b/, /v/, /tv/
>hate /news/ for being stormfront colony
>fast forward many years later to the start of the Syrian Civil War
>interest in the horror intensifies after the shitshow that was Libya
>notice inconsistencies in reporting on the war, deliberate lies, cover ups, demonization of Syria
>end up lurking /sg/ threads on Jow Forums somehow
>rapidly get red pilled via osmosis

Gamergate probably helped quite a bit. It broke my conditioning to take the media as 100% word of God truth.

Heavy liberal and then I worked at a supermarket during college. You learn a lot about an animal by how they feed. That job was my first red pill.

>Haven't Hitler targeted (((them))) like that
Losing was his mistake. Jews were targeted for expulsion dozens of times, but there were no consequences because the nation that did so kept the status quo. As far as jewland is concerned, it's a literal concentration camp. Sooner rather than later, jews will fuck themselves again.

shoah is no longer milkable and they know it. notice how often they bring it up now and call everyone hitler? they're quadrupling-down on it daily and it's becoming powerless faster than that.

I was a shabbos goy my whole life now I think they need to be shot out of a cannon into the sun along with niggers and arabs. Simultaneously, not last.

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I started coming to Jow Forums around 2010. It was fun to argue with libertarians and chemtrail conspiracy theorists.

I was and still am a member of the Peace and Freedom Party (3rd party mostly in California). It encapsulates my views well: >The Peace and Freedom Party is committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality.

>neo con civic nationalist, browses /b/ and /a/
>poster mentions Jow Forums
>lurk Jow Forums
>gradual red pill on jews/nogs/feminists
>too late to go back

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Why are you here? Do you just lurk /leftypol/ and tag team with /Obamaleaf/?

jews went after my vidya

>hardcore conservative in grade school
>stumble unto Jow Forums in 2004
>post on /b/ (wew what a wild west that was)
>somehow migrate to Jow Forums
>take break
>become leftist in college
>come back (you're here forever)
>become centrist
>become civnat
>become NatSoc
>now somewhere between the two

>Apolitical, generally trustworthy of government, corporations, media
>Average optimistic and unquestioning person
>Begin developing an interest in politics
>Become a libertarian after a debate about gun rights with a friend
>Begin reading about libertarianism
>2014, 2015
>Begin transitioning towards minarchism and then anarcho-capitalism
>Full-on Rothbardian, #smashthestate, private property rights (even though I didn't own any), gun rights (even though I didn't own any)
>Also massive degenerate, addicted to porn and masturbation, moral relativism and muh freedumb
>Transition towards Hoppean right-libertarianism
>Begin developing an interest in white nationalism and social conservatism
>Embrace the autistic neoreactionary idea of decentralized privatized corporate-managed right-wing traditionalist city-states
>Begin supporting Trump and begin appreciating nationalism from a new perspective
>Begin questioning why I was a libertarian in the first place
>Begin thinking about my own views and how my libertarianism was shaped by my hedonistic young mindset
>Begin exploring other political philosophies, conservatism and nationalism
>Read the classics, develop a new appreciation for ordered liberty and virtue ethics
>Realize my private authoritarian state is no different from a public authoritarian state and abandon libertarianism
>Believes in the principle of the strong and free and prosperous nation-state
>Believes in the natural law and in the need to strive for virtue and avoid vice
>Believes that a free society (democracy, free market) requires an authoritarian foundation (morality, hierarchy, authority)
>Believes in the importance of private property as a means of bestowing responsibility and rewarding it with wealth
>Believes in the pursuit of the good, the true, and the beautiful in all things

Some good responses ITT

Why are you overusing "

>hear about those evil racist nazis on pol
>go to kick their ass
>get my ass handed to me on a silver platter
>become one of those evil racist nazis on pol

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